ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Korea is still a polite society, which makes it difficult for their citizens (women and effeminate men mostly affected) to recognize the dangers of diversity when directly confronted by it. They prefer to adhere to social norms rather than exfiltrating themselves from an obviously dangerous situation. White people still suffer from this, too, even though our polite society is nearly all but gone, because we're being inundated with propaganda that makes racism and any form of White collectivism the worst evils imaginable, so in the minds of the brainwashed, it's preferable to remain in a dangerous situation than to be labeled a racist.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure that is a man. There's been a "hahaha that's ridiculous" conspiracy theory running around for several years now that many celebrities, politicians, CEOs, and spouses of them are actual trannies, which has progressively moved into "...fuck it's probably true" territory. It would also match with globohomo's penchant for humiliation rituals, LGBTQ degeneracy, and pushing the transgenderism crap.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

As little as I use Reddit, there have been people making posts there that they're contacting lawyers (and governmental oversight authorities in the EU) about suing Sony. Apparently the EU (in one of the rare cases that it's beneficial for the people) takes a pretty hard line stance in protecting consumers from companies that pull shit like this.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like when people are complaining about the scope on the anti-material rifle being off of where the bullet actually hits, the devs explained that the problem actually has something to do with recoil and bullet drop, and affects all weapons but you only notice it on long range weapons.

The anti-material rifle's scope has always been off, and the bullets are impacting up and to the left, regardless of distance.

I shoot guns as another hobby. I'm knowledgeable on the subject. If what the devs said is true (regarding their reasoning for all the scopes being off) then they're fucking morons. The devs claim to come from military backgrounds (I think it's mandatory in the country they're in). If so, they must've gotten the worst training possible.

Recoil doesn't affect bullet impact. If rapid successive shots are made (either in full auto or fast trigger pull semi auto) with the shooter not having proper aim, then the bullet impacts will be less accurate, but the recoil itself only affects a shooter after the trigger has been pulled and the bullet has left the barrel. A weapon like the anti-material rifle (in the game), which is semi auto, has always been hitting up and to the left, even on a perfectly lined up first shot.

Bullet drop also wouldn't explain the perpetually off scopes. Any non retarded shooter can make a shot group, see it's always hitting up and to the left, and just adjust their scope to compensate. In game, the weapons with misaligned scopes are predictably hitting the same spots, regardless of range.

The only things that should be affecting bullet impacts at average engagement distances seen in Helldiver 2 are wind (which isn't implemented in game, and would be negligible), gravity differences on various planets (which isn't implemented in the game), and improperly manufactured barrels heating up and causing bullet impacts to change as the barrel warps. For those unaware, some barrels will warp under temperature variance (mostly caused by poor manufacturing and quality control). As an example, I've gone to the range and shot one of my AR15s in winter, and as the barrel warmed up from successive fire, the point of impact changed 8-12 inches up and to the right, at 100 yards. But, like the other variables, this hasn't been implemented in the game.

If the devs did want to implement more accurate bullet physics, then the scopes should be zeroed at a specific distance, and the bullet will impact above or below that zero outside of that zero distance. If they did that, the devs would also need to implement much better scopes (most of the ones in game are laughably bad), so the player has notch marks to identify and range a target before shooting, and to account for bullet drop.

But, this discussion is merely academic, as the current map layouts and massive amounts of volumetric fog in game reduces all engagement distances to under 200 yards, and mostly under 100, so bullet physics would be a near useless addition.

ApexVeritas 18 points ago +19 / -1

Noticing a verboten truth in a world inundated by propaganda and censorship will follow an exponential growth curve, depending on how powerful/effective the propaganda and censorship are. In our case, they're not monolithic and all powerful.

