BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

I don't understand. Why does it involve his workplace? If it happens there, then actually call the police them. If not, what the fuck are you even doing? What did you expect from this?

He keeps repeating the same things over and fucking over again, "I told HR" "I was fighting for my children" "I have court documents". But he literally doesn't say anything that makes sense, just keeps repeating things nobody fucking understands.
Is he going crazy? Because this whole thread is nonsense.

BulbasaurusThe7th 39 points ago +39 / -0

If you don't like juvenile pop or lowest common denominator black music, you don't find much good stuff in the mainstream now.
Every fucking song needs some rapper yelling random shit in. I remember way back I was listening to Florence + The Machine and even they had a couple songs where they had versions with a random black guy talking over the lady singing. WHY? It never adds anything.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +8 / -2

Another fucking pedo. Leave. Nobody likes you here. If it was on me, you would be shot in the fucking head at the first thought of wanting to fuck a 13-year-old as an adult.
You are hated because you are disgusting. You are not Jesus, you are child rapist waiting to happen. LEAVE.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +8 / -1

Reminder. He said it's more likely monkeypox was engineered by women to affect only men than that a gay man molested a child.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +4 / -1

You fantasize about how society collapses and you will gleefully look at women suffering. Dude. You have sadistic fantasies.

Are they living next to the Lithuanian masterminds who send Ukranian female assassins disguised as refugees to kill you?

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

NGL, I don't DRESS UP for flights. I don't wear pajamas either, but I pick some "wear this a lot, I know I won't be stuck in some unpredictable, possibly super uncomfortable thing for my flight". So not the pretty stuff, but the practical.

BulbasaurusThe7th 25 points ago +25 / -0

I know you would enjoy it more if random women just got fucking murdered (though you would claim it's a hoaaaaaax and never happened), but I will explain it to you, okay?
The fucking moment some rando just decides to breach someone else's property, that rando has already proven they don't give a shit about the other person's life. Again, you just don't give a shit and like to fantasize about women being harmed, but why would she just sit around and wait to see if the dindus "just" think stealing her car is okay or if they think raping/torturing/murdering is also okay?

The moment they started shit, they accepted the possibilty of humanity being cleansed of them.

Will you tell me they were just on their way to church now? Like when you said it's more likely that women specifically engineered monkeypox to kill men than... a gay man molesting a child?

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +22 / -1

Then again, people who were raised right know that. You are a guest. Fucking behave.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do hate Cardi B, but she got famous for her shitty "music" and the other shit came out later. You are so fast to come out and accuse everyone else of lying and all, but then you say absolutely dishonest shit like this.

Donna Hylton is in leftist circles. I know you think every woman, even the right wing ones are just faking for feminism or whatever lunacy, but this is you again, conflating a more specific subset of humanity with half of it.
Same with Solanas.

And Lorena Bobbit is the same. I have never heard normal women worship her and I happen to have a bunch of female family members, my workplace is full of women, etc.
The fact Amazon made a movie on her is like... okay? There are movies on all sorts of serial killers. Like the Ted Bundy one with Zac Efron that came out a couple years ago. Or the one that has both Gary Ridgway AND Bundy?

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

Then we are shamed for not wanting to be around them.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +25 / -1

He is crazy. Recently there was a case of two small kids being diagnosed with monkeypox. Both kids have gay males raising them.

He literally said we are crazy for believing gay men molested the kids, because the truth is, women specially engineered monkeypox to infect only men.
(Now he will claim I am lying about him and totes not what he said.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hot, wholesome, not full of himself. Not some weird demonic hollywood freak who kisses his young son dressed like Harley Quinn on the mouth like that jew whatever his name is.

They can't fucking handle ones like him and to a lesser extent, Henry Cavill. They seem normal, so they are evil

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

One thing I have to give to him, I really liked the way he talked about the older detective guy he was friends with . He really did care for him.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've read the Tokyo Vice book. I liked the first part about the dude's life, but by the end he was an insufferable cunt preaching about how he needs to save poor innocent women who go to japan to work and end up as whores.

BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +20 / -0

I love how they always claim "queers" are the bravest, first to act. Yeah, fucking bullshit. In a crisis, it's never the fat lesbians or the limp wristed pussies who go and do shit.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Because the LGBTBBQ+-* (and the left in general) uses the tactic of ruining familial bonds to get access to kids. They keep encouraging kids who may or may not be going through something to break every bit of contact with their families at ANY real or presumed bit of slight, and then join a new "rainbow family", that involves adult gay/transgender strangers, often ones they found online.

It's basically another case of perverts telling kids they can trust them more than they can trust their parents to get close and be able to groom them.

A kid self-harming needs help. Normally you would say sure, go straight to their parents, who will help them figure it out.
But then some middle-aged balding man in a dress says no no, those parents are bigots. But he is more than willing to listen and will totally understand and help.
Aaaaand you find the kid in his basement.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

Can't we just accept the fact that not everything about Harry Potter is fully developed? It's not malicious or intentional, it's just a book series that is limited in scope, like every single piece of media.

BulbasaurusThe7th 49 points ago +49 / -0

"Going to church during the weekend is nasty and yucky and lets unpack that, sweaty.
Piss drinking gay orgies? Lovely people to meet, UWU."

I swear to god.

BulbasaurusThe7th 75 points ago +75 / -0

Nobody is telling gay people to not have sex. But why is it so these people think having sex = two orgies back to back, drinking human piss? Like hell yes, I do think you should fucking burn in hell for that, gay, straight or whatever. That's fucking nasty.

This is the issue. Why should I give a shit about about absolute degens dying of AIDS when they refuse to even just have 1 millisecond of self-control? They try to shame us normies for not wanting to be near AIDS people? Oh, really?

There is also the part where this human toilet talks about "educated choices" and research. After drinking piss. I mean. Him and his ilk are way past the level of having common sense and all.

After this point, what's the meaning in talking about sex ed, by the way? We are continuously told that everything, from whores being pregnant to AIDS fags is because not enough education.
This fuck even admits it doesn't matter. THEY KNOW they will catch shit and still refuse to do anything. What education do people need above this? It's not like they will use said education (which is laughable lib shit anyway, so there is that).

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +15 / -2

This is so ridiculous. You assume some kind of love for the TERF types.
Then again, you are addicted to declaring everyone to be not good enough and not pure enough for you. I could bring you a man who lived in a cave all his life and never met a woman, yet you would still hate him because he touched a vagina on his way out of it.

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