This is great. Fattys are gonna have a melt down like they did after Adele lost weight.
A black side character or black NPCs will be in this game. Calling it now.
The fucking moderators fact checking Trump but ignoring Kamala’s lies was infuriating.
Then a bunch of lefty faggots film themselves eating their own pets on TicTok to show “solidarity”.
He’s not finishing his books for DEMOCRACY
“Fatherly” is supposed to be a website about parenting advice for men but most of the writers are women who write retarded articles like this one.
I played the hell out Shin Megami Strange Journey on my phone a while back.
His Locals Chat is full of retarded ball washers.
Obunga Niggernaga
Glad to see no nig nog knights in the trailer. A big middle finger to all the game journos complaining about this in the first game.
I haven't watched this show but is the Michael Burnham character Spock's half black sister that is smarter than every Vulkan despite being human? And also she is super strong and beats the crap out of Klingons? I used to get bits and pieces of info about the show when I used to watch Nerdrodic. I feel like I would punch a hole in my TV if I ever sat down and watched this crap.
LOL. Are you trolling?
That unhinged, psychotic drunken rant he did a week ago trying to dunk on a suicidal former fan. That was just classic Nick content. Hasn't changed at all.
Maybe they will try to copy Spiderman and insert a bunch of pointless Lewis stealth missions and make that young black cop in the first game a 2nd Robocop that is better than Murphy in every way.
“I gets to hurt asians withouts gettin in trouble juss like in real life.”
When I first saw this I thought "They are going to compare this to rape aren't they?". Then I just read an article that says that these are "nonconsensually manipulated photos." They are just so fucking predictable.
Yeah, that person could be a married man with 3 kids and these retards will call him an incel. Some 30 year old virgin stink ditch tranny is a hero and not an incel to them though.
This fat fuck needs to get off the internet and fulfill his late as fuck campaigns. I backed Reignbow the Brute and it is 3 years late. It is infuriating to watch this dude spend so much time streaming and sperging on twitter and not getting work done.
Isom looks mediocre at best but at least he got it out to paying customers quickly and they seem happy about it so who gives a fuck?
As long as they kill him before the Marxists fully penetrate Japan.
Step 4 : Once popular franchise sells horribly and once popular game studio gets shuttered.
They made her look like Yong Yea. I guess that’s what a realistic Asian woman looks like.
I just hate the "It's too much money!" "Something has to be done about this!" comments that are coming from supposed right wing people.
This is not tax payer money. Its coming from a 4.8 billion dollar franchise. Do these people seriously want some kind of rule that pays the players less and allows the owners to pocket more of the profit these players generate?
Man, I thought the MJ in the first game was ugly as fuck but this takes it to a new level. I would say wait for the PC version so they can mod her looks but the fags at Nexus will probably ban it citing transphobia or some shit.
Yeah, a pretty normal looking 45 year old woman.
Going to hard disagree she is a “solid 7 or 8.”
She looks like Austin Evans in drag.