ACanadianGoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly our legislators could be enslaved while they work in the Congresses and Parliaments and I would still say they are grossly over paid.

ACanadianGoose 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that our fathers and grand fathers were and are traitors to their God, sons and country.

ACanadianGoose 7 points ago +7 / -0

Judging by the state of the average, camel faced pajeeta, no you don't.

ACanadianGoose 12 points ago +13 / -1

It's in his nature to endlessly kvetch.

ACanadianGoose 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yeah but even her hatred of trannies isn't based. She only hates them because she views them as a threat to women's social power.

We hate trannies because they're child rapists.

ACanadianGoose 6 points ago +6 / -0

They empathize and identify with demons and bugs because they are demons and bugs.

ACanadianGoose 8 points ago +8 / -0

Lmao Maddow could be required to pay whatever bullshit salary she makes now and I'd still say she is way overpaid.

ACanadianGoose 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right and I tend to agree that it probably is some rerarded staffer who cares far too much what AIPAC/Israel thinks. What I personally can't understand is why the Israeli lobby/government/Jews have this level of influence over the West's governments.

It really does feel like a lot of powerful Jewish people actually have dual loyalties and aren't acting in the best interests of the people they are supposed to represent.

ACanadianGoose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ok fair enough.

Why should the Americans care whether or not Israel is included in a peace ceremony that is irrelevant to the Israelis? Shouldn't the proper response be to the Israelis gnashing their teeth be get fucked? I don't see any Japanese ambassadors throwing hissy fits because they aren't invited to Holocaust memorials.

ACanadianGoose 15 points ago +15 / -0

You really can't imagine why the American ambassador to Japan would be invited to a peace ceremony that is being held in one of the cities that had an atomic bomb dropped on it by the Americans?

ACanadianGoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope AfD wins and day 1 shuts down the Bundestag and starts the political prosecution of these shit libs.

To save democracy.

ACanadianGoose 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is unconscionable. How can our governments do things like this and not be tormented by their guilt?

I'm forced to conclude it's because they hate us. Our problem is we don't hate them nearly enough.

ACanadianGoose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I completely agree. I love that the people I hate more than anything are voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool. Hopefully they also sterilize themselves because anyone who goes through with 4B/is a progressive shouldn't ever be given the opportunity to breed.

ACanadianGoose 5 points ago +5 / -0

You might think you hate government employees enough, but you don't.

ACanadianGoose 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel like Russia getting off to a slow start is kind of par for the course though. It feels to me like the Russian military is always, for lack of a better word, sluggish and clumsy at the start of the war and takes some time to warm up and figure things out. So while the start of the war might be a disaster for Russia, they do have the stamina to fight it out and harden. From my admittedly amateurish position as armchair general, it looks much like the same pattern the Russians followed in every major war since Napoleon.

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