AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

You do not know that. That's my point. And frankly, with everything that keeps coming out about him, I do not trust Elon Musk. How hard is that to understand? The man constantly goes back on his word, most recent example being willingness to engage in censorship when he wants to like with the whole What Is A Woman fiasco.

You have zero way to know whether or not this is a win, and never once did I imply it's a binary good/bad, win/loss scenario. In fact, I thought it was pretty damn clear that I was saying that at purely face value this seems good, but I doubt that the reality will be anything close to that.

You wanna celebrate? Go right ahead. Daddy Elon thanks you for it. But I'm not gonna trust Elon's word just because the left don't like him either.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it a win though? Seriously. Can you verify that this will result in Twitter telling the whole truth? That they will publish every request they do and do not follow? What credibility is there here?

I don't trust Musk. He's a weasel that has tried to play both sides for a very long time. Why should I trust him on this now?

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

And I think it's premature. I'd be happy to be wrong, but I won't be celebrating without evidence that this is a worthwhile step and not a misdirection where some requests are shown and the more serious ones are kept quiet, where the public think they're getting the truth and grow complacent with what is a lie by omission.

Maybe I'm too doomer. Maybe it's because I have no attachment to that terrible fucking site. But I'm not going to simply listen and believe, and certainly not Musk when I've barely trusted him at all in the past.

AccountWasFree 32 points ago +32 / -0

this platform does the least censorship

Putting aside the doubt.jpg, having the supposed "least" when the opposition is YouTube, Google, Facebook and Instagram isn't exactly a high hurdle. In fact, there's quite a bit of room there to get away with quite a lot of censorship in fact.

Like yeah, be as transparent as possible, but I still don't trust the company to tell the truth, even about this. What's to stop them from only publishing some of the censorship requests? Nothing, that's what.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

No way! A product that is overwhelmingly going to be used by artsy fartsy types that are themselves overwhelmingly liberal and leftist ended up pandering to leftists?! How could this happen!?

Facetiousness aside, this shouldn't have been a surprise. They know their audience, and in this case, it is overwhelmingly leftist types. And yeah, this pithy corporate virtue signalling is still cringe, but this is one of the least surprising cases of it yet, among with not being surprised that actors are overwhelmingly leftist ideologues. It comes with the territory.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

That's kind of the thing with podcasts: you can do other stuff at the same time. They're often advertised as such, with a lot of people listening to them while commuting.

AccountWasFree 33 points ago +33 / -0

Gonna be blunt, but what did you expect OP? This is the trend of modern Hollywood: Make a good first movie/season with little to no ideological push that isn't already established as mainstream. Load the ideological pushes in the sequel to inflate sales numbers and associate with the ideology because "clearly people do actually like the ideology, just look at the sales on this movie that has the ideology all over it!".

It's all a fucking push to convince disconnected executive types that this is what is actually popular and they should invest more money into the degenerate virtue signalling, believing that the more exposure this gets, the more normalised it will get. And to a certain extent, they're not wrong, more and more people will become jaded and accept that this is par for the course, even if they don't agree with it.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I imagine is going to happen, and maybe soon, is some biker dad in Oklahoma is going to find out his son is being told to be a girl. He's going to go to the bar, tell his buddies about it, and take action. Or some guy will see, actually see, that he is now paying for other people's loans and go visit his bank. And then it's going to be open season.

There will be the usual media bullshit but people don't care anymore

And I strongly disagree. There will be waves and waves of disagreement about his actions, about how he shouldn't have taken the matter into his own hands and followed the rules. Because yeah, NOW we look up to people like Gary Plauché, but this was YEARS later, and moreover, you don't see people going out and killing pedos even if their name is known. It's not open season just because one guy got fed up. There was general dismissal, condemnation at taking the laws into his own hands, but a QUIET agreement with what he did. There was no uprising caused by a public vigilante. This is a pipe dream. A fantasy. Do I want it to happen? Fuck yeah. But stop kidding yourself that you, or me, or whoever else reads this comment is going to rise up. Did you rise up with Jan 6? No. There was an opportunity for a boiling point. But you weren't going to risk your life for this.

It doesn't need to get MUCH worse, for many people it already has.

I think you misunderstand me: When I said "It needs to get much worse before people are willing to risk what they have", I'm emphasising that people have it so fucking good these days that they don't understand what's truly at risk. We keep getting tired comparisons to Nineteen-Eighty-Four, but the reality is that we're far closer to Brave New World with mass compliance due to an abundance of happy distractions. And it is compliance at the end of the day. Because most people, including the ones here (myself included), are absolutely complying with most things. Not everything, but enough that it isn't rocking the boat all that much. I wish I had the capacity to not comply with more. But I don't. Because I have shit that I am not prepared to lose. I'm willing to fight for it and protect it. I'm not willing to lose it by fighting.

