Oh right, I forgot the most important ingredient: thermonuclear fusion weapons. Stockpile about 500,000 of them during the first few months, then place them into 'ready to strike' status. Place these warheads on those newfangled 'hypersonic missiles'. Every country will immediately scramble to make peace treaties and non-interference treaties.
The trick is to load up a truck with explosives - around 5000 kilos or more, drive it into the fancy homes of crooked judges who demand that you keep funding the NGOs while they're away and press the pretty red button AFTER walking away calmly.
Rinse and repeat for each home the judge moves to until they break and start doing heroin in a tent city.
And yes, I would surgically remove a tumor on my foot.
In a piece for the website, he wrote: “Prosecuting people smugglers who never set foot on British soil is impossible, and more would spring up to meet demand anyway.
See, this is what cruise missiles should be used for. Slam it into the human traffickers' fancy apartments and NGO offices and broadcast a warning: "Wanna try us? You'll regret it."
I referred to a terrorist as trash, yes.
See, this obsession with marking children of whom your rulers deem 'undesirables' as terrorists is what gives you away. That and your desperation to cover up the sexual abuse of children with your whiny "waaah she's a terrorist because I said so." excuse.
Keep seething about your inferiority for free. I'm sure one day you'll change things!
What's the matter, fedboy? Couldn't meet your quota of tricking mentally disadvantaged children into committing crimes?
Let me explain what gave you away. You referred to a victim of sexual abuse as 'trash'. Stay ignorant and mad, fedboy.
Once the USAID funds run dry, I'm sure you'll find honest work mining coal or something. Or starve to death, that would be a bit funnier.
The Torture and Interrogation Unit has profiled lots of fellers like you. See, the most common denominator of terrorists is that they tend to go for obscenities once the interrogator figures out what their plan is. They become upset and angry.
Just like you. Strange, isn't it? But hey, it's fun to slowly break them.
Sometimes I wonder if you're actual USAID-funded islamic terrorists. No one else would be running bad PR for Israel on purpose like you lot do.
If you read the article, it says the charges were dropped because she was found to have been sexually abused. Now, why would you omit that fact?
Sure wish I could tell her this:
"Nuclear weapons? How quaint. I have sent the blueprints and control keys of the Jewish Space Lasers to the God-Emperor. He has provided me with a new identity, a new home and guaranteed citizenship in return."
Congratulations! Now they can't divorce-rape you!