There have always been fringes of the internet with actual free speech, where people have discussed the verboten stuff. The people in power are in a catch 22. They either allow free speech, which will let the verboten stuff spread like wildfire, or they censor it as much as they can (while not having complete control of all corners of the internet), which forces normal people into actual free speech sites, because they're increasingly censored for having a normal opinion, where they're exposed to all of this verboten stuff, and this will grow over time. The rampant censorship also leaves a massive opening for entrepreneurs (even though they'll be met with a lot of resistance) to host their own free speech website/forum, because it's in high demand and there's low supply. The growth of Gab is an example, although a bad one, since Torba has revealed himself to either be controlled opposition or a monumental retard (with regards to the changes to picture sharing on Gab, which they've since reverted because of the massive user decline). Twitter is another example, as it was bought out by Elon (who is a weird case study), who fired most of the employees, which has enabled people to spread verboten messages on Twitter, letting those posts and comments stay up for quite a while before being censored (due to the massively decreased manpower at Twitter), if at all.

All of this has enabled the exponential growth curve of "noticing". If you've ever taken a math class which discusses such curves, there's an inflection point, where the growth is initially slow, but after that point, the growth explodes. We're past the inflection point, and the noticing can't be stopped. Too many people know about it, and too many people are talking about it. The more the people in power try to clamp down on it, the more backlash, talking, and noticing will happen.

ANY story that even remotely connects to Israel or jews will amplify the growth curve, and since Israel is enacting its Greater Israel plan over the Palestinians, it's opening a lot of eyes that otherwise would've ignored it. It's similar to how storms form. The cloud formation (condensation) can only occur around condensation nuclei (dust particles in the atmosphere), where water particles can condense onto. The clouds can only form in the presence of these condensation points. It's quite similar to this. If Israel and jews weren't so hellbent on doing what they're doing, there'd be much less noticing, but, they refuse to stop their behaviors, so they're giving condensation points (new stories to discuss), enabling the clouds to grow (and form a storm).

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

The biggest, and first example, of the Arrowhead devs nerfing a weapon based on user metrics (rather than an understanding of their own game) was the railgun.

At the time (before being nerfed), it was the only effective method at killing the absurd amount of heavy enemies that the game throws at you on the higher difficulties. The game is designed such that heavily armored enemies can't even be damaged by most weapons (since they don't have enough penetration to make it through the armor), which forces the players to pick anti-armor weapons specifically to deal with those heavy enemies. At the time, the railgun was the only effective anti-armor gun the players had. Since the railgun nerf, AH has since buffed the other anti-armor weapons, nerfed heavy enemy spawn (on most missions), and nerfed some heavy enemies to make them easier to kill by those other anti-armor weapons. Since the nerf, almost no one uses the railgun anymore, because every aspect of the gun is better with the other anti-armor options. AH could completely revert the nerf and it wouldn't be considered OP by the standards of the current game.

I should also add that one of the reasons why AH nerfed the railgun was that there was a bug in the game back then where some players could 2 shot bile titans (the biggest heavy enemy threat at the time) with the railgun. And yet, instead of fixing the bug, they decided to nerf the weapon first. AH have also admitted to making gameplay changes based on what they see in Youtube videos from content creators.

The AH devs appear to be both malicious (toward their playerbase) and retarded at the same time. A potent combination of a warning to stay away.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

What in the hell?

Every day that passes increasingly proves Ted K. right.

ApexVeritas 16 points ago +16 / -0

I got it, unfortunately. I recommend not getting it, and for reasons not even about what was linked in this post.

The developers have consistently shown that they don't know how to balance their own game. They continually nerf weapons in the dumbest ways possible, and not because they're too powerful, but because too many players are using them. They don't play their own game, and they've admitted they can't even beat it on the higher difficulties. They also don't test their changes before implementation, so the game is steadily accruing more and more bugs, some of which have been in the game since launch, and should be easy to fix.

They're obviously making changes based on metrics and spreadsheets, and not because they understand their own game. They've even buffed fire damage weapons (which resulted in buffing enemy fire damage, resulting in insane instant deaths to those enemies) multiple times, because not enough players were using them, while ignoring the fact that fire damage is bugged for players, where only the game's host DoT damage will work.

They've also repeatedly shown that they not only make changes to make the player's lives more difficult, but seem to revel in being sadists toward their own players. There's either a company wide policy, or a lot of developers in the company, who absolutely hate their own players. It's the only motivation that makes sense, given many of the changes they've made, and the game philosophy they're following.

