For 50 years, we’ve been hearing from men who feel threatened by the gains of women and minorities.
Because they weren't fucking earned, and some aspects go against basic human rights and the Constitution. The Civil Rights Act is an abomination.
And it's not about feeling threatened, it's about the fact certain bad actors installed a system that discriminates actively against us, and wants us eventually wiped out or at least completely irrelevant. It's not feelings, it's an actually unjust system.
If you read feminist literature and media, they have a similar theme - a world containing females and the top percentile of men, akin to what we see in dating dynamics today. They don't want all men wiped out or made irrelevant (and working out of sight to fund them), they just want the top percentile of men in terms of looks and status.
When one enjoys a position of privilege, being treated equally seems like discrimination.
I wish I could get away with being treated like children with kid gloves by government and society, but White males are supposed to shut up and take being relegated to second class citizen status.
Blacks and women "making gains" is DEI at the expense of productive White males, always has been.
And we know who is behind it all, Schrodinger's White. People like Lipman.
When one enjoys a position of privilege, being treated equally seems like discrimination.
It's amazing how that's usually said by leftists, who have a bunch of systems in place that actually advantage them. Yeah, I totally want to listen to someone tell me how women and nonwhites have equality, and that's what's "threatening" to whites. Equality would be great...but, as you say, would feel like oppression to the privileged hateful bastards running society at the moment.
Someone's salty that the new DoJ dismissed the Biden-Harris lawsuits against the police and firefighter departments that had not yet lowered standarts to get more unqualified women and non-Whites in.
Blacks and jews complain about systemic racism constantly, and yet they couldn’t give you a single legitimate example of modern systemic racism harming “minorities”. Meanwhile, if Whites so much as mention one of the many verifiable examples of systemic racism being levied against our people, the jew will gaslight us and play it off as baseless complaining. Whites are being excluded from Ivy League colleges because of their skin color. Whites are being denied access to a myriad of special scholarships, loans and grants that go to minorities only. Whites are being denied jobs all over the country that they’re overqualified for because of DEI, to a point that in 2020, out of the 300,000 people hired by the 100 largest corporations, just 6% of those jobs went to Whites. Not to mention the hundreds of articles that vilify and dehumanize Whites being published all over corporate media in the last decade, articles that would spark international outrage if they were written about any minority group other than Whites.
And while that’s all going on, the White population remains quiet. We won’t complain, that’s just not how Whites operate, but we will react, and when we finally do, columnists like this kike will be complaining for the next hundred years IF they manage to somehow flee from the reaction.
Yup, it’s fuckin disgusting….although at this point, the debt is so enormous that our White people tax dollars can’t even cover the interest jews demand on the fake money they lend to the U.S. ZOG.
We just need to default on the national debt ZOG has put on us. We had no say in any matter that jacked up our debt into the tens of trillions, whether it be from the regime changes/invasions, covid lockdowns/stimulus checks, mass illegal immigration we have to fund, etc etc etc. fuck all that debt, fuck our jew’d politicians/officials, and fuck the kike bankers…..Weimar conditions demand Wallachian solutions, decorating town square’s across the country with pikes and traitors sounds like a lovely future.
I advocate for no longer calling them "minorities". It presents a sympathetic framing despite such populations outnumbering us globally in many cases. Just say non-Whites because that is more accurate.
I don’t like calling them that either, hence the quotations around “minorities” above, plus Whites are the real minority group on a global scale….but it’s easier to write minorities than it is to write non-White over and over again.
She literally listed a bunch of the most soi filled losers talking about how ALPHA MACHO MANLY they were, when their entire value is that they are uber rich.
I don't feel "seen" or "validated" (to use their terminology) by those pathetic worms coming around to my side and talking about my issues in the most generic, surface level way possible. It certainly helps, but this is literally just starting the conversation and generations again from fixing the problem.
The fact that this screeching harpy has a job at the 'Wall Street Journal' tells you everything you need to know about the state of things. She actually got paid to write her vicious, double-faced feminist slander.
We haven't started.
Came here to say exactly this.
Because they weren't fucking earned, and some aspects go against basic human rights and the Constitution. The Civil Rights Act is an abomination.
