ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Right?! This is exactly what the people in power want. Violent non-whites imported en masse. This is the Kalergi plan, to a T.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, non-whites build non-white nations. White people build White nations. When you're constantly surrounded by shit, and you see people not living in shit, you'll naturally want to live with the people who have a better life, wanting a piece of that pie. It's easy for them to find volunteers who would a chance to parasitize White nations.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's funded by trillionaire bankers that money launder, manipulate markets, and print money.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

What do you mean nationalist leaders delay the inevitable? Nationalist leaders wouldn't allow this to happen, and would imprison, deport, or execute the people doing it. On the way out (war), though, I agree.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here's some footage and info on the changes, and reversal, of Arwen in the movies.


I remember seeing some behind the scenes stuff where Philippa Boyens betrayed her thoughts on wanting to see powerful female characters (I think it was for the Hobbit), but I'm not really motivated to find it.

ApexVeritas 28 points ago +28 / -0

The original LotR scripts had Arwen much more involved in the story. They even filmed sequences of her fighting at Helms Deep. At some point, thankfully, the idea got nixed, and they brought the character more in line with the books. Given her current girl power push, I wonder if Philippa Boyens was behind the girl boss changes to Arwen.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or go the Roman civilizational collapse route, and hire mercenaries (non-whites) to fill the roles. Granted, though, they're already trying to do that, and the recruitment isn't meeting demand. I doubt they'll even be able to offer free citizenship to non-whites to fill the roles, as all the immigrants are getting free gibs regardless of status.

ApexVeritas 11 points ago +11 / -0

Glenn Beck is a Jesuit. The Jesuits, just like freemasons, have long been infiltrated and corrupted by conversos, jews who only converted to Christianity in European countries under threat, but continued to practice their Saturn cult judaism, corrupting the institutions they slowly took control of.

ApexVeritas 12 points ago +12 / -0

This is the worst part. You see the danger, you try to warn people, and they treat you like you're the crazy one, because you're not an "expert".

ApexVeritas 7 points ago +7 / -0

I cancelled cable many years ago, and don't have any streaming services. I have zero regrets. There's far too many books to read and good user created content to watch. Any time I do catch a bit of TV, or an ad (Brave has a great ad blocker), it's always incredibly stupid, subversive, and disgusting. Revulsion properly defines the feeling, but the word always falls short of the actual feeling.

ApexVeritas 18 points ago +18 / -0

It's mostly White people that are net positive tax payers. Everyone else are net negative welfare recipients. If White people went on strike, globohomo would throw everything they had at us to stop it, which would precipitate boog 2, and then collapse the entire system, where globohomo loses.

Not that taxes matter anyway. Taxes don't fund the federal government. Money printing does. Taxes are merely a control mechanism on the people (White people), to make us poor.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

The pro human propaganda gets a bit more subtle in subsequent seasons, but unfortunately is still present, as it becomes part of the earth government story. Still, the details that are revealed about the Earth Minbari war which occured a few years before season 1, shows that the "racist" humans had a damn good reason to think the way they did, even if the show tries hard to demonize them.

Even though JMS did a great job writing and planning out the show, it could've been even better if he spent more time on the nuance of the opposing sides, leaving more to the audience to decide for themselves, which is what some of the best Star Trek episodes did.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

The preachy/propaganda stuff is pretty much gone after season 1, and the show gets a lot better. Still, there's some great content in season 1. Season 5 isn't as good as 2, 3, and 4, but it's because of studio interference, causing the creator to condense 2 seasons into 1 (resulting in a very fast paced season 4), and season 5 being quite anti climatic, and taking a while to find its feet, since the JMS had to conjure a whole new story for season 5, since the studio said they were cancelling the show at the end of season 4, and then renewing it for season 5 after JMS had told the story he wanted to tell.

Even though it's a scifi show, it has amazing characters and arcs, arguably the best in any show I've seen, like Garibaldi, Londo, and G'kar.

Just be sure to watch the show and movies in proper viewing order. Most of the movies are "meh", but In The Beginning is incredible.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't seen that as much in the homesteading community. The women mostly garden and take care of the kids. The men are the ones usually handling the animals and doing the butchering. In the older days I'm sure women were tougher and able to handle it, but at least somewhat nowadays, the gender roles have somewhat defined what men and women are doing on a farm/homestead to more align with who is better at what.

ApexVeritas 14 points ago +15 / -1

But wait, there's more!

The producers cheated to help the women, and they still almost died. The producers secretly gave the women a few pigs for food, and the women refused to butcher and eat them, instead opting to keep them as pets...while they starved. If I remember correctly, the producers also gave the women large quantities of fresh water, to prevent them from dying due to dehydration. Then, in a last ditched effort at "equality", the producers stole two of the men and put them on the women's island, and put two of the women on the men's island.

The men who arrived on the women's island were in awe with how bad their situation was, with how the women had been doing nothing to improve their lot the entire time, and had eaten all of their backup rations. Those two men did pretty much all the work while the women bitched and laid around. The two women sent to the men's island did the same, enjoying the labors of the men.

ApexVeritas 16 points ago +18 / -2

I'm really glad I detached myself from the mainstream right. Seeing them accept fags and trannies the last few years has been revolting and maddening, but more proof I made the right decision.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought you might be joking, I just wanted to paint the picture clear, just in case you weren't.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

Probably because designing, engineering, and manufacturing a high powered rifle to work in semi auto, to emulate a rifle designed to work with a smaller caliber, is more complicated. A game engine doesn't care if the rifle design doesn't work in real life.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

At this point, it can be safely assumed that any White politician or public figure that isn't explicitly advocating for White people and our interests, acknowledging our plights and the systems arrayed against us, that the politician or public figure is a danger to us, and should not be trusted or supported.

ApexVeritas 12 points ago +12 / -0

As current clown world indicates, there is no bottom depth to clown world, only more honking. Japan is still mostly homogeneous, they can always be honked further by the honkers.

ApexVeritas 20 points ago +20 / -0

EU governments use "asian" as a way to hide criminal identities and obfuscate crime stats, to make it harder for White people to identify who is hurting us. The U.S. government does the same thing by grouping Hispanic people in with "White" in crime stats.

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