AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

Aaaand a quick look at your scored posting history shows you're an unironic nutter. There's no help that exists that could help you.

YOU might not be innately good, but you don't get to speak for the rest of humanity. May God have mercy on you.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

"Yes, we recognise that government is the problem as they have willingly and knowingly abused us, but the solution here is to give the government more power"

Statists are and always will be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, no exception. Yes, that does include the usual woke crowd on woke topics, but to be fair, practically all of them are statist themselves, and doubly so if they self describe themselves as "anarchist" communists.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

The byline alone gives it away. You don't become Christian for such a self-serving reason as "civilisational war". You become Christian because you believe it to be the righteous path as God intended. Anything so worldly is a dead giveaway that someone is nowhere near Christian and is looking to manipulate those that either are or interested in being such.

This is definitely clear cut propaganda. I'm surprised how blatant it really is, and so few are seeing it.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

If I'm honest, I could excuse a minor wipe of the lore, but they should have just picked the best stories and kept them. Because the EU wasn't perfect, but there was a lot that should have been kept.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you like classic EU content (Or "Legends" as it's now called), then I would recommend the Bane novels. I'm currently on the second one at the moment, and the first was enjoyable and works as a standalone story with a hook simply to continue the story without being a cliffhanger. Definitely an interesting look into the Dark Side where most stories focus on the Light Side.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not massively into reading, but currently reading Dune, prior to that it was The Hobbit.

I am more into audiobooks, currently listening to the Star Wars Bane Trilogy (it's pre-Disney content, and it's decent for easy listening). Prior to that, I was listening to some Lovecraft, specifically The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. I want to listen to I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream next, especially since it's available for free on YouTube and read by Ellis himself. I love when I can listen to the author read their own books, because it tends to be better regarding intended tone, even if their performance skill is lesser.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

In this thread: No, you're the [insert Other Side™ Term here]-fag!!!

I know that there's a divide here among those that like to focus on Jews and those that like to ignore anything to do with that, but come on. This is peak in-fighting if ever there was.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't hate the idea of something being popular, I hate the idea of it not being properly gatekept. Unfortunately, the more popular something becomes, the less likely people at large will step up and weed out the people who have no love for the hobby.

AccountWasFree 15 points ago +15 / -0

Maybe I'm still holding onto some hopeful naivety, but there must be some out there that are in fact like that, where they themselves were naive and allowed themselves to be fooled, and are willing to realise the harm they've caused. And for those that I hope exist, I do feel somewhat sorry for them. It sucks to have good intentions lead to harm.

However, with that said: good intention and even legitimate repentance doesn't mean a person shouldn't be punished. There's always the debate of punitive vs reformative when it comes to the idea of justice, and while I certainly see the importance of reformation, punishment must still be a part of that process. And this is no exception. She wilfully harmed those children, and for that she must face some form of punishment. Excusing the complicity and facilitation of such abuses can never be on the table.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

A good start would be the elimination of government interference. "Too big to fail" and monopolies are pretty much entirely maintained through government interference in one way or another, from bailouts to pricing out competition though regulations.

It's why the medical industry, specifically pharma, is such a fucking insidious shitshow of unchecked evil, and it's primarily through the regulations surrounding patents. Insulin is fucking easy to make. People have done it safely in their fucking garage, that's how easy it is. But it's ridiculously over-priced and the only places it's "cheaper" is with subsidies (meaning it's still the same price, just that the government (AKA tax payers) pays most of the bill).

You wanna stop the "infinite growth"? Allow the companies to fail, and the competition to succeed.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

IIRC, it was basically by acknowledging that the message was seen, then entirely ignored it. He didn't make a big deal about it and within about 3 days, people had moved on. And IIRC it was about troon shit or something similar.

Remember, making a deal out of it will lead to more attention. Ignoring it and making it as irrelevant as possible, treating it with apathy, is the best course of action when you're already successful like Tynan was.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Kinda surprised that nobody has mentioned Trepang² yet. I haven't played it myself yet, but everything I've seen is that it's solid.

If you're after boomer shooters, I'd recommend a few titles, like HROT, Turbo Overkill, ULTRAKILL, DUSK. There's more too. I dunno how the devs are, I know that David S (the guy behind Dusk and New Blood (the publishers of a few of these)) is at least left leaning.

Superliminal is a pretty good puzzle game, and though it's a little on the short side, it doesn't overstay its welcome either.

Cultist Simulator is a pretty solid game, though I'm fairly sure that the devs are probably pozzed. That said, I don't think there's any of that in the game, so there's always that.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +11 / -0

The reason I feel even a little sorry is that they too were taken advantage of. That doesn't excuse their own choice to then take advantage of others, they're still scum and should be treated as such. But I can't forget that at one point it was someone else who took advantage of them.

Their current state is at least partially the result of that, to the point that were they not taken advantage of, they wouldn't be the scum they are.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

To be fair, I can understand the joy of watching speedruns, but the type of person to actually do speedrunning for the purpose of getting some high score is definitely linked. The only exception is racing through a game against a friend. That's a friendly competition, not obsessive breaking down of a game. It's a fine line, but it's one that exists.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +14 / -0

Should also be noted that Tynan, the guy behind Rimworld, did actually whole heartedly dismiss the stupid "gender" cult creeps, and with utter surprise nobody cared outside a handful of freaks. What a surprise.

