Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the sheer fact that claiming "a guy named Joshua didn't exist and didn't do anything" is far less likely than him just existing and not being divine.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you want to see it that way. Gamergate was a movement with a handful of presumptions necessary to even logically believe in it, like thinking there was something fishy with games journos like Kotaku. The same way you can't be an atheist if you believe in god, no matter how you dance around it that is a requirement for that singular purpose.

But from there yes you can have all sorts of nonsensical and contradictory parties within because of the lack of definable rules. You've achieved the literal only basic rule (the same way the only rule about being black is literally being fucking black), and any discount from there is self-serving.

Point being, the move isn't "they aren't atheists" because they are just the same as anyone. Its that they are shitty people who did it for garbage reasons. And unfortunately for atheists, those make up the majority in both number and power in society.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's more the atheists your talking about, are right now chanting free Palestine, got a trans flag on their profile and pronouns in bio

Yeah, atheists have always been cringe Lefties obsessed with "Current Thing." Its why they felt comfortable enough to create Atheism+ in the first place.

Atheism doesn't have a rule book, it doesn't have a main governing body. Thereby there aren't any rules to say "you ain't one!" other than the singular "believes in god" type. So you can't say they aren't one anymore than you can say the "deeper thinkers" are one. Its all atheism, with all the baggage that brings.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

They can only "not be" atheists is if atheism is a solidified grouping with specific rules instead of a loose collection of "no god/s" thoughts.

To say "they aren't atheists" is the equal of Biden saying blacks who don't vote for him aren't actually black, its to take a generalized existence and then apply conditions for you to be a part of it based on what people think should be conditional.

I get it, lots of guys here are atheists (and the downvotes show they are still as offendable as Reddit taught them to be) and don't like the stereotype because it doesn't apply to them. And that's fine. But to try and Rules Lawyer around it by denying it exists and how they don't count and "umm ackshually" it doesn't change that's what the majority of people do with it and why its damaged our society to such a level.

Also, those existential thoughts aren't unique to atheism. I've had to grapple with them just to reaffirm my own faith and actually deal with the possibility of being wrong. To treat them as part of "deeper atheism" itself instead of basic human fears, you are still ascribing to the same ol' atheism belief of "religious people are sheep who never think for themselves."

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

While there is a lot more going on, the people who pass laws raising wages have never actually worked minimum wage jobs so they have no idea how the system works in reality. They've never been in danger of having their job automated, or outsourced, or just downsized at all.

So to them its just a funny side effect, while they look at the increased revenue the company as a whole is making after slashing tens of thousands of jobs and consider it an overall improvement.

Adamrises 16 points ago +18 / -2

Atheists are always guys who work backwards.

They want to do drugs and have wild sex, so thereby anything that prevents that is bad, and because its bad it must be lies and opiates for the masses. And then they just keep working back to tear off little details and inconsistencies to prove it. Any evidence to the contrary doesn't fit within their schema, so its rejected wholesale.

Or, the other common alternative, their dad made them go to church and they hated that/him. So its bad and the cycle works back from there.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course I have no doubt I could with some effort, though I am completely rhythm deaf and basically useless with sounds. Just admitting that I can't on a whim.

But that's the point, I am just some random guy with no reason to actually know these things. Whereas Ubisoft is creating a product with the intent of evoking a time and place, and thereby should be doing that minimalist amount of effort.

Adamrises 10 points ago +10 / -0

I wouldn't be able to tell you the difference at a glance.

But I'm also not getting paid to create this or know such details, nor is the result of my action going to reach international ears.

Its pretty fucking simple of an idea, to do basic cursory research on things you intend to use for wide appeal audiences to make sure there isn't something funky with it.

Adamrises 20 points ago +20 / -0

Plenty of atheists still scream that he didn't exist at all, which is a solid note how little actual research they do despite claiming its all for science.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can think of no one less deserving of money than Feather Indian Women in this country.

All the ones I've met are doing fine, other than a lot being fat, and are living thier best life with their white boyfriends and getting off on colonization roleplays. In fact, that's the only thing you can use to differentiate them from random Mexican women. The moment they leave their little Rez the world is their oyster.

While the Indian men I've met are all still broke alcoholics barely getting by and desperate for a reason to live. If they don't got casino connections their life is barely worth a damn. Which is why they resort to crimes like rape and trafficking of their own women on the rez until they end up with none left.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lena Dunham's show was popular for a time and I can think of no one else who would watch that.

