Utopian is one side, but some of the best sci fi is dystopian, understanding that "progress" has downsides. Think of some of the most popular sci fi works of all time, and they'll fall under the dystopian column.
Fahrenheit 451
Brave New World
Black Mirror
When I was but a youngster, I loved reading about what games were coming out. Now I'm older and wiser, and couldn't give two shits. If it's not something I can play today, I simply don't care. It'll come out when it comes out, and once it's out I'll watch actual reviews by real people. I have no need for corporate hype machines to sell me on what they'll be releasing in a year or two, only to be let down because they had to cut budgets and meet deadlines. Whether it's E3 or Microsoft or Sony or whatever event, it's all meaningless until I can exchange money for it.
Anything taken too far can be "woke." I'd argue that taking things too far should be a large part of the definition of woke.
Treating minorities well because you treat everyone well is not woke. Treating minorities well because you think they're superior to whites is woke.
Believing women and asking for evidence of their claims is not woke. Believing women and ignoring evidence to the contrary is woke.
Any system you remove energy from to move it somewhere else will have an effect on that system. Remove it from the wind, affect air currents and climate. Remove it from the sea, affect sea currents and sea life. All "green" solutions are bullshit.
Merit is subjective and skin color is relatively objective, so I'd argue it's not about objectivity vs subjectivity. It's simply about bias toward leftism. If this school had two applicants, a Jewish communist and a black conservative, they'd happily hire the "white" person.
When you combine this with AI chat and, a simp could have a virtual girlfriend who looks like anyone they want. Want to "date" a supermodel? Just use a picture of her and have AI generated conversations with her, and ask her to do anything you want on video.
So even in their imagination, real communism has never been tried? That's telling.