it's not like another life sentence is going to do anything.
That's generally the thought process behind not going balls to the wall on punishment even for the worst criminals and even giving rewards for good behavior.
Because if they've got nothing to lose, there is nothing to stop them from being the most unrepentant monsters possible.
CM Punk managed to convince Lefties that they had fully subverted Wrestling and that all the talent there was on their side, which I'm sure made them giddy about stealing it from the Wrong Thinkers who make up their fanbase.
When the reality was that he was so unique, and hated, because he was the only one constantly forcing real shit politics on people (instead of nonsensical heel stuff like Iron Shiek ). Otherwise they'd have realize most of these guys are all pretty Right Wing and just had the dignity to keep it to themselves.
While I see his point, the word "shock" to me implies something far shorter than the others. As in, something closer to just "ringing in your ears" that you just need to let pass and you'll be fine, like all other forms of colloquial shock where you just need to let your heartbeat slow because you were shocked by a scare.
Or, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum which is medical "shock" which usually implies literal sudden death is coming. Which kinda dramatizes it to a detrimental level, because it makes people expect something extreme and visible instead of the subtle and slower disorder that it is.
So while the middle two are soulless and seem closer to "we have no idea what we are doing to these guys minds, so we will just imply they are tired" I don't think "shell shock" is very good either beyond a quick "we just noticed this is a thing and need a name to describe it."
Whereas PTSD gives you the exact description of what it is and how it happened. Trauma happened, this is the post effects, and the stress of it is causing disorder.
So like a lot of things Carlin, its retarded nonsense meant to sound smart on paper to get his audience clapping like seals thinking they are smarter than everyone, but in actuality its just outright wrong to a degree that its making people dumber to think it.
Transvestites aren't transgender, and thinking they are shows that you've fallen for their language games even while decrying it.
Transvestites were crossdressers, they were full on and open about having AGP (even if that word wasn't wildly known) and their entire purpose was sexual thrills from being dressed as a woman. Most of the time they didn't even bother to shave their beards or put on a "girly" voice because it wasn't part of the thrill. They are much closer to the drag queens of today than they are the trannies.
As such, the transgender (which was bastardized from "transexual" if you wanted a better example) is more mental about it. They want to actually become a woman in some form, even the form they take is a mockery that appears just as bad as the transvestites. But its much more mental instead of purely sexual, which is why they are so much more insane than the transvestites of years past, who often could function normally in their day to day before going into their kink. Not that the trannies aren't heavily sexual about it, but they are much more of a full package transition instead of only certain times.
The blending of the two, as well as others like traps, is how they blurred the lines between all these various groups who didn't and don't have the same goals or beliefs but now unify under the "LGBT" banner. It also made it seem like trannies had "historical presence" to give them more legitimacy, rather than being a fairly recent cause.
Also the difference between all of them would have shown that there is more to being a tranny than just putting on a dress and saying you are, which is verboten. So they erased it and made them all the same.
reduce men to pure Id or lizard brain in this case
If more people thought in these terms, society and all of their politics would be infinitely more successful. Our subconscious desires and instinctual drives are massively under valued in how much they effect behavior and thought.
Men should be reduced to that, everyone should, but its the most raw and honest reflection of what we want and desire without all the bullshit of us pretending to be something else.
Retarded Leftists fail to land because they believe in Tabula Rasa (most of the time, except when it isn't convenient) and thereby believe we don't have any deep seated instincts. Which is why they say things like "teach men to not rape" as if its learned behavior.
Best example is Star Wars.
You don't even need to think about it deeper than this. Would people accept a new Luke Skywalker if it was played by Keanu Reeves? Even if he died his hair and looked pretty close?
No they wouldn't, because there is more to acting than appearances and the lines being read.
Its why "soul" is such a big topic these days, despite the fact that people need to write essays to try and explain it. We all just know when the soul is gone or destroyed.
As much as people think that the avatar is what people latch onto
Does anyone really think this? Like, your entire essay seems predicated on this assumption but it seems completely false to begin with.
Like, the people fapping to it might think that and it might be the initial draw that gets people to watch it the first time. But otherwise its the same as literally every form of acting or streaming, its driven purely on the strength of the performance and personality behind it.
Sure, if the model is ugly or badly rigged it'll be offputting itself but that's no different than bad animation ruining strong writing/VA.
On the flipside, given the sheer amount of these Vtuber posts you've made recently, I think you might need a hobby, friend.
Dem's were the most successful when they appealed to our instinctual affinity for underdogs and the downtrodden. But if we look at something like Maslow's hierarchy, we can't manage to find contentment or worry about higher order thoughts when our basic needs aren't being met. As in, not being able to afford our food or shelter will always win over helping someone else, which is how they are losing whites, men, and a bunch of other formerly "guaranteed" voters.