And this is often the crux of so many that rightfully complain about modern society while doing very little about their own situation: They're always waiting for Someone Else™ to come along and solve their problems. Can't start a revolution? Someone Else™ will surely do it.

And the reality is that it simply won't happen. There will never be Someone Else™ to rally behind. There will never be that miraculous moment where the stars align and you'll get some golden invitation in the mail to join a revolution. There will be no martyr. Your best bet is to build your own communities and get involved at grass roots levels. And when I say this, I am explicitly NOT talking about revolutionary groups that are almost definitely going to be a honey pot. I'm talking about groups that are all about independence. About you being as reliant upon yourself and those you directly know as possible, and not on a faceless bureaucracy or corporate board. Shit like getting to know your neighbours and those in your direct community. Because the reality is that that will have more impact on YOUR life and YOUR situation than ever expecting Someone Else™ to come save us all.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't hate the accelerationist crowd, I just believe them to be naive in just how bad and downtrodden people truly need to become. It's not enough for there to be blatant tyranny. Blatant tyranny is easy to maintain. The downtrodden need to have nothing left to lose and everything to gain. THAT is the problem with accelerationism: It needs to get to a point where it's practically over before a rebuilt can happen. And what's more, that rebuild will have ZERO control from accelerationists. Yeah, you might get something like early America. Just as likely to get any other number of results from various coups and revolutions.

AccountWasFree 18 points ago +18 / -0

Leftists will blame Capitalism for this, as if shit-tier quality isn't a cornerstone of every commie nation on the planet both past and present.

Yeah, planned obsolescence is fucking evil, but it's not unique to Capitalism. Then again, disposability was fucking lauded by urbanite trash, and they can't stand the idea of anyone being as independent as possible by being able to fix or repair their own property. Urbanites are the reason for most of societies problems. And the sad thing is, it never just effects urbanites.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +18 / -4

Whilst I am incredibly pro-gun, this has become such an annoying statement for me, for the very simple reason that America isn't doing anything about their tyrannical bullshit either. They supposedly have the means, but you're doing fuck all outside small individual cases (many of which are still condemned by the public thanks to state propaganda).

It's all good having the means, but without the will, what does it really matter? Yes, guns are still vitally important in those individual cases, but in my opinion these machoistic phrases do more to keep people complacent than it does to inspire any sort of action. And what's sadder, and a legitimate problem, is that any call to action is rightfully suspected of being various kinds of fedposting. A near perfect dynamic for those in power to do nearly anything they want so long as they don't move "too fast", complacent because people believe they still have the means, unwilling because any organisation is far too risky at being stomped down.

Coincidentally, this is why most accelerationists are very naive and short-sighted. Things have to get much MUCH worse before people will be willing to risk what they have, and gun owners are no different.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anime: I've been watching things like Pokemon and DBZ since I was a kid, but never really associated it with anime itself. For that, it would be Death Note quickly followed by Fullmetal Alchemist 2004.

Manga: Tie between Gunnm and Akira.

Games: OG Doom. Breaking it down into genres, Doom stands for FPS/action, Crash Bandicoot for platformers/adventure, Suikoden 2 for JRPGs/RPGs in general. That covers most of what I tend to play and adjacent categories.

Comics: Hellboy

Film: Always watched film growing up, but the movie that got me invested in film as a specific way to tell stories? Hard to pick one, but Blade Runner is the first thing to come to mind. Unsure if it was the specific one that created that enjoyment, but nothing else is really popping out at me. Maybe Alien? Dunno about that one.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, definitely without a doubt. But the idea that capitalism forces you is a load of shit.

Then again, these are the same kinds of spastics that thing people living in medieval England had it better because they "only worked for a third of the year" or some bullshit, because being little more than a slave for Lords is clearly so much better.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do somewhat agree. It's definitely the one that I've idly thought about on a few occasions, and never really come up with a compelling or definitive conclusion in either direction.

AccountWasFree 21 points ago +21 / -0

Also doesn't help that most people don't really know what rights are, nor the rather important difference between positive and negative rights, and that the former is pretty fucking heinous when put under any sort of moral examination.

For those unaware, the most basic way to put it is that positive rights involve a person being entitled to the good or service of another, while a negative right is that others are obliged to inaction lest they infringe upon anothers rights.

Both examples of these exist within the American Constitution, though most are negative rights. Examples of a few clear cut negative rights are things like the First, Second and Fourth Amendments, while an example of a positive right is the Sixth Amendment, specifically the part about a Jury as that explicitly requires the service of another to achieve.