The devs seem to think fun and challenge are antithetical, that the highest difficulties should be a miserable experience, and that meta loadouts are always bad (without knowing why the players are picking those options). In total, it's an incredibly toxic game philosophy.

With the game's current development trajectory, steer clear. There are way better co-op horde shooters (like Deep Rock Galactic).

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

While our enemies aren't monolithic (they still have slightly competing goals, and can get in each other's way), I don't think that will happen, and if it does, it'll be purely for political theater. Trump doesn't go far enough to solve our problems, and there's been several big instances where he's shown to be a false leader. The handling of Covid, the vaccines, and his handling of J6 (and complete lack of helping his own supporters who had the entire federal government thrown at them) are probably the biggest examples.

In general, as a problem gets worse, so too does the solution. The GOP (and now MAGA) are years (often decades) too late with their proposed solutions, and in specific instances, they use the exact same arguments, ideas, policies, and words as globalists. They are the "lesser evil", and every time people vote for them, they're selling themselves short of actually truthful and effective solutions, organizations, and leaders, often hamstringing such things and people who could actually help them.

The largest hurdle is always internal, for each individual. It's realizing something is wrong, self reflecting, realizing that the ideas, solutions, and paths you chose were wrong, and actively questioning, debating, and looking for the truth. Lots of people get stuck at the "realize something is wrong", which is becoming more common as the propaganda we've been fed is making less and less sense as the world continues to get worse and worse. There are so many organizations and entire sectors which are false choices, meant to capture people into just a different set of rhetoric and propaganda, to keep people from realizing the totality of truth, and it's not just 1 or 2, it's many layers of controlled opposition. However, even these layered traps are increasingly being questioned and rejected, because even they aren't making sense any more. The ideas and solutions they propose continually fail and don't go far enough, and when pushed to the truly verboten topics, they repeat the same arguments, ideas, policies, and words as globalists.

I truly don't think Trump is genuine, and I was a huge supporter of his from 2016-2020. Whether he's genuine, or not, no longer matters. He doesn't go far enough, and his proposed ideas are doomed to fail. Most people can see the writing on the wall, and know what's coming. Even those who don't see the totality and specifics, are preparing.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Steam has the same problem as Reddit. It was slowly corrupted with globalist/leftist (NPC) mods, who now curate all the content, which censors anything remotely normal and right wing, and allows the most vile left/globalist comments.

ApexVeritas 12 points ago +13 / -1

If you're given a choice between an evil and a lesser evil, choose neither. Adhere to truth, or all is inevitably lost.

Also, we're not voting our way out of this.

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

Violence, governance, and therefore the law, rests with the people first. These responsibilities are only loaned out to our governments to enact them in our stead, fairly and truthfully. These responsibilities can be reclaimed by the people at any time we wish, if we have the will to do so.

Anyone who says otherwise is a fool, coward, or liar.

ApexVeritas 18 points ago +18 / -0

The problem with identifying who you're talking to, is that normies, shills, and bots all have the same arguments, word use, ideas, and behaviors. It's one of the reasons why the NPC meme cut so deep, because normies are quite literally programmed.

ApexVeritas 24 points ago +24 / -0

I think the last vestiges of old Reddit were thoroughly wiped away when Hillary Clinton won the DNC primary in 2016. She immediately began to get all the DNC coffers and ActBlue/ShareBlue completely took over the site, from top to bottom. The site used to lean pretty hard libertarian (with large support for people like Ron Paul), but the day after that DNC primary it was like someone flipped a switch. Either all the genuine users were drowned out, downvoted, and/censored, or the chatbots got new marching orders. Perhaps a mix of both. Most people don't know how long chatbots have been in use (it's been decades).

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well, some White people share responsibility for it, and some share a lot of blame for it, like Winston Churchill, and whoever the hell agreed to the Balfour Declaration.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

A good man's hatred should not be indiscriminate. It should be honed, controlled, and well directed at the correct causes.

But, I know what you're implying.

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +9 / -0

This jew worship, even among Christians, is only a modern phenomenon.

