BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Look at my comment about fake teeth, you would be surprised by how good surgeons and dental techs could do, but a bunch of patients waltz in and tell you how you should do your job. They literally demand things that look horrifying to be "extra". They treat medical procedures like it's shopping, where the customer is always right.
Now of course doctors with some spine and integrity will try to explain to them it's not the right way, but many just refuse to listen and doctor shop until they find one that does it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

I work in dentistry and the same goes there. People DEMAND incredibly fake-looking teeth instead of natural ones that you wouldn't even be able to guess weren't real. Yes, we can give you ones that are nice and functional, but also look real.
But they all go by "if I go through this and get them done and pay, then make me look like a Hollywood star". Screw subtle, screw perfectly imperfect, screw getting things that fit your character and work with your other features. They want toilet-porcelain-white, huge, perfectly even, perfectly shaped ones that scream fake, because nobody ever has teeth like that, not even people who have great teeth.

BulbasaurusThe7th 41 points ago +44 / -3

Do you think it didn't happen before feminism? Hot women were always treated best.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

I just love how liberals force you to air your private affairs online. Like they reward you oversharing and fucking your own privacy in the ass.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Jesus, the Italian one is an actually good song. What?? I really do like it, man. I don't watch this specifically because it's 99% annoying songs I can't stand by freakshow people, like the fat Israeli woman in a weird dress and the transvestite AIDS pervert.

Also, have any of you watched the Malta song's music video? Hambeast molesting a fit model dude who looks like he wants to die.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Oh, one more case of some braindead meathead athlete got away with shit. And we are surprised why they all do coke and beat up the underage fangirls they fuck on a regular basis after attending dog fights?
THIS is it.

No, I don't agree with dystopian coof rules.
But I also disagree with them going for you and me, but not for some ghettotastic sportsballer who thinks the epitome of taste is putting your siliconed ex-stripper in a gold Ferrari.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Autogynephilia called. What is the point where an adult can't blame their parents anymore? Like behind every serial killer there is some trauma. So? Now it's all cool, because MOTHER? Fuck no.
By that logic, we could probably find some excuse for every crazy feminazi as well. Someone mistreated them. Someone was horrible.

But also like, it really does sound like you want revenge. Like feminists said something horrible that is absolutely unacceptable? PFFFFT, it should happen to all women.
It doesn't make it right, it makes it equally fucked.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because dudes in dresses who claim they want a society where they can rape women kept on "breeding farms" are a much better side to pick. The ones who want to neuter young children so they can grow up being "hot trans girls". Clearly. Yeah, mate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0
  • Yes, yes, it's a mega fat. I would never want to live around that crazy.
  • It's not a room. It's a corner. You don't even have proper walls. You don't have a door. Which means both that you can't lock yourself away from all the others, but also, I don't trust commie hos with not touching others' stuff. Good luck having your shit sold for dildo and drug money.
  • They have a big dog. Why do crazy women always get these big ass dogs? I absolute adore dogs, so it upsets me these chaotic places with insane people always have pets. Prostitutes bring johns into that house. No place for kids or animals when perverts come and go and because they pay, they will NEVER actually respect the house or the other inhabitants.
  • Prostitutes. It's nasty, loud, busy, dirty and absolutely not a safe and peaceful home. I wouldn't want to live in a house that's also a business. Much less it's 3 separate businesses. Much less it's 3 separate whoring businesses.

300 dollars PLUS at least another 100. For no privacy, constant coming and going of strangers, fucking nasty ass facilities (used by johns and prostitutes, imagine that bathroom), a huge dog that I am sure is not properly trained and raised.
Tell me just one thing why anyone should even just kinda consider this place.

BulbasaurusThe7th 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah right, because Muslims always find some excuse that they are murdering everyone because of reasons. Fuck off. They do the exact same thing in Africa, in Western countries, in India, hell, the moment Japan allowed in some Muslims they started raping.
At this point I am over pretending that they are just bloodthirsty maniacs because of someone else. They do the same everywhere, so maybe the problem kinda lies with them??

