4gain4gain 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean, it was the 70's. People popped ludes recreationally and having some to share was definitely a way to pick up peeps in the club scene.

4gain4gain 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank goodness we got Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and Barret. I'm sure all of those will make the right decisions in the future . . . .


4gain4gain 6 points ago +6 / -0

nearly impossible

All these appointed officials are overdue for a stark reminder that they serve at the leisure of the populace, not the other way around.

4gain4gain 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is definitely still pretty dark at its core. Be safe man

4gain4gain 1 point ago +1 / -0

Avoid Amulet (2020) like the plague. Had so much potential but then just devolves into standard female power fantasies.

4gain4gain 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are a new technology which means that NO ONE has any real data about long term effects.

4gain4gain 12 points ago +12 / -0

The senate is not a judicial body, they cannot "convict" people. That's civics 101. Then again, these people don't care about civics or civility.

4gain4gain 14 points ago +14 / -0

The conservatives of america are very anti-cop right now. Just go check out patriots.win, pretty much everyone doubts that law enforcement is a force for general good and no one trust federal powers.

4gain4gain 25 points ago +25 / -0

Those would be the indie game passion projects done by people who aren't jaded by the industry yet.

4gain4gain 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's funny is that it's my understanding that impossible meat has a much larger environmental footprint than any kind of cruelty free meat, but it is "cheaper".

4gain4gain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Worth a pirate for sure. Wonder Gal is super cringey especially one exchange with a little girl. The villains and story is waaay more cohesive though there is a lot of "weird prophecy dreams and stuff" that is jarring. I think Snyder eventually wanted to go into the Injustice storyline but with the new focus on Wonder thighs that all might be dead in the water.

4gain4gain 9 points ago +9 / -0

I was always very liberal and considered myself an atheist until maybe 2013 or 14. I had a ex-room mate suddenly decide they were trans and of course somehow come into contact with an old class mate that was also recently trans. I wanted to be as supporting and helpful as I could because I had lost another friend to suicide recently and I was aware of the potential for depression for people undergoing such radical changes.

I really did try to be as supporting as possible but some of the shit that they said taught me that these otherwise intelligent people were completely insane. I let it go until they linked an article about how the Canadian government would charge parents and even remove parents if they didnt follow through with the child's wishes to be trans. I asked why anyone would think that was a good idea and got abusively lectured about how kids as young as 4 really do know what gender that they should be and can get put on hormone blockers with no repercussions. Then I knew, these people are delusional at best, evil at worst. For my part I tried to stay friendly but they really didn't like me after I told them my view point, whatever friendship we had was broken. Over the next two years I learned that I am very much a libertarian and even awoke my desire to reexamine my faith.

4gain4gain 10 points ago +10 / -0

This isn't new. The term "Environmental Justice" was being shopped around as early as the 70's and really took off under Clinton in the 90's with the idea that minority communities received a great brunt of the fallout from environmental spills and hazards. There are really two schools of thought in the environmental community now. One is at the very least marketed as aggressive anti-capitalist spiteful hatred of big manufacturing. Think Greta Thunberg and the whiniest vegan you can imagine. The other is a paper pusher whose job is dependent on navigating the overly confusing array of various agencies that makeup the EPA or European equivalent. There are a few though who tthink the whole system needs to get scrapped and start from new.

4gain4gain 17 points ago +17 / -0

This needs to keep happening over and over again, it only takes one judge to agree and the whole thing comes undone. "We're a private company and can silence our users" is not gonna fly when the general public demands social media as a public service.

by borga
4gain4gain 8 points ago +8 / -0

I literally watched the first 30 minutes then fast forwarded to the end to see her character get shot and it still wasn't fulfilling. They create this awful person, someone who has a serious come uppance heading her way and even when she gets killed they make it out like she is a victim. Terrible movie, Rosamund Pike only plays horrid female empowerment monsters, I will just never watch anything with her in it ever.

4gain4gain 11 points ago +11 / -0

People aren't confrontational anymore. If someone asks you to wear a mask, just say "Sorry I don't have one" then immediately walk away. 999 out of 1000 times this works.

4gain4gain 1 point ago +2 / -1

Superman returns was really dumb. The guy is supposed to have 1 weakness and that's kryptonite. So on a literal island of kryptonite he gets stabbed by kryptonite and still just brushes it off within the hour. But that's superman for you, just a basic power fantasy.

4gain4gain 13 points ago +13 / -0

Honestly, the risk is probably pretty minimal, the question is if the risk of COVID 19 itself is greater than the risk of the virus. Having had COVID 19 myself and having experienced basically no symptoms and no long term effects, I am staunchly against taking the vaccine myself. That said, if I were over 60, I'd be taking it, and the same reason I am not giving my grandparents crap as they take it now.

4gain4gain 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's abhorrent that the left is gloating like they are right now. How can you call yourself the "Party of Empathy" while cheering that people are literally freezing to death just because they might be part of GOP? How fucking shortsighted are you?

4gain4gain 13 points ago +13 / -0

Going off of the numbers as reported it is hard to know for sure. Let's say as of today, 46 million single dose vaccines have been given in the US. I literally can't find any real numbers about who is delivering where and how but with the knowledge that there are 2 major vaccines I'm gonna assume that the AZ vaccine is going to half. The vaccine requires 2 doses before side effects have been known to occur so we can divide that number in half again. Just spitballing, out of 11.5 million inidividuals, 42.6k had bad reactions. That means you have a 0.3% chance to have an adverse reaction and a 0.0008% chance to die from it. Now there is a ton of estimation in these numbers so take it with a grain of salt. But it sounds like a good report. I doubt they would report it if it was bad though.

4gain4gain 9 points ago +9 / -0

Because if we have to do it, If we have to get up and acknowledge the abuse, it doesn't end in divorce like a marriage. The police aren't going to take the abuser away and we don't get to start a happy new life in a new state. That leaves very few options left after we decide we aren't gonna take the abuse any longer.

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