Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think its possible but only in certain subsets of people that are susceptible to it. The same way now that things like hypnotism (the self done version), ASMR, and other various forms of delusional thought only effect certain people right now. The kind of people who can be lulled into dissociative states through certain stimuli already.

I don't think it'll have much effect on greater reality, because we already have people that delusional making up the majority of the Left, who cannot tell reality from the media itself.

So instead it'll just be gooners getting entirely too gross and sad loners getting way to into their waifu simulation.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Glad you wrote a whole wall of text about something that happened a century ago when I was talking about right now.

Free speech causes people to be able to air their opinions and thoughts, if there is a trend of them all saying the same things organically on their own, maybe that thing is the problem and not them.

Or does the fact that every crime AI become "racist" mean the AI is broken?

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one's asking them to 'accept' abortion

Lots of corners right have been for years saying the Right must give up its stance on abortion or it will never get the women vote, its in fact still a major talking point about why women continue to vote blue.

But they are mature about even the issue they believe is literal child murder

This is literally the Leftie meme about centrism. "What if we only murder half of them." Its fucking murdering children, there is no maturity that should be had. Everyone involved should be lynched for their horrific sins, and its only because we live in a society that we even hesitate let alone negotiate with them.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its really telling how good the Plutonian and a few others are as a character, and a few really good moments, that anyone cares about the story because it is filled with the most retarded, unlikeable characters possible otherwise.

Though I think Invincible is miles worse in that regard so its baffling to me that that is the one they chose to adapt and managed to get super popular.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0


So you've made a wild assumption based on nothing and have spent the entire day arguing with it.

It shouldn't be done because we as people need to stop doing it and stop falling for the manipulations of those who are using us for malicious intent.

I said be better, don't fall for it and you turned it into a psycho drama, which says far more about you than me, my nigger.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

They get large amounts of money from advertisers (recall Dorito Pope) and the game devs themselves to "market" (bribe) their stuff in the show itself.

Its a literal closed circle of companies paying influencers and journos to talk about and award their games and in turn give them extra accolades to put on the marketing blurbs. The consumers is an irrelevant piece of their existence.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

What service does it provide?

Also, its really telling that you take "people shouldn't do this" as "there should be a defined class of elites that decide for us."

If that's what you are getting from this, I understand why you keep repeating the same words as if its given. You aren't able to actually understand the things being said to you.

Adamrises 2 points ago +3 / -1

you cavalier fool.

Its right there man, you can just scroll up and see the words you wrote. All you've done is insult me and call me a liar without actually responding to my point.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

getting his start with Redneck Rampage

Forget those garbage games no one cares about. This is his real legacy.

Not a joke, I fucking loved that game. A classic of 90s PC gaming.

Adamrises 2 points ago +3 / -1

You are the one who opened with insulting me and then dodged my entire point just to do so.

You also missed the word 'or' in there. Its kind of an important one, but I guess cutting the sentence exactly to maximum offended points shows why you like Reddit so much.

Adamrises 1 point ago +2 / -1

yes i tend to focus on that more than others

My nigger, you literally post multiple times a day about this one and only issue. You barely talk about anything else.

But its okay, my nigger, when you finally nuke Israel and hang the last Jew from a lamppost then all white women will go back to being docile, submissive wives for you. The negros will uplift themselves into being civilized societies.

Also of course no one ever called Kanye crazy until last week. When he claimed he was a Biblical figure and that Bush did Katrina back in the 2000s everyone just laughed off the funny ha ha joke. When he came back from being MKUltra'd after being literally stolen off stage as a clearly drugged zombie, we knew he would just be fine.

Its only the Jew thing that has people calling him crazy.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

She literally gave the tabloid the scoop with her first move. She gave them the entire story and they were able to write the entire thing off her confirming it for them. She didn't deny them a thing.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. AI isn't omnipotent, it has to be fed data from somewhere. And what you choose to feed it will influence it, reflecting its creator in some way.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why? I've outlined all the ways its a net negative both pragmatically and morally.

All you've said is "no its good."

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well don't I feel vindicated after days of saying this is entirely a manipulation tactic she was pulling to attack him, likely at the behest of some Elite/Media paying her off, and that even giving her an ounce of attention was helping her goals.

