Japan has some of the highest rates of birth within wedlock. Japan has roughly the same total fertility as countries like Italy and Spain. Yet you never hear about that being a problem, probably because they already have been forced to import the 3rd world to "solve" that problem.
Another extension I do suggest checking out is DeArrow. You have to pay about $1 but it lets people change the title and thumbnail to have much less clickbait. Sponsorblock is also necessary. And on mobile you can use Youtube ReVanced.
The Lord of the Rings collaboration with black Aragorn is the most egregious thing I could possibly imagine. I never got into Magic but from its early years it seemed pretty good, but now it's just "artstation diversity hires" at least Yugioh is mostly safe aside from the western branch with its usual bad translations and covering up women.
Yeah some people, like this guy, are so obsessed with "decoding" everything that they get locked into only seeing things in terms of others intent, usually in the worst way.
I took issue with that jingle all the way video, because it definitely feels like he's grasping at straws. All that "symbolism" only matters if you care about it and focus on it. Go too deep down those rabbit holes and you legitimately become schizophrenic.
The only interpretation I care about is my own. I don't really care how the author intended something to turn out if their words clearly differ from the end product.
Most postmodernism is rooted in Critical Theory, the idea that everything in western society should be criticized forever from every angle until it collapses. Vertigopolitix has a great video on that.
According to Websters 1828 dictionary "casualty" always referred to accidental death. So this is not a case of them changing definitions, but definitely trying to downplay things.
I would like to remind people that "nationality" comes from the Latin natio meaning birth and was a cognate for the Greek ethnos aka ethnicity. Your "nation" is people who are biologically the same as you, from the same area, speak the same language, and have the same culture. That is why a country like Canada could have two different main nationalities English and French.
Yep, most big studios only have ugly women, diversity hires, and mentally ill emasculated men as regular employees. I've heard they contract out programming and work to actually competent developers, but will never keep them as actual employees with decision making power.
New York was basically ran by jewish mobs. All the Hollywood stuff of Italian mobsters was done to draw attention away from what they were doing. That is where the term "heebie jeebies" comes from, people being scared around jewish gangsters.
It's basically identical to Dragon Age Veilguard. Overly saturated, lots of purple, and very ugly characters. I can see the similarities with Concord too.
Letting ugly women, emasculated soyboys, and trannies, design your game really ends up making it look awful. Who would have guessed!
Because they won't actually let you do things the developers dislike. You can either be bad (but for good reasons), comically evil, or they need to lecture you about how bad it is to think/do something like that.
The only exception I can really think of are some simulator/map games where you can play as just about anybody and do anything.
They were known for possessing women and speaking through their mouths, being the enemy of Buddhism, abducting kids and priests, and subverting the royalty. If there isn't a more exact description I don't know what there is.