1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

This comes across like an extended trailer for a movie, I kinda like it. What a horrible techno-dystopia we've fallen into.

1776ReasonsWhy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Superman never made any mistake worse than stopping Lex Luthor blasting the San Andreas fault apart and sending the remnants of SanFran & LA into Davy Jones' locker.

1776ReasonsWhy 13 points ago +13 / -0

Also from the same people saying "Keep Portland weird!" for years.

1776ReasonsWhy 17 points ago +17 / -0

I do love the idea of "real" trannies getting mad at "fake" trannies stepping onto their turf. If a man is looking at trannies to begin with, actual women will make it even easier to say "it's not gay bro, (s)he's cute!" because they are really actually genuinely women.

It also proves that EVERYONE CAN TELL WHO IS A FUCKING DUDE IN A DRESS AND WHO IS JUST AN UGLY BITCH. I expect this kind of thing from a cartoon, but reality is distinctly unreal these days.

1776ReasonsWhy 15 points ago +15 / -0

I can't go much of anywhere online without being reminded of "mutts," school shootings, expensive healthcare, or fat people. The image of the USA has been attacked and tarnished for my entire lifetime, and it feels very bad to live in a place that never used to be like this, but now is only regarded as broken.

1776ReasonsWhy 14 points ago +14 / -0

Democratic men are stepping up for a woman president by stepping back, at last

Why didn't they do this for Hillary? Was she not threatening enough? Not bribing those men enough? I reckon there's a few of these men with sense enough to see how dangerous the country has become in their lifetimes and are very interested in saving their own skin by disassociating with this encroaching political disaster.

I've heard some people discussing Trump being "allowed" to win 2024 so TPTB can dump him with the collapse the Left has orchestrated, then return in 2028 to act like saviors. Similarly, I wonder if some Dems are trying to leave Camel with the busted party in an effort to gain political weight to purge the undesirables and recruit more sufficiently loyal members after whatever ruin she leaves its reputation to be.

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The existence of this evil repulses and enrages me on a spiritual level. I really do pray for global nuclear war so these places lose all their first-world funding and collapse back into the undeveloped subhuman shitholes they never should have evolved past.

1776ReasonsWhy 10 points ago +10 / -0

They put a fucking HALO around him like he's Jesus, or a saint. Absolutely disgraceful heresy.

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you get up each morning and say trans are hecking valedirino, even if you don't believe it, you are doing it and your T will drop accordingly.

Allow me to ramble in a non-sequitur a little bit; my mom is a gardener, and has been for many decades of her life. I worked at a data center for a year-ish, and there were various potted plants scattered around the otherwise bleak facility for the sake of decoration. One of these plants was an orchid plant suspended in a clear vase of water. Since the hired plant attendant didn't really take care of the plants, only replace them once they had withered and died, I asked to take home the orchid and give it to my mom to play with. For the last several years not only has it not died, but it is now twice as big, and this past summer threw out 7 gigantic flower blooms for weeks before they dropped off.

I believe very strongly in the sort of magic that internet women call "manifestation." There's a sort of "believing to make it real" that I've seen over the years from people who make drastic life changes like when they quit hard drugs or lose tons of weight. Believing it makes it true to you, and you don't give yourself any option but to keep going in that direction, like psychic inertia.

When people get slowly brainwashed into believing NPC ideas, it's just like you said; you start to behave as though it's true and the idea picks up speed and becomes extremely difficult and damaging to change, even more so when you're surrounded by people who believe all those same things and attack you for deviating from them.

1776ReasonsWhy 23 points ago +23 / -0

"Sexualize her and denigrate her weight"

Only one of these things can be true at once. Filthy, disgusting Stasi, holy fuck Germany.

1776ReasonsWhy 39 points ago +39 / -0

Video titles all in caps

Worst stereotype of youtube thumbnails

I ate food from a Japanese 7-11 for a week challenge!!!!

Vegan food!!!

Non-binary fashion try-on

Recovering from my nose job

Addressing my divorce


1776ReasonsWhy 39 points ago +39 / -0

I think I hate the right getting offended in place of the Jews more than I hate the left getting offended in place of the non-Whites.

1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

Wait a minute, this isn't about Tali'zorah...

It puts a smile on my face almost as much, though. It seems Islam will become the religion of Peace & Quiet after this.

1776ReasonsWhy 2 points ago +2 / -0

A vile combination of every slow-moving elevator and escort mission I've ever done. I am filled with a decades-old anger and exhaustion.

1776ReasonsWhy 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is just a flash-mob style filming for a movie. A live audience was chosen for the best real response. Do not be alarmed. Everything is under control. Do not make rash decisions.

1776ReasonsWhy 11 points ago +11 / -0

Thank you for voicing one of my favorite anime characters, from one of my favorite anime of all time. She opened the door to an entire realm of entertainment I never would have found otherwise. Otsukaresama deshita.

1776ReasonsWhy 7 points ago +8 / -1

This has been my biggest sticking point with the UK, (and probably the rest of the EU, but I don't know their translations very well) the usage of "Asian" to describe Arabs and other Middle Easterners seems like such a transparent attempt to cover for them.

There's the talk about the "model minority myth" where Asians actually help to make a functional society and not become violent and disruptive to the rest of us, and I think there's some need to cover for the anti-society ME population by labeling them under the thing that everyone else thinks is "the good one." This is what you see in the US where Latinos get labeled as "Caucasian" to obscure the racial statistics on the Most Wanted lists and such.

1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same here. Steam/game friends I've had since ~2009 suddenly updating their status to "die mad righty" out of nowhere, and seemingly directed at no one in particular. I dropped them like a hot potato without so much as a "smell ya later." I do not understand what possesses someone to do that, and interacting with anyone who does is the last thing I want to deal with.

1776ReasonsWhy 3 points ago +3 / -0

To my knowledge, that is because of the psychotic Leftist judge they have who keeps arresting the Brazilian twitter employees, so there's no way to keep the company functional in that country. The EU would have to start doing that to reach an equivalent threat level, and I don't think they have the political footing to do that yet.

I suspect it would cause a rash of requests for political asylum in America (or other EU-neighbor nations) that would be extremely difficult and costly to ignore.

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Given that description, shouldn't the Left be confused why one of their own is disagreeing with them again? They're perfectly happy to go berserk calling non-participatory blacks "nigger," it's only a matter of time before this man is getting slammed as a giga-gook.

1776ReasonsWhy 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's the understanding that it's real people spouting the vile things leftoids believe online.

This is why I never liked the "it's just the internet, it's not real" statement. Whatever there is to say about bots posting these days, it was firmly real people for many, many years before, and no one can pretend that the celebrities or politicians openly posting are bots. It feels like a psyop to not react or respond to open hostility and let them gain territory.

1776ReasonsWhy 24 points ago +24 / -0

The "best" part of Monkeypox is that is has such a distinct and disgusting physical presence on your body so there's no real argument about whether you have it or not. When it's on your face everyone will know. The last time it was being spread all over the degenerate gay horde I was thinking that it looked like a curse from God. No one could miss it.

1776ReasonsWhy 26 points ago +26 / -0

"Total normal person victory"


Based Pyro's post at 3:33 invokes the trinity, satanic trannies will boil in their own leaking blood and shit for eternity.

It's amazing that Valve taking a "neutral" stance on not displaying their dumb fucking flags is considered hostile action. It truly proves how unhinged and deranged their belief system ultimately is.

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