And isnt it weird how the Russians and German's hubris has always led them to undersetimate the scrappy but ultimately superior american cunning?
Theres 101 stories of the brave Lt with no air support or artillery supporting holding off a whole battalion with onlu 100 men.
I wonder why nobody in history has ever pulled off a glorious combat from the bad side.
It's because of the Kalergi plan, to mass import non-whites into White nations, and replace and genocide White people, requires the demonization, demoralization, and brainwashing of White people. The official history of WW2, the Holocaust, demonization of Nazis, demonization of White collectivism, slavery, the Civil War, and colonialism are all used as a bludgeon aimed squarely at White people, to make us compliant in our own replacement and genocide, to accept it, to make us think we're inherently bad and deserve it, that our ancestors were bad, and that we shouldn't collectivize and fight back to stop it. The schools teach this official history, and then Hollywood reinforces it with endless propaganda movies, TV shows, and video games, mostly focusing on WW2 and the Holocaust. There's at least 1 every year.
It's also because Japan wasn't the primary target for WW2. Germany was. Britain (mostly the bankers, zionist backers, and string pullers in Britain) wanted a war with Germany, to destroy the German people. Britain had been gearing up for war years before hostilities broke out. Britain had a deal with Poland, that if war broke out between Poland and Germany, Britain would ally with Poland against Germany, even if Poland was the aggressor. This is why, prior to German invasion, the newly created Polish state had been genociding ethnic Germans living in the newly created Polish borders after WW1, Germans that had lived there for centuries, probably millennia. Poland had also openly bragged they could defeat Germany by themselves, and openly gave out their invasion plans of Germany, multiple times. Poland had also attacked German farms and military installations, in German territory, multiple times. This all occurred before Germany invaded.
In response, Germany invaded, to at the very least try to stop the Polish genocide of the German people. This is why Britain and France declared war on Germany for invading Poland, but not on Soviet Russia for doing the exact same thing only days later. Poland was merely a pawn to start the war. The string pullers didn't give a shit about the Polish people. There were communiques in the Public Record Office in London that admitted to this secret deal and motivation to instigate a war, records that were kept secret until the early 90s.
Once Britain and France declared war on Germany, it escalated rapidly, which forced Germany to escalate in kind. Much of this escalation was to skirt around France's Maginot line, and to procure resources for Germany. Even though it's openly admitted to in the propaganda, Germany was woefully short on a lot of critical resources, like coal, oil, and fuel. Germany only had access to the worst form of coal in German territory, called lignite coal (also called brown coal), which was only suitable for home furnaces and burning for energy in coal power plants. Richer forms of coal could be converted to liquid fuels, which Germany desperately needed, due to the blockade by the Allies. Germany also didn't have much access to oil, which compounded this problem.
Germany also didn't want to fight against the British, considering them brothers, and repeatedly offered peace terms, even when Germany was winning, even with terms that would give back much of the land Germany had gained. This is why Germany allowed all of the British to flee back to Britain at Dunkirk, when Germany could've easily captured or slaughtered them all, over 300,000 soldiers, which would've completely neutered the British army. All of the peace terms were rejected by the string pullers in Britain, because they were trying desperately to get the U.S. involved in the war against Germany. They used Pearl Harbor to achieve that end. Even though the U.S. blockade of Japan necessarily resulted in that attack, the U.S. government knew Japan was going to attack, and let it happen, to give us casus belli to enter the war, even though the overwhelming majority of Americans didn't want to get involved. It's also why all of the U.S. carriers were outside of Pearl Harbor during the attack, to protect them.