Throughout history, jews, at most, have just been tolerated, but after a while they're usually downright hated (and kicked out) after people found out what they were doing. This modern jew worship has come about precisely because of the historical revisionism of WW2 and the Holocaust, which ramped up after the new/goodthink textbooks and teaching curriculums in schools became prominent in the 60s and 70s (you can even use Google to see word trends for "Holocaust" to prove this), and the slow infiltration and corruption of modern Christianity, and modern rewrites of the Bible changing old nouns (like Israelites and Judahites, to "jew" to obfuscate the different peoples back then). Modern Christianity is just zionism and globalism wrapped in Christianity, requiring the warping of scripture, or leaving out massive chunks entirely, just to push the goodthink messages.

This is why most Christians before WW2 blamed jews for the crucifixion of Jesus, but modern "Christians" don't, and make claims like "Israel is our greatest ally", which couldn't be further from the truth. The current WW2 history we're taught is also paramount, because it makes people believe that jews have been perpetually persecuted, for no reason whatsoever, and that we should feel sorry for them, and any criticism of them is tantamount to being a literal Nazi.

The current goodthink narratives are increasingly straining the credulity of normies, because as the globalists push their plans, they have to label increasing numbers of people, who hold normal logical positions, as "literal Nazis". This pattern and behavior is becoming so obvious and abrasive that it's actually pushing normies to our side, because the world (according to the lies they've been taught) is making less sense, and they're being censored and attacked for absolutely milquetoast statements, forcing them into more free speech and accepting forums and spaces, where they're more likely to be exposed to all the wrongthink.

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +9 / -0

This definitely adds more ammo to the Khazar jew theory.

There's another theory (which I personally believe), that modern day Ashkenazi jews originate from the Edomites of the Bible, who were originally Israelites who race mixed with the Babylonians and Canaanites (originating from Esau), which was forbidden by God and Moses, who declared those people as cursed, and commanded the Israelites to wipe them out, down to the last man, woman, and child, otherwise they would remain a thorn in our side forever. The reason why they were cursed, was because they worshipped Saturn (several different names back then, including Remphan, Cyun, Kiyuun, Baal, and Moloch), and their practices were incredibly vile, including sexual degeneracy and human (usually child) sacrifice.

The reason why I believe the Edomite theory is that every passage of the Bible which mentions the behavior of the Canaanites and Edomites, sounds exactly like the behavior of modern day jews. It's weirdly accurate. The cabal currently in power (also predominantly run by jews), are also Saturn occult worshippers (and Satan worshippers, which is almost exactly the same), and practice and push sexual degeneracy and human/child sacrifice. The "star of David" on the Israeli flag also isn't what they claim it is. It's the star of Remphan, and is a good candidate for the warning of the mark of the beast (i.e. 666) in the Bible, where it describes people unable to make any transaction without the mark (i.e. support of "Israel"). Furthermore, the Edomite theory doesn't negate the Khazar theory. They may both be true, but the Edomite theory tells where the Khazars (or some of the Khazars) came from (ancient peoples moved around a lot over the centuries).

For anyone curious, here's a short rundown on the Edomite theory:


ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

This highlights one of the facets of how curated and controlled, how the mainstream right wing is a false choice trap. The false right brainwashed people just as much as the left, trying to keep people from moving further right, or in general, realizing the truth. The ultimate boogieman to the false right is Islam, which has enabled them to brainwash the normie right wingers into supporting rampant interventionism and warhawking all across the globe, because we gotta kill those darn Muslims at the heart of all the world's problems.

This false right propaganda is apparent in OP's screenshot because the person is suggesting that if you don't support "the West", and all the degenerate dysgenic destructive evil that now resides within it, you're the boogieman, or boogieman adjacent, which according to the false right, is Islam. They've set up a fallacious dichotomy, which paints the world falsely, points at the wrong culprits of what's been done to the West, keeps the brainwashed from realizing the truth, keeps them stupid, weakened, controlled, and continually supporting the things and people that are subjugating them.

Has Islam created terrorists and been a hindrance to the West? Yes. But even a modicum of understanding of how the world works will show that modern terrorism has always been amplified, supported, funded, armed, trained, or entirely carried out by covert organizations (like the CIA, FBI, and Mossad) who are entirely part of the same cabal now lording us.