And it's not about feeling threatened, it's about the fact certain bad actors installed a system that discriminates actively against us, and wants us eventually wiped out or at least completely irrelevant. It's not feelings, it's an actually unjust system.
If you read feminist literature and media, they have a similar theme - a world containing females and the top percentile of men, akin to what we see in dating dynamics today. They don't want all men wiped out or made irrelevant (and working out of sight to fund them), they just want the top percentile of men in terms of looks and status.
This was specifically white men though. From the racial angle, they want whites gone.
If you pressed her on that, I suspect it wouldn't be all white men. Or at most, she'd also want a specific percentile of men of other races gone too.
I'm not talking specifically about her. I'm saying there's an anti-white agenda.
If you read feminist literature you'll see they're a bunch of pedophiles
And demon worshippers.
When one enjoys a position of privilege, being treated equally seems like discrimination.
I wish I could get away with being treated like children with kid gloves by government and society, but White males are supposed to shut up and take being relegated to second class citizen status.
Blacks and women "making gains" is DEI at the expense of productive White males, always has been.
And we know who is behind it all, Schrodinger's White. People like Lipman.
It's amazing how that's usually said by leftists, who have a bunch of systems in place that actually advantage them. Yeah, I totally want to listen to someone tell me how women and nonwhites have equality, and that's what's "threatening" to whites. Equality would be great...but, as you say, would feel like oppression to the privileged hateful bastards running society at the moment.
I don't even need Wikipedia with this one.
u/TheImpossible1 uses the same playbook. Sow division between Whites and undermine our culture and destroy our birthrates.
Shall we talk about the OG "why does everyone hate us?" group. #makeit110
None of the archived comments called her a Jew. smh
She was called out for being a woman though. That's something.
Jews will happily stir the pot in the sex wars. It does nothing if they aren't named.
Getting closer I suppose.
Can Lipman stop kvetching?
I'm thinking no.
White bros are about to ascend in culture (again). Step aside, Karens.
Someone's salty that the new DoJ dismissed the Biden-Harris lawsuits against the police and firefighter departments that had not yet lowered standarts to get more unqualified women and non-Whites in.
Blacks and jews complain about systemic racism constantly, and yet they couldn’t give you a single legitimate example of modern systemic racism harming “minorities”. Meanwhile, if Whites so much as mention one of the many verifiable examples of systemic racism being levied against our people, the jew will gaslight us and play it off as baseless complaining. Whites are being excluded from Ivy League colleges because of their skin color. Whites are being denied access to a myriad of special scholarships, loans and grants that go to minorities only. Whites are being denied jobs all over the country that they’re overqualified for because of DEI, to a point that in 2020, out of the 300,000 people hired by the 100 largest corporations, just 6% of those jobs went to Whites. Not to mention the hundreds of articles that vilify and dehumanize Whites being published all over corporate media in the last decade, articles that would spark international outrage if they were written about any minority group other than Whites.
And while that’s all going on, the White population remains quiet. We won’t complain, that’s just not how Whites operate, but we will react, and when we finally do, columnists like this kike will be complaining for the next hundred years IF they manage to somehow flee from the reaction.
Not just barred from accessing these programs and benefits but also being the ones to pay for the damn things.
Yup, it’s fuckin disgusting….although at this point, the debt is so enormous that our White people tax dollars can’t even cover the interest jews demand on the fake money they lend to the U.S. ZOG.
We just need to default on the national debt ZOG has put on us. We had no say in any matter that jacked up our debt into the tens of trillions, whether it be from the regime changes/invasions, covid lockdowns/stimulus checks, mass illegal immigration we have to fund, etc etc etc. fuck all that debt, fuck our jew’d politicians/officials, and fuck the kike bankers…..Weimar conditions demand Wallachian solutions, decorating town square’s across the country with pikes and traitors sounds like a lovely future.
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
I advocate for no longer calling them "minorities". It presents a sympathetic framing despite such populations outnumbering us globally in many cases. Just say non-Whites because that is more accurate.
I don’t like calling them that either, hence the quotations around “minorities” above, plus Whites are the real minority group on a global scale….but it’s easier to write minorities than it is to write non-White over and over again.
She literally listed a bunch of the most soi filled losers talking about how ALPHA MACHO MANLY they were, when their entire value is that they are uber rich.
I don't feel "