BulbasaurusThe7th 46 points ago +46 / -0

Nobody should listen to teenagers. They have nothing new to say, they are just going through the retard stages. It's a huge flaw in our current society that people take teenagers seriously when they hold no responsibility.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +6 / -1

Then again, if we have two groups of backstabbing cunts, I will hate the one that at least doesn't shit on the streets and spit on you if you walk by them or try to outright rape/murder you for just being there a bit less.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +8 / -1

I don't care for either. I don't think outsiders should get involved. I don't think any outsider's opinion should matter that much.


I have had normal, non-malicious relationships with Jewish people and some of them were cool and I actually liked them as people.
On the other hand, my interactions with Muslims ranged from weird and uncomfortable to downright "I fucking fear for my life right now", which never happened to me with Jews.
I'm against the absolute backstabbery and incestuous bullshit influential Jews seem to be doing to get their way.
But Muslims do fucked up shit like that even on an everyday, normal level AND they are also bringing a fucking trash culture. Jews do behave civilised.

So basically not my circus, not my monkeys, but also I dislike Muslims much more in general.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm a weakling, so Berserk was always too much for me, but I loved the art style and one of my favourite bands was inspired by it and a lot of their songs are actually about the characters, so indirectly it gave me a lot of enjoyment.

Bless this guy, rest in peace.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +17 / -1

That would actually be good, because the Japanese are still not cucked enough to only draw feminazis, soy boys and unthreatening femmie blacks. Their stories are also more varied, instead of just the same rehashed, libtarded crap.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

Almost all of the new Who fans are women who wanted to be boned by either the 10th or the 11th. The whole "yaaaas, we want a female doctor" was bullshit. I remember the bafflement when the 12th turned out to be an old dude.

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

Buffalo Bob is the even more degenerate twin brother of Buffalo Bill?

But yeah, I am so tired of these things where they spend billions of dollars on freaking plastic fakery, but it's all empty shit. Even if parts of it are technically competent, it's never actually good.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

On one hand, politicians can go fuck themselves, they pretend to be PC leftie little angels and then their own rules don't go for them.

On the other, I will be honest. We have a bunch of hobos around my workplace and I wish they fucking weren't. My patience is non-existent with them at this point and I would be okay with them being heavily discouraged from being there.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

White supremacy! I'm sure kids in schools in China, India, Ghana, etc. are actually encouraged to disrespect their teachers and "change the power dynamics". Only white countries where you are not in school to holler at the teacher like some dumb ape gutter trash. Nice that we have established that one.

Another thing is, they use the buzzword 'powerhoarding'. This is coming from some administrator or diversity officer. You know, the kind of people who actually assert this bullshit SJW power over normal people because they sucked dick and smoked weed on their parents' money for a few years at some useless college in underwater indigenous masturbatory dance therapy.
But teachers are the ones hoarding power. Not useless people who try to ruin the lives of everyone and brainwash other people's children like the fucking predators they are. OKAY.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do think so, actually. Convincing them their only worth is sex. That they should compete and show their worth compared to other women with doing increasingly more degenerate things. It teaches them that distorting their looks is the only way to stay relevant. It shows them that having boundaries when it comes to their bodies and sexuality is wrong and then they get unhappy when they find out that yes, some things still make them really uncomfortable, but everyone tells them they shouldn't feel that way.
It also attracts scummy company. Many of them end up spending time with morally questionable people. Then they wonder why their relationships are all shitty, why all their friends as selfish ans superficial, etc.
A bunch end up being super promiscuous. STDs and all sorts of gynecological issues happen to them. A bunch have abortions. Again, it makes them even more unhappy.

You can say it's just them being temporarily embarrassed, but I feel it's much more than that. I'm also not saying they are not reponsible for their deeds.
Same goes for men as well, though. Their views get twisted. But also many just don"t care and run head first into this.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Then again, I see that and I also see the other side. Do you think it's healthy for a little girl to be taught she needs to be a whore? It's really bad for both genders.

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