ApexVeritas 12 points ago +12 / -0

Women (and feminine men) are physically weak. They naturally conform to what they think is the strongest entity. This used to be a woman's father, and then her husband. We can still see this behavior in the voting demographics, where only married White women vote right wing (White men are the largest demographic to vote right wing). Feminism and "modern culture" has pushed women away from their fathers and husbands into the arms of extremely corrupt governments that hate them.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nazis are popular inversely to the proportion that the population wasn't subjected to the blatant anti-White and anti-Nazi propaganda which is prolific in the White West. Thus, non-white parts of the world have large and unapologetic minorities of pro Nazis.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +9 / -1

If you still think that, then you're ignorant to the censored history of WW2. I don't blame you, considering the amount of propaganda and censorship surrounding the subject.

In reality, the British started the war (and who were using the British; for reference, check out the Balfour Declaration). The British made a secret deal with Poland, that if Poland got into a war with Germany the British would ally with Poland (even if Poland started it), and wanted them to instigate/start a war with Germany, to crush the German people. This is why Britain declared war on Germany for invading, and not on Soviet Russia for doing the exact same thing and in the exact same month. Weird, right? This would also explain the deliberate targetting of German civilians before, during, and after the war. It would also explain why numerous attempts at peace talks, initiated by Germany, were denied (both during WW1 and WW2). This would also explain why Rudolf Hess, a high ranking Nazi party member, flew secretly to Britain to try to initiate peace talks, but instead was arrested, and kept in prison under trumped up charges until he committed suicide in 1987.

Have you not heard about the atrocities against the Germans living in the newly created Poland after WW1? It's certainly not taught in schools, and it's not shown in any mainstream media. It would run counter to all of the programming surrounding WW2, since it's paramount to present Nazi Germany as the ultimate bad guys, who deserved everything that happened to them, including civilians, including women, children, and eldery.

Keep in mind that most of those Germans had lived there (in Poland, and surrounding areas) for hundreds (or thousands of years). Look at maps of Prussia, the Teutonic Knights, and the general area the German people inhabited prior to WW1. After WW2, the expulsion of all the Germans east of the new borders led to one of the largest forced human migrations in history, killing millions of them. However, before the war started, the Polish killed tens of thousands of Germans, before Germany invaded. The Polish were subjugating the Germans in Poland, before Germany invaded. The Polish threatened to invade and attack Germany, multiple times, before Germany invaded. The Polish actively boasted about being able to defeat Germany by themselves, and gave out their invasion plans, openly, before Germany invaded. The Polish even made several small military attacks on German farms and military installations, in German territory, before Germany invaded. By even the weakest cucked standards of today, Germany had a right to invade. The war inflated, after Germany invaded Poland to protect it's own people, precisely because that was exactly what the British, "Western", and "Soviet" powers wanted.

Read these accounts of the crimes and sentiments by the Polish against the German people:



ApexVeritas 17 points ago +17 / -0

Isn't it wild how the intentional targetting and murdering of civilians by Allies is swept under the rug, not taught, or perfectly justified in WW2, but when done by the Axis, it's painted as the most heinous thing ever?

The fire bombing of Dresden, which was only to target civilians. Many of our bombing campaigns later in the war, against Japan and Germany, were specifically to target civilians. Many don't even know about the post war atrocities. In Germany alone, we killed tens of millions of civilians, through starvation, rape, forced relocation, and murder, of men, women, children, and elderly. The post war relocation of Germans was one of the largest migrations of people in human history, and almost no one knows about it. Russia mass raped every German woman, from little girls to grandmas, for months (or was it years, I can't remember), many of them to death, in front of their families, often killing anyone who tried to stop it. There's quite a few stories of people unable to sleep in German cities because sll of the glass windows were blown out from all the bombing campaigns, and the screams from all the people being raped every night turned it into a literal hell on earth.

Learning this stuff after my "education" in school, and seeing what movies and shows are offered by Hollywood, paints an extremely clear picture of how insanely skewed "history" is written, and how much people can be manipulated.

ApexVeritas 15 points ago +15 / -0

Using your own logic, and even using the official history of WW2, if targetting civilians is fine in war, how come the U.S. were the good guys in WW2, but Germans were the bad guys?

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