Adamrises 20 points ago +20 / -0

The internet with all its vast information cannot verify her age down to anything but a range of like 26-31 currently.

That in itself is a redflag sign about a woman.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never said don't say it, I said it has no benefit in response to you saying it did as an absolute and that she should be shunned for doing so without any care given to her claims.

Him being public changes nothing about the principle I am pointing out, it applies equally to all men. It only can change something if you are an obsessed celeb worshipper who considers all information about their lives relevant at all times.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why should a mother be congratulated for having a baby in unideal and avoidable circumstances?

Because deep down we all know that if you don't give women praise and attention, she will do something drastic and evil. In this case they have boiled down the two choices to "celebrate life or she will kill the fucking baby." Most people on the Right don't consciously recognize this dichotomy but they can figure out which buttons to press to get the better outcome (like most men deal with women in general).

We live in modern society, with unchecked hypergamy and sexual liberation. Women will never stop having retarded unprotected sex in our lifetime. Shit half the Right wing is filled with divorced or single parents at this point, and they won't blame themselves. So the "ideal" solution is unfortunately miles down the road of many other landmark changes.

So if your principle is avoiding abortion, then celebrating life minimizes the amount of abortion being had even if it means uplifting slatternly sluts like this. We don't have the society capable of the ideal outcome, which is sufficiently shaming women enough to not get into these predicaments in the first place, so this is the option that stops abortion as much as possible.

I don't particularly agree with that stance, but its the one most Right/Christian normies seem to fall on.

Adamrises 21 points ago +21 / -0

Because most of us have actual principles we hold, unlike the Left which usually downloads them from whatever media they consume.

Which leaves us with compromising on principles we hold dear if we want to "maintain unity," at which point we don't have principles and are just hypocrites in doing so.

Its not an effective tactic, but its one that makes complete sense. Pro-life people aren't going to just "accept" abortion to keep allies with them, because to them its literal child murder.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anti-Southern/Confederacy sentiment is as old as the Confederacy itself and its only by the restraint of a few men that the North didn't just outright genocide the entire half the country for daring to not fall in line with whatever they wanted.

Literal "American War Hero" Sherman was one of them, and you can see the devastation he wrought on his march to this day in many areas. That was a popular sentiment among the North as a valid tactic, to literally conquer and vassalize if not completely empty half our nation just for the sake of niggers.

So it would be foolish to think that sentiment ever went away, especially in the north/west states that would later become the hotbeds of the MSM, the media in general, all journalism, and on and on.

Regardless on your feelings about the Civil War, the handling of its aftermath was literally made to keep that hate alive forever, much like the Treaty of Versailles did for Germany. And its only by them literally flooding the South with niggers (who'd murder regular amounts while dealing drugs to many more) that kept any true ability to rise up dead.

And those wounds are the foundation of likely a majority of problems in America today, still festering. So of course the Elite/Woke wants to keep dabbing on them, as they still believe as they did then in completely genociding the area and stealing it.

Adamrises 44 points ago +45 / -1

Assuming its true, and you could say it is, it is very telling that the more free the speech becomes the more inevitable it becomes that people become antisemitic. Like Godwin's Law was purely projection this entire time.

If people being allowed to speak always ends up with them speaking ill of you, if not outright hating, maybe that's a you problem you should work on.

Adamrises -4 points ago +1 / -5

I do, because I am capable of holding more than one issue in my mind and basing my entire reality around these single, simple things.

It is amusing that you use the same example all of your comrades use, almost like its a very specific exceptional case that says nothing about the general world at large. For all I know she was incredibly schizophrenic and that was why she was unflinching in her belief and her gender was irrelevant to that, but that would be just a Jew science made up to discredit her, right?

Adamrises -1 points ago +1 / -2

Tay had a specific operation done on imageboards to make her that way. I know, because I was fucking there. The same way people trained Cleverbot back in the day with Ben Drowned.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can draw a lot of parallels between Jewish culture and Black culture. The real ones on the ground, not the ones from media and drawn up by those outside.

The first of which being the fucking word ghetto means either one or the other when heard.

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