ActOneSceneOne 9 points ago +9 / -0

In a world where a woman that stubs her toe and wants to take it out on the first man she sees that doesn't give her the tingles can do so, that radicalization seems like a very healthy response.

ActOneSceneOne 1 point ago +3 / -2

I sent the message to delete my Steam account yesterday. The fact that they make that a process in itself pisses me off, espeically considering that I don't actually own anything there.

As much as PC gaming can be fun, its main distribution being service-oriented has been a double-edged sword with the edge facing the player getting more honed. I've been searching local game stores for used old gems and will stick to playing those for now/fixing up older systems.

ActOneSceneOne 2 points ago +2 / -0

TheDonald being allowed to exist made them pull that pendulum to the left as far as the gears could take it. That pendulum is getting pretty heavy...

ActOneSceneOne 4 points ago +4 / -0

The street shitting in Canada is that bad, especially in Brampton.

ActOneSceneOne 46 points ago +47 / -1

Women's retardation is a perk only when it's scaled as small as possible. It's less "cute" when they have any responsibility

ActOneSceneOne 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nojiko not being the fuck ugliest nigger you've ever seen might make them turn inside out

ActOneSceneOne 7 points ago +7 / -0

What ties it all together is those retarded shoes. Dad shoe New Balances became a thing to "subvert fashion expectations" (I don't actually know that for certain but they never stopped looking retarded so what else could it be), and that couples very well with this woman doing the same dance routine as the landlord from The Big Lebowski

ActOneSceneOne 67 points ago +67 / -0

This dude still doesn't get enough hate for that vaccine song. That should have ruined a man

ActOneSceneOne 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Cultural movement", huh? This bitch is the uber-Millennial, the result of firing before you aim and having the target drawn around the bullet hole in the wall a mile away from the actual target

ActOneSceneOne 47 points ago +47 / -0

It's weird, hating a person I don't even know just because she was the key component of the enshittification of a large media company and likely a key player in the domestication of Western people into accepting the shit hand they are holding today by stacking the deck full of staggered non-face cards.

Actually that isn't weird. Eat shit, cunt.

ActOneSceneOne 18 points ago +18 / -0

Rakowitz looks like he pulled the censorship sword from the stone, just straight destined to be the head of an advertising cabal. He couldn't play himself in a movie about himself because the casting would be considered too stereotypical, god damn.

ActOneSceneOne 15 points ago +15 / -0

Like isn't part of the equation; it's whether or not you look like a blithering faggot. Or are one, in your case.

ActOneSceneOne 30 points ago +30 / -0

You know, jester did "da Joooz" constantly and that made him look like a blithering faggot. The same applies to you though that may be an accurate descriptor independent of how you act on the internet

ActOneSceneOne 10 points ago +10 / -0

LOL, that's the longhouse in action right there. Imagine making an ugly male character and forcing the female Sim to love you because she's MC-sexual. Any woman watching that video game false romance unfold is experiencing rape.

ActOneSceneOne 23 points ago +23 / -0

For years the elite and faggot class wielded words as weapons; their enemies have finally decided to wield weapons as weapons.

Oh, Jabed Ahmed and Athena Stavrou (very British names), are still trying. "Far-right" riots? Sure. The Independent also has a "race correspondent" (https://archive.ph/PwuBV) and she is throwing out the dictional shrapnel at maximum rates. Unfortunately for her, the people with actual shrapnel will not stop until "race correspondent" is no longer a thing.

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