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It's still ongoing lolololololol
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he a mudslime that scammed men out of money for knowledge that a true men's rights activist would hand out for free, simply for the express purpose of educating and uplifting their own peoples?
Interrogating these creatures reveal very interesting "pattern matches".
The 'tin pot dictator accidentally pisses off a superpower' scenario. The redcoat scumbags have long held complete domination over their slaves. They became so used to pushing around a toothless, beaten, disarmed subjects that they began to throw their weight around, convinced of their own invincibility. Then they decide to mouth off at the wrong person.
That's why.
I would ask you how you know, but you're the sort of dirty rat that runs away whenever I start really taking apart your arguments.
Also, before you start - north korea also has indentured servitude for those they deem 'subhuman'/'the other'/'enemy'.
They witnessed a power beyond them, and out of greed for clout, they try to do what these greater beings were capable of. If you know, you know.