It happens and for all our disagreements I appreciate we can admit these misunderstandings when they happen.
And yes, he is wrong in nearly every way about it. Only the most imbecilic of people could agree with Elon on this, or people who put money ahead of everything else and know they can make a buck on it.
But, as the point I keep trying to badger people here about on every topic shows, people can't just say that in a sincere and convincing manner. It has to be "MAGA HAS FALLEN EVERYONE ABANDON SHIP."
And instead of taking this prime fucking time where they are sitting mostly quiet and we can hash things out before the ball rolls, we are screaming with a retarded autist online and trying to cancel Trump entirely for not disavowing him over Christmas hard enough.
So nobody with children like I said.
They can teleport if you blink long enough and always want to be where they know they aren't allowed to be, especially if there is something exciting or action happening.
If you think "somebody watch him" will prevent you from cracking your kid's head open, then you need to raise more of them.
"Home" VR sets bring with them so many problems of this kind that they should have been pre-emptively thought of and designed around.
Which goes to show that it was designed by and for mostly people with no children begin with.
Ironic that an offhand joke in an otherwise equal post about telling people to "calm down" is given the defense of "plz be patient he has autism" from a man too autistic to parse a deliberate exaggeration for comedic effect.
So, I'll de-joke with you. No he shouldn't be shot over this. His position is foolish but its both not illegal to be stupid on Twitter nor does he have any true power to put this in effect (yet).
At this point I wouldn't doubt it.
Because lost in all this screaming nonsense is the entire fucking Left that still exists and is waiting with their power still fully intact for us to weaken ourselves over disagreements like this.
No matter if its legitimate discourse or intentional psyops, they are the ones truly winning.
Unironically, this entire blowup is probably teaching a huge chunk of Trump voters what H1B even is, because, as you said, its almost entirely centralized to a small section of the country that is all Lefties anyway.
MAGA ran on anti-immigration over the border because its a problem we can see everywhere and is effecting every industry from the bottom up, including the vast majority of the working class that make up the Red voting base.
You can't go almost anywhere without seeing the problems rampant Mexicans are causing, while most people will go months without even interacting with a Pajeet in anyway if they don't work in a tech office.
Of course, being for something somewhat (foolishly or not) is the exact same as being for it 110% without restriction or restraint.
That's why every one of you who has had sex outside of marriage is fully in support of Onlyfans and mass sluttery on all women, right?
I've said it before and it needs to be repeated.
Trump is not "far-right" and never has been. He was a Lefty in the 90s and even 00s for a bit and has barely moved from then, and is only on our side of the divide due to the extreme pull Leftwards of everything else. That means he isn't going to be nearly as racist as we want, he isn't going to agree on half the shit we'd like him to, and will do a lot of shit that is in opposition to our side.
Anyone who thought otherwise is fucking retarded. They bought their own hype, built him up to this ideal, and are now realizing their "hero" isn't their carbon copy in all ways.
Its peak single mother raised behavior revealing itself.
There is a gap between being in support of them and being at the level Musk is at.
He already appointed an immigration guy who openly wants to cut them back and Vance has been reposting his own comments in opposition to "countries are a sports team."
So yes Musk is retarded and should probably be shot, and this isn't a great system that should be completely upended, it also isn't "confirmation" that infinity jeets are already on the boat to land on 1/21 either.
I don't watch enough Western media to offer any valuable examples, but the anime Shimoneta was both hilarious and so politically on point when it came out that it legit was getting spammed even by the normies on KIA1.
Unfortunately, one of the main VAs died in an accident and Japan holds that kind of thing in high respect so its been quietly shelved forever.
I recommend everyone here watch it for the laugh, and see how its no less on point now than it was a decade ago about censorship and the horrors it creates.
Honestly, Firefly continuing might have saved us all from the "timeless, unquestionable classic" status it achieved, which would have done wonders from letting Whedon destroy American culture and media through emulation and actual products he made.
Like, give it one more season and it goes to shit, like so many examples you could list, and suddenly "quippy" dialogue isn't the cool thing that gets shoved into every form of media just a few years later and the entire 2010s of American production could be far greater as a whole.
You can't just write about games, you gotta write it in Blizzard approved ways in a Blizzard company setting while also actually being autistic enough to care about and notice all the little technical details needed to comment on things esports guys want to know.
So one requires being ultra Progressive and feministy, while the other requires a high tier autist who could not manage that facade.
Also, Blizzard Esports has been an unstable and volatile sector of their company literally since its inception. OWL was the only time it vaguely had success and that was being literally gorged with investments to prop it up. This is a job that might last you a few months to a year at best.
While I think it is a legitimate issue as Musk is a part of Trump's team and thereby has sway that could influence this issue, it is very notable that we have 19 fucking posts about this a day and how "THIS IS HOW MAGA DIES!!!!"
Like, I'm completely in agreement that this is worrying and very bad. But Jesus the amount of doom, "with us or against us" and other very counter-productive nonsense coming out of this feels very forced.
Nigger, I've been opposing feminism for decades and I'm still fighting that shit.
Please give up, because worthless fags like you are the reason why we constantly lose. You are more addicted to moaning and groaning about how evil and awful everything is instead of learning how to win and drag the rest of us down by association.
Everyone hyped up a bunch of low-fame game devs as the savior of the West and the kings of the castle.
Why would it be a surprise that the current subversives are chomping at their toes with compliments and lovebombing to try and sway them?
Kwanza will forever be the funniest holiday in the world.
A literal made up holiday by a black grifter that all the Jews in media decided "yes black people, you will now abandon your traditions and Jesus and celebrate this instead" as they made a million shows promoting it.
And the blacks did not care in the slightest, and its been dormant for decades beyond little quaint mentions like this from out of touch corporations.
A shame, but at least they went full retard after rather than before
Disagree, if they went full retard midway then the series wouldn't be held to some impenetrable power standard that it is still drowning out and ruining discussion of the actual show its parodying.
Because, unpopular opinion, DBZA was never that funny but people will treat lines from it as actual or better than canon and drag down the rest of us into YoutubePoop level jokes.
They stickied multiple pro-Elon posts and then get absolutely blasted by commenters every time. It seems the community there itself are in revolt against both the mods and Elon's shit on this topic.
So basic mod janny shit, as always, trying to force everyone into agreement with something nobody likes.