Socialism, and all their versions of it, require the population to already be rich and prosperous to be able and willing to "share" with one another and not be envious and angry about it. Something that might have been true years ago, but really doesn't feel so right now.
But not a single person has tried to argue Dems are good at messaging to young men. In fact, lots of people have argued young men aren't even WORTH messaging to, which idk, seems like a bad way to win elections!
As retarded as this guy is, he does still have his eye on the prize and hasn't forgotten that you need fucking votes, period.
Also, while not used very nicely, "lizard brain" is a real term used and its something we all have. Its just another way to describe the Id, or really just the "pure instinct" side of our reasoning.
So the part where he says that is absolutely correct. Trump is appealing to the part of men that wants to be a fucking man and it resonates comfortably, while the Dems are appealing to some "ideal man" (aka a spineless beta bitch) idea that is offputting and nobody seems to want.
These things used to upset me, when I was a young fool who thought we could reconcile and compromise to make both halves happy.
Now I just enjoy knowing they live in constant seething rage, that those women are bleeding out in cars as a consequence of their own stupidity, and that they are piss terrified of what I might do to them (legally, not criminally).
No matter what happens, win or lose, I will get by. But even in total victory they are already lost in their own self induced madness and the infinite suffering it brings.
Its amazing how little they learn from their past mistakes.
If she has it in the bag, then that entices their own voters to not even bother to show up because they feel complacent and sure of their victory. It happened significantly to Hilary in 2016 because of messaging like this. It doesn't work to demoralize Trump voters because those are some of the most energized bases in years. Anyone convinced to "give up" is offset by the first group of her own not showing.
Its basic narratives 101 that anyone whose ever written anything can tell you. Always portray the race as close to keep people hooked and putting in their most effort to "get over the hump" and win. Instead they are obsessed with their smug dabbing on Trump/his voters about how dominating they are.
Also, Kamala just a few days ago told people to not bring Jesus to her rallies, that's for Trump. So her "swearing in" is a very bad image to use.
You do, its why despite enjoying anime plenty I've never really gotten into it beyond some funny clips I've seen and enjoying the awesome stupidity that is Mori's rapping.
But that's the point, vtubing is a sub interest under anime. Which means it can't exceed anime's mainstream appeal period, and needs a lot to even catch that low ceiling. And right now anime's mainstream is huge relatively but still niche and wierd to most people, so vtubing is miles from that.
Then it'll never really make a lot of sense to you, but you understand how that entire dynamic works.
You can get your waifu to react to your comments in real time while she plays your favorite game, its crack for lonely weebs.
Vtubing can't go any more mainstream than anime itself is because it requires being "cool with" anime to begin with to accept the models they use for all of them.
And I think anime has reached its peak mainstream already, which is still not much, so vtubing has a pretty low ceiling to reach and it'll be hard doing so because the parasocial and "want to fuck" angle is very important to all vtubing audiences (no matter what they tell you) whereas lots of anime can break into the mainstream because of the lack of that.
And vtubing is one of the most rampant industries in the West for trannies. It allows them to stream as the hot anime slut they always wished to be. Its worse than anime itself (which is also filled with them) and they are a far bigger obstacle to preventing tourists and the denigrating of the industry than any Corpo bullshit.
Its streaming, but instead of a face cam its an anime girl.
That's it. If you don't watch streamers, you won't get into vtubers. If you don't like anime, you won't like vtubers. And if you like both, it double dips on your parasocial attachment.
Last week she literally was at a black event and opened with "you may not know this, but i grow peppers!"
She is in fact that bad. Its a literal diversity hire alcoholic doing their best but they are being monitored all day long to catch every single bungle. She was never supposed to be here, but Biden shit the bed (probably literally) and no one was willing to waste their shot at president against Trump. So they are stuck with her.
The only true question is if they intend to cheat anyway and just let her be a puppet or if they are letting her be sacrificed to get Trump out of the way for good.
It only became overrated because the series basically fucking died shortly after it and so it never had any competition. 3 was about as good but was a lot of the same in general, but 4 was hugely divisive and everything after it was rental fodder.
So people could only really talk about 2 to explain why the series was so big and kept getting games, and it slowly evolved into what it was.
Algorithms man. Normies consume stuff and then get pushed to the next mainstream thing and then the next. And then it is given a huge artificial bump (whether bots or just straight number changes) to make it look like it has huge engagement to keep those normies thinking its popular.
Its why flash in the pan stuff happens and then disappears just as fast without anyone even noticing it disappeared.
No woman goes into prison guard with any reason beyond hybristophilic desire to fuck those men. We don't see any female security guards in almost any other area because its otherwise not a female oriented career type.
Especially as we still treat it as a stern warning type action instead of the literal rape it is by all definable metrics.