These distinctions are VERY important to anyone interested in the morality and preservation of human rights and freedoms, and the ignorance about it is how the left can so often and eagerly get away with calling for things like healthcare to be a human right, even though that outright claims that people are entitled to the labour of another person, and denial of that would be an infringement upon their human rights. Only problem is that's also fucking slavery, which is all that positive rights amount to at the end of the day.

This is also why so many statists assert that human rights are granted or bestowed upon people by governments and not innate to the human condition, because it allows them to assert that certain aspects of slavery is fine and okay when it serves their purposes.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, I don't disagree. Was just curious if it was an actual adaptation (like most anime is of the manga they're based off), or if it was an "adaptation" like Blade Runner is an "adaptation", in that it's wildly off from the original and just takes some key elements between the two, while still telling a good and compelling story.

Interesting that it seems to be a rather accurate adaption then, considering how rare that is for the west to do.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had forgotten about Edge of Tomorrow, but I am personally unaware of the adaptation quality. Yes, it's a really good movie, but was it accurate? Because if not, refer back to what I said regarding Alita and creative liberties. If it is accurate, then I guess there's an exception to the rule of thumb. It's not like an adaptation can't be good, just that there's nowhere near enough evidence to not reasonably assume it will be shit until proven otherwise.

AccountWasFree 19 points ago +19 / -0

They're almost right, except it's not because of capitalism and the free market, it's because of government and taxation that explicitly forces you to take part in the system for their benefit.

That said, they're also being melodramatic retards that are unhappy because they have to work to survive. Shockingly, none of these freaks are putting their hands up to go live on a commune. No, they want the fruits of YOUR labour to take care of them with strong governments to redistribute YOUR wealth into their pockets so they can play games all day.

There's definitely critique of the current structure out there. Bitching about freedom isn't it.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +14 / -0

This shit is so annoying to me. Not because of the film, but because so many fucking retards thought this one might be different. We've had literal fucking decades of TERRIBLE adaptations when it comes to nerd culture, with the only one ever cracking it being generic as fuck capeshit, and that has plenty of objective failures in there as well.

Seriously, how many live-action anime adaptations are worth watching? Ghost in the Shell? Nope. Fullmetal Alchemist? Nope. DragonBall Evolution? Nope. Bleach? Nope. Cowboy Bebop? Shocker, it's again nope.

For fucks sake, what in the everloving fuck was anyone thinking about this being decent, let alone good? Has nothing been learnt about the shit tier-quality that is adaptations? Even the supposed good adaptations are either lousy as an adaptation and take creative liberties to create a compelling movie (Alita for example), or they're simply mediocre as far as films go and you're better off just watching the anime instead.

This was set to be a failure from day one. Anyone who held any hope to the contrary (other than to be proven wrong by assuming it would be trash) should be checked for severe mental deficiencies.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

A "party" that gets a couple hundred votes (none of which are counted, because the system is rigged) isn't really a party. It holds no power, no sway, no influence. There could be a hundred parties like that, but it won't change the reality that the vast majority of the public are fine with their dystopian bullshit.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

It seems to be somewhat out of his control. He all but outright states "this is bad".

In July of 2022, Cleese was asked if comedians have the freedom to be funny, to which he responded with “No.” He continued, “I think it's particularly worrying at the moment because you can only create in an atmosphere of freedom where you're not checking everything you say critically before you move on."

“A lot of comedians now are sitting there and when they think of something, they say something like, 'Can I get away with it? I don't think so. So and so got into trouble, and he said that, oh, she said that.' You see what I mean? And that's the death of creativity," Cleese said.

It's still bending the knee, because I would just cancel the whole stage show at that point saying it's either the correct and full way or it's not done at all, but that's also coming from someone who has seen just how fucking bad it's going to get unless people start actively pushing back and holding their ground. Either way, it's the same old story: disappointing, but not surprising.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fair point I guess.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

What has Target supposedly done to piss of the perpetually offended?

EDIT: Looks like they pulled some pride month clothing due to backlash.

"Target declined to specify Wednesday which items it was removing but among the ones that garnered the most attention were “tuck friendly” women’s swimsuits that allow trans women who have not had gender-affirming operations to conceal their private parts. Designs by Abprallen, a London-based company that designs and sells occult- and satanic-themed LGBTQ+ clothing and accessories, have also created backlash."

It's amazing just how many of these freaks see the supposedly negative descriptions of them, and then decide of their own free will to embody that kind of twisted fuck as much as possible. Almost like it isn't a negative description, and just an outright description.

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