BulbasaurusThe7th 22 points ago +22 / -0

Right? That's so sad. They don't realise that members of their community are walling others out of work.
Same with the metoo movement. Anyone who thinks that was about women's right to being treated better professionally is a moron. It was about older actresses who knew they got into the industry through sexual favours, removing the possibility for younger ones to do the same.

Dinklage is doing the same. Serious dwarf roles are good. Wanting to have those roles is good, he can do that, it's his right to choose what sort of a typecasting niche he wants for himself.
But he is removing the possible roles of other people like him who maybe... want to be creatures and funny people and such.
It's not demeaning for Doug Jones to be known as a creature actor, but it would be a HUGE nono for a person Dinklage's size to be known for the same kind of a specialization. Funny, huh?

BulbasaurusThe7th 16 points ago +16 / -0

Goblina calls herself X now. X as a first name. And also, they/them pronouns.
Girl is such a special little snowflake, I'm gonna die.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

How convenient, they "found" the thing they already determined before they started, that women totally feel better after an abortion. Doesn't harm emotionally at all. Interesting how many women say the exact opposite.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah, the creature from Splice, that fucked movie with Adrien Brody.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

I haven't seen the movie yet (really really want to), but was it Anya Taylor-Joy? Because I'm convinced she is a freaking alien. Or at least that she has some genetic.... something. She has a very weird face. Sometimes she can be super pretty for like a split second, but then it's like... what are you?
She was the only good thing in that shit ass New Mutants movie.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +9 / -5

Another case of you gloating about something that fucks with normal, productive women and girls who just want to get through their periods as well, because you are a hateful psycho.

You will reeeee at me about "being like other women", but I'm not the one being HAPPY about others not having hygiene products.

I do not support free tampons because whatever, but women not being able to go and buy it is a problem. You can't ban women from existing in society (I know, you would, but you are crazy), so I don't see what you like about the thought of women having more period-related accidents.

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +3 / -1

You really are a woman. You create narratives that only make sense in your head and accept them as reality, then try to push everyone else to accept your reality.

Are you a woman, Mr. Ukrainian-Female-Assassins-Sent-By-Lithuania?

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +7 / -1

You find some excuse with every. Single. Case.
Every time a female child gets molested. Every time a woman gets killed. Every time something happens, you just come up with some weird ass reason why it never happened.

If the story is truly implausible, by all means, pick it apart. But you look at every single one and just say "NOPE" and pretend you have some secret knowledge that had "all the pieces there" that conveniently only you can see.

You claimed the whole thing with Mary Phagan was a hoax or whatever. There was the raped and dead body of a little girl. If it wasn't Leo Frank, then it was Jim Conley, another man.
But I am sure you have some secret wahman suspect only you know what the real one.

BulbasaurusThe7th 33 points ago +33 / -0

Firs tof all, Steinberg. Cool.


So why all the trouble with guns? Why does a logic universally accepted regarding the First Amendment completely fall apart when we get to the Second? The harm to children from guns far exceeds the harm done by child pornography.

How retarded do you have to be to say this? Every child dead in a gun-related incident is listen and brought up by power hungry leftoids.
How do you know how much harm is done by child porn? How do you know that? Do you know all child pornographers, Neil? Do you? Or all the children trafficked in from fucking Mexico, which I am sure this dirtbag supports, claiming "no human is illegal, UWU".
God, I am so angry when someone is so maliciously, willfully retarded.

BulbasaurusThe7th 28 points ago +28 / -0

But if I am afraid of specific black people, I'm a racist. Even if it's based on how fucking shady some of them behave. It's not the Urkel or Carlton looking ones, but I have to pretend some group of hoodie hooligans glancing around suspiciously on a dark street aren't scary, because they are black. Or them acting violently, quick sudden movements towars people, raising their voices, etc.
The amount of times SJW types pretend black people acting threatening is just them being "boisterous" and having their "lively culture" is insane.

Also, this is obviously propaganda to make it sound like the norm is black people quietly minding their business, while whites just go crazy on them. Fucking bullshit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

Notice how he assumes good intention, but just being a poor guy with a lacking education that's understandable?
A white person having the same opinions would automatically be considered evil, a Nazi, a danger to not only the innocent dindu community, but trannies, women, the disabled and left handed.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like to joke that looking into my fridge tells you I'm a Hungarian; we have 2 pound buckets of sour cream normal private people buy. That is such a Hungarian thing to do, my foreign friends always freak out and assume I got it at places that supply restaurants :P

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

I looked at some posts. Someone legit, no irony, claims that it's ridiculous ACTUAL Egyptians claim the ones supporting the Rainbow Cult are just Westernised cunts following trends... because said people also learnt English, so they are Westernised as well.

So am I American now? I learnt pretty good English (better than ghetto trash Benefiteeshas and LeDindus). How does that even make sense?

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Some "American-Egyptians" at best. Slightly off coloured Americans, whose actually Egyptian parents lie about them to their family members at home.
"Oh, my daughter? Doing so well, she is studying engineering and is seeing a very nice Egyptian boy". Meanwhile, she is a raging whore with a bad haircut, so the parents pray their other kids won't be such colossal disappointments.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

He only raped a few kids and only beat his wife a little. His activity joining.... brown man freedom fighting clubs was also just a bit of fun.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

You think Muslims will just make 20-year-old hoes not hoe. Conveniently ignore child rape, terrorism, beheading the infidel like you, etc.
I do hate how women in the West are now. But I also don't want to get beaten up by Muslims for having a pet dog, having the small children in my family get raped because "infidels are born to be used", get blown up because I went to a concert and Muzzies think music is evil, etc.

I used to live in one of those Western European "diverse" neighbourhoods. You are very uninformed about how it actually is. Enjoy being mugged, harassed, having your things vandalised, your car set on fire, your kids not being safe to walk next door and such things, because LOL, whatever, you can do whatever to the unbeliever, Allah don't care.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

You are just so uninformed it's kinda sad. Islam is full of actually accepted things like pedophilia. It is a legit issue when they show up with their 13-year-old wives. You also completely missed the whole thing with literal pedo rape gangs entirely made of Muslims in the UK in every single major city? The little boys in Afghanistan who are used as crossdressing prostitutes???

Dude, just because we hate libs doesn't mean we have to support pests who show up and legit tell white people they will be their slaves and whores and do shit like... dunno, fucking blow up tween girls at a concert.
Cutting off your nose to spite your face isn't smart, mate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yeah. I just love the vibe. It's not that she was struggling and starving. Bit do kids match the furniture? They surely can't coexist with dinner parties and vacations.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

Ah, the moonfaced feminazi lesbo from a third world country moans about the US. Why am I not surprised?

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ohohoho, Paaaaat.
Now, even his books are.... well. Neckbeardy. At one point the main character goes on this little rant where he claims this female character he is obsessive about is a whore/medieval sugar baby because she is too perfect. Women like that just can't get a job. Only ugly ass bitches have real jobs.

But yeah, he is a repulsive one. He demands his fans donate to his charity if they ask about his book. He also claims he couldn't write for more than a decade because.... he has kids. Which is cool, us normies can stop working forever if we breed, right? Right????? He also blamed being on a diet for not writing. I get hangry. Bit this? Oh, also, Trump being president. He claimed he is too scared for the future of his kids. Because the kids of rich people are most affected, right? What if in 10 years they can't get a third trimester, free abortion??????

And when you mention anything like that, his fanboys will reeeeee. One told me I am closer for working in a workplace where I would be fired for not doing my job.
Another let me know people commit suicide because of the likes of me

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