Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not gonna lie, I came in here thinking you meant Gizmo from Teen Titans and was confused because he is both already a gremlin and evil.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

And its really giving more credibility than should exist to the "conpro brigaders are shitting the place up deliberately."

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I did a few times, yeah.

And even as I come around to your point of view on why banning antisemites wasn't a bad idea (despite becoming one myself), I still think it was true.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its a really good plan for Canada to implode its government right as a guy is taking office in America who has shown he has no respect for the nation and is going big on tariffs.

When you are in that bad of a state that the country you rely on to survive is now mocking you openly its a bad sign for continued trade and negotiations for you going forward. Especially your poor little natives who you are giving 20 Billion Dollars a year to provide no return.

Adamrises 35 points ago +35 / -0

These types of "gotchas" always reveal more about them, than it ever could about us.

Such as the fact that they are single issue activists, who can't handle more than one thing at a time and their entire political stance is defined by black/white dichotomies on a single topic.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

It might be, but on the flipside if he enforced them as lax as a lot of these topics want him to, it would be equally as dead.

Because without some amount of enforcement, it becomes unusable as certain users (like the one this topic was made to mock and the banned one from the drama post) will just spam the same Jew topics all day, and then scream at you for not agreeing with them 200% until you just stop participating.

I don't think Dom is doing anywhere near a good job or even has motives that wise, but the opposition has its own problems brought on by the way it runs its who.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair, but if it has that much crossover (which it obviously does in both categories) then this place should be an easy write off instead of a constant rage fest about it not being identical.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Considering that the general topics seem to be identical, I don't understand why anyone would stay here if they also went to conpro to begin with.

Its genuinely baffling that they come here just to complain that the two boards aren't identical, when if they were then this place would be irrelevant.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

Its really amazing how often that is the case, even when they can see and acknowledge it in other people (like Imp).

Adamrises 13 points ago +15 / -2

Or maybe we recognize inherent value in communities beyond "I'm mad things aren't exactly how I want them, time to burn it down!"

You have the mindset of a woman. "We argued too much this week, and also that guy over there is prettier, time to divorce and ruin shit for everyone!"

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your final link is the one I was referring to yes.

She admits under oath that the actual suicides are extremely rare, hiding and ducking around words like suicidality. Basically saying that while they don't actually commit it much, they attempt it a decent amount and "think about it" a lot (which is what most studies test, they ask if you thought about it to pump the numbers up to scary high.).

Anyone who knows anything about suicidal people, and especially teens/women knows that "thinking about it" or even "attempting" is often more for attention than actual risk of death. Especially in women, who seem to be the biggest target of "teen gender affirmation" operations.

So simply put, the one of the biggest pro-tranny activist possible is arguing before the Supreme Court themselves on behalf of trannies, and says outright that they don't commit suicide all that much. That's definitive enough for me to say they know its a lie and only hide behind it for manipulation tactics.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Girls would be more open to trying out guys on a first date

Well we were still living in a higher trust society. Girls didn't have a lot of worry about because niggers were still constrained to being on good behavior and guys in general knew they might get lynched or worse if they fucked around with some guy's daughter.

Now most girls don't have a dad, niggers are free to do anything, and everything is awful.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't seen Ranma 1/2 so can't comment on it but feel free to comment on what's mentioned or add a bunch I KNOW I missed.

Its almost shot for shot ripped from the manga a lot of the time, sans the nipples. Its got a lot more color and vibrancy to it in contrast to the original anime's subdued 80s coloring, which is a preference thing really.

Its in a weird place where its probably objectively better than the original, but not enough so to be worth watching or even making until like 8 seasons from now when it adapts new material the original didn't. And then we get to repeat the fucking awful endings Takahashi wrote for a bunch of characters that will literally create flame wars of shippers all over again.

But Ukyo is one of my original waifus, so I'll be there for her.

Also you missed the biggest name, Dragon Ball Daima, which is currently just shitting on the lore of Dragon Ball again and retconning stuff from both Z and Super.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its funny that the fat lady casually mentions how easy it is to restrain violent, mentally ill people.

When one of the most dangerous jobs in the Mental Health field is being the orderly in charge of doing that exact fucking job. Its the only part of the industry that's overwhelmingly male, because they need plural 6'2+ guys to safely restrain a 5'1 woman having a meltdown in a psych ward.

And by safely, they mean "not likely to die but still could, or hurt one of the guys really bad." Because its never even close to a 0% chance.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

I assumed restraining her, obviously, poorly raised child that was throwing an insane tantrum.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

and I mean 70s and up - who have storybook tales of the guy asking out the girl behind the jewelry counter at the department store

The missing part of this puzzle is in the past towns were smaller and more insular, meaning that random girl behind the counter probably has X degrees of connection to you anyway, even if you've never directly interacted.

Like, in my tiny hometown today if I talked to a girl with intent, she would absolutely know someone who knows me in some way to preselect from that. And I would likely know something about her family in general. There was a pre-built foundation for us to interact on that the cold approach wasn't nearly as frosty as it is today.

Same with the eligible pool back then being far smaller because of the (again) more small, insulated communities people lived in. Its a lot easier to be fine with talking to a random guy/girl if they are one of the 8-20 in your age range to begin with. You weren't competing as a guy with every single dude in the town because women were still shamed for picking something wildly inappropriate (like a much older man).

Adamrises 10 points ago +10 / -0

Thanks to the top Tranny Lawyer in America currently speaking before the SCOTUS, its been confirmed that they in fact do not. The entire suicide thing was a garbage study concocted entirely to garner sympathy and push for more "affirming care" practices.

So by their own admission it was a manipulation tactic they created that got turned against them.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

If they put a clause in that the father and he alone could waive his right to the test, I think that could sweep away the privacy/right's issue. Or even just "the man being put on the birth certificate" if father was too charged a word, so that way a woman can't just scribble a random guy's name in without proof.

Or, as you say, make it a requirement for any and all government intervention in the family.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somehow despite knowing BBB and Power Rangers extensively, I never saw or heard of VR Troopers until adulthood when Jontron brought it up.

Adamrises 52 points ago +52 / -0

My ghetto ass dad literally stole me away on a visit to get me tested, because he didn't trust my mom (correct decision). When it came back I was his, he described it as a huge weight off his shoulder and stopped any hesitation he had paying his child support or even being around.

Literally a walking example of how they can benefit the child themselves, and the woman, by removing any possible nagging doubts. Without even getting into the genetic portions.

The only way it can harm is if the mother is lying to begin with.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

The last one I saw was Lost Galaxy, which I think was 5? And by saw I mean my younger brother watched the origin movie for Space and that one on VHS a lot. But I remember one of those had a black ranger for the first time in forever.

Honestly after the movie for Turbo, which is way better than it has any right to be, the entire series became "well its on" slop for children.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

No idea, I just saw a blurb for the first episode describing the black, blue eyed people were the Native Swedes who saw the arrival of the whites.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

It does not.

Because according to this show the current White Swedes are actually immigrants to the land who arrived by boat after this proud kangz already ruled and, I assume, drove them out.

So its not just We Wuz. Its also whitey colonization too.

Adamrises 73 points ago +74 / -1

Their only argument against it is literally:

What you don't trust me?!

Which any grown adult knows is the exact line that someone cheating or lying uses immediately.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

Considering it was initially a wierd experimental show that only required like half the effort of a normal action show (since the fight sequences were provided by Japan), I don't exactly blame the production for treating them as cheap and disposable.

Double so for every cast after the initial batch, who at least was able to ride the huge popularity wave to some extent. By the time of like "In Space" it was basically a dumping ground for Z list fodder they had hanging around the studio.

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