Adamrises 13 points ago +13 / -0

People have been biting their tongues for so long about so much that him being willing to actually insult them is basically a huge pressure relief valve on people's minds.

Him saying he'd put Hilary in jail was speaking for tens of millions of people and probably won him a huge chunk of votes on that alone. Because we had been wanting to say that for 20+ years and had to hold it back because of how rabid the Dems were promoting her.

Adamrises 15 points ago +15 / -0

I mean, he has been calling her low IQ in his own tweets multiple times in the last few weeks. That is the literal definition of retarded, before the Wokes took it away to protect the niggers.

I also like the implication that he lost his mind by insulting Detroit in Detroit. As if those people don't live there and know exactly why their city fell apart. And that they couldn't possibly care about anyone else but their own city and its precious feefees when he said it.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Things like that are why I can't take zombies seriously as a horror genre. It truly only works by lobotomizing people beyond any form of reasonability.

Like slashers also are filled with retarded people, but Jason or Michael Myers are still fucking scary and capable of killing you even if you aren't retarded, whereas zombies (after day 1 when people don't understand the threat) only seem to manage through plot armor.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

NGL, the frogs make it look like they are openly masturbating instead of just implying or simulating it over their clothes. And that makes it far worse.

Adamrises 31 points ago +31 / -0

Its funny how they took Reboot Laura, who was already shaved off of most of her sexual characteristics to become an actual crying cliche for half of her own game and then made her even more manish and boring.

Also those images of Cuties are pornographic and I really don't like seeing them, whether they help your point or not.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

It also doesn't help that my expertise is in hurricanes, which only sometimes involves tornadoes, which are two very different beasts with a whole separate list of prep and problems to fight. Especially as "tornado alley" really isn't a place that has to deal with flooding, which is the only reason why most tornado shelters can even be built to begin with.

Anything that can beat a tornado will probably kill you in a flood, so you can't really set a standard for both.

Also one of the reasons why most of the South is trailer parks is because trailers by definition and default have a baseline flood resistance by simply being 6~ feet off the ground and designed to be moved around a little. Only the richest can afford actual houses, and that's because you have to not only afford the house but the entire acre+ of land to place it on with a literal hill you will have to build it on top of.

The South isn't hurting for space or land, so there isn't a need to build giant apartment complexes that go up, so instead they just spread out in a lot for all the people stuck renting still. Until they can finally afford to put a nice trailer on a plot of land all their own.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Even worse when they point out that the zombies will hear them but somehow they cannot hear the same zombies moving in the same minefield of noises.

Double so because the vast majority of slow zombies are also the "groaning and moaning" kind, but suddenly can just cease that noise to set up an ambush. Despite being shown to be otherwise braindead and acting on reflex or some other low form of thought, they can suddenly manage that.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is, but anywhere that gets regular tornadoes or hurricanes is 90% of the time the poorest and lowest cost of living places in America. As in, what regulations will you make that don't just end up making the barrier to building or buying just raise right out from under the people who live there's ability to afford.

Because that's how any regulation or idea will end up. State/Federal Government forcing a market into existence that knows it has you by the balls, which in turn increases the price well beyond reasonable.

You gotta go back a lot further into the economy and American wages before you can start on the path of improving our housing quality.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

Slow also means far more quiet.

Not entirely true, as slow zombies are usually also shambling and dragging either broken legs or simply unable to to lift their knees that far up to begin with. Which is why they are slow.

In a post-zombie world, where most background noises aren't as common, that sound will be easy to pick out. Especially if you are even slightly on guard.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fun part about white trash is that its a pretty hard demographic to knock out of being hard right wing. So they had to make one of thier own "try to come across as one" and this is the result, a soulless joke.

Just further showing how far away they are from even knowing what thier opposition looks like, let alone how to beat or appeal to them.

And thanks to trannies, the tried and true "what about your daughters?!?!" line that has worked for them in the past has been completely decimated.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not to mention that for all the benefits Long brought to his people, he was still a crook with a long and bad history that would easily destroy any political career outside of Louisiana (where he was relatively clean compared to the slop that was the norm).

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

For reference. Huey P Long is so popular in Louisiana that an entire 1/3 of our year of "Louisiana History" is spent meticulously going over him.

Especially among older black women. They fucking loved that guy.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well a handful of the houses I grew up in as a kid lasted 100 years before a random storm decided "no" and ended that. Solid buildings that managed just fine until something beyond survivable hit them.

At some point, the might of nature is beyond human ability to withstand without making it unlivable every other day of the year.

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