AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 5 points ago +6 / -1

Boomer- slur against Australian Aborigines, referencing boomerangs

SeE, tHe deMoCraTs ArE tHe REAL rAciSts!!1!

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good to see that some Europeans still have balls.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 9 points ago +10 / -1

Untested Mrna "vaccines" (gene therapy), with a high rate of complications. Figured that was obvious given the context.

Not to mention, the things they did in hospitals like immediately putting people on ventilators, and denying/delaying non covid related care, killed a lot of people. And old people in nursing homes being locked away from human contact, did not help mortality at all.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not really counter intuitive, imo. The thing keeping dissidents safe is that they have a massive crowd to hide in. If the crowd is gone, dissidents can be spotted much more easily since they don't have anyone to hide behind

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 1 point ago +1 / -0

why would a farmer kill the most obedient livestock?

Because the obedient are the vast majority and the disobedient are few enough to be easily controlled

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh shit, guess I need to dismantle my Lego Hogwarts castle, lest I be accused of planning an insurrection there

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 5 points ago +5 / -0

Another word for a tranny

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 12 points ago +12 / -0

Who would have an incentive to off him and why?

Iirc he's been out of the computer business for decades and hasn't done much else besides a failed run as a Libertarian presidential candidate. Is there something I'm missing?

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, it's the 2% that want to convince the 13 and 65 into race war. Who owns the media that's pushing this divisive narrative?

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 17 points ago +17 / -0

Clickbait is gay

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 7 points ago +7 / -0

No. This place has its faults but at least when you're banned they have the decency to say it to your face

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 5 points ago +5 / -0

My stance on any new LOTR material remains unchanged.

If it wasn't written by Tolkien or his son Christopher, it's not canon.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 7 points ago +7 / -0






Jokes aside, this is ridiculous. At least Qanon schizios were mildly entertaining, when an actual government pulls this shit it gets old real fast.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Being bisexual is easier, which is why its so popular in Hollywood now.

Why yes, I am bisexual

no I haven't dated anyone of my gender yet, haven't found the right one

maybe someday though

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah that caught my eye too.

You know what they say about dogs being able to sense bad people, maybe it's true for bees too?

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 8 points ago +8 / -0

So in what sense is she able to call herself "conservative"?

Does she identify as such because her donors support "conserving" low corporate tax rates?

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 8 points ago +8 / -0

Actually, according to most contemporary historical descriptions, Genghis Khan had red hair and blue eyes.

He may not have been from Northern Europe, but he certainly wasn't East Asian, as modern sources like to depict him.

He was likely Central Asian, as it's not uncommon for some Central Asian peoples with to have pale skin, light eyes and different hair colors.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 5 points ago +5 / -0

They don't want to rule an empire of sheep, they want an empire of smart people who are 100% under their thumb

And right now, they can't control as much as they'd like because they are very outnumbered, and there are too many of us to keep track of every single one.

So they kill the sheep that are consooming resources but not really innovating or being useful. Anything that can't be automated will be done by the remaining population of independent thinking people under their control.

The elites are doing this because their goal is basically neo-Feudalism but with technology. And of course they want this- they are "Judeo-Saxons", a very old mixture of European Royalty and Jewish banking families who would love to return to an age where power was by birthright, and not have to deal with pesky sham democracies or share wealth via taxes and capitalist exchange.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure if you're joking, but given the absurd percentage of children raised by single mothers in the black community, that might not be too far from the truth.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 7 points ago +7 / -0

So dressing up as a cartoonish caricature of a woman is allowed...

But dressing up as a cartoonish caricature of a black person isn't allowed?

Is it ok if I say I'm trans-racial? Or is that not on the table yet?

This is all so stupid

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 0 points ago +2 / -2

And said colony could potentially generate trillions in profit from mining operations, or as a jumping off point to the Asteroid Belt where there are even more resources. And that's not even getting into the potential profit generated from providing services and goods to miners.

Of course that would require infrastructure to ferry materials and people back and forth, which would require a lot of upfront investment but would certainly pay off within a few years.

Point is it's doable and will almost certainly be profitable, but the tech and infrastructure aren't funded enough to do it yet.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 19 points ago +19 / -0

You joke but this is actually a trend I have witnessed in real life.

I follow on Instagram a lot of my classmates from school, among them a fat Filipino girl who was my grade. We were never close friends so I don't know her personally, but her social media is predictably quite leftist. Among other things, she considers herself to be both an artist and a political " activist" so she posts short comics that have a very diverse array of characters.

And I shit you not, every male/female pairing in her story is a soy/"nerd" type white guy, and a very obviously nonwhite woman.

From the pictures she posts, nearly all of her male friends are white. And she recently bragged about getting a boyfriend, who (shockingly) was a soyboy-esque skinny-fat white man.

So this type of advertising probably comes from women like this, living out their personal fantasies.

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