So a big +1 to Rimworld. Game rarely goes on sale and I haven't seen it dip below 10% (though SteamDB is saying it's been going on sale for 20% off for a while now), but frankly, if you're into colony sims or similar it's worth it at full price. You will get hours out of the game. Coupled with the countless mods and three solid DLC additions, it's got plenty of content to keep you going.

AccountWasFree 17 points ago +17 / -0

This is also why speedrunning is even more over-flowing with troons. Autists are naturally drawn to playing a single level over and over and over, and so many end up going troon, and I almost feel sorry for them. Almost. Because so many of them turn around and try to push it onto more people, making them also complicit.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know that importing third world people brings third world problems with them, but I must admit that I'm actually a little surprised at how high that is. I would have expected something closer to 40%, rather than just shy of two thirds. 40% would have been a massive problem still. but 64% cannot be considered a mistake. It's deliberate at that point.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because this is part of a larger story to avoid getting a covid vax. That's why he asked for a second branded bandage to try and fool his mother.

Ideally, yes, he didn't need either, but if it gets him out of getting a covid vax, it's not a ridiculous play.

by Lethn
AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now it's some crappy 'epic' pop music or whatever the fuck genre the normies listen to tons now BOOM BOOM BOOMing in the background

Assassin's Creed Mirage was one that I really noticed recently with their shitty ads. It was just the pinnacle of "who the fuck are you trying to market to with this ad?".

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

I fucking hate the idea that it's "better than nothing". Because there's many many instances of that "something" being actively harmful. And what's worse is that this idea that "something is better than nothing" is so pervasive among the midwits out there that it's not even an uncommon idea.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well, it is Canberra/ACT, which is the politics center of Australia.

Interestingly enough though, breaking it down by electorate, even inner Canberra wasn't the area with the most voting yes. That disgrace goes to Inner City Melbourne, with 78% voting yes as of writing this. Followed by Grayndler(Sydney), Inner City Sydney, and then Inner Canberra, at 74%, 71% and 70.5% respectively.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

Not Bamboozler, but am another Aussie.

Honestly, this result is somewhat of a white-pill, a nice point that their propaganda isn't as unbreakable as what was once believed. I've also enjoyed looking at the electorate breakdowns (best one I've found I'll link below, I know it's The Guardian, but it's the only way to view the interactable map), and it's been enjoyable to see that the most white areas that have the least interaction with Aboriginals and other non-white demographics (AKA NIMBY's) are the ones that were most likely to vote "yes". On top of this, outside inner-city predominantly white areas, most areas are pretty evenly representative of the rest of the nation, that being roughly only 35-40% supported the yes vote, key exceptions being inner city Melbourne, Canberra (politician central), and inner city Sydney.

Meanwhile, you look at places like Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland, often considered the states more likely to have higher populations of Aboriginal people, and you'll see that they're the states with lower numbers of "yes" support, with NT in specific being interesting currently sitting at 38% yes vote, and often considered The Aboriginal State, containing both Darwin and Alice Springs that have much higher numbers than other cities in Australia.

The reality is that nobody wanted this. Even the lefties pushing it were just pushing current thing and couldn't give any information about how "The Voice" would operate beyond "they'll make representations". What's a "representation"? Who the fuck knows!? But they can make them! On top of this, as an organisation that would be enshrined within our Constitution, the taxpayer would be paying the members salaries. How many members? Again, who the fuck knows!? There are over 100 different recognised tribes of Aboriginals in Australia, to have one member from each would rival House of Representatives (151 seats) and surpassing the Senate (71 seats).

The lack of clarity for even the layperson was too much. Nobody knew what it was, and that was obviously part of the design, and people saw it.


Now, the negative. Just because this vote failed, doesn't mean The Voice cannot exist. Technically, Local government shouldn't exist in Australia, but it does. In fact, this went to referendum twice. Once in 1977, and again in 1988. Both failed, with ~47% and ~34% voting in favour respectively. These were with regards to to:

Local Government Bodies

to give the Commonwealth powers to borrow money for, and to make financial assistance grants directly to, any local government body


Local Government

to recognise local government in the Constitution

respectively. Since then, Australia has and maintains local governments and councils, and grants are routinely given to said organisations.

Now this isn't as vile as a race based apartheid ruling, and some here might agree with the idea of local councils, but Australians certainly didn't, and the government lost both times, but went ahead with it anyway. Meaning that this "Voice" could very well be a thing in the future.

So as much as this is a whitepill, a nice relief from the shitshow of everything, including just how pozzed the average Aussie ultimately is, it's not a nail in the coffin. I wish it were. Albanese might have put a nail in his run to re-elect as Prime Minister and could get voted out next election, but the opposition (The Liberal Party) aren't really anything to praise and neither are any of Albo's fellow party members (Labor Party).

Overall, it's a mixed bag. It's somewhat of a win, but I remain doubting that this is in any way the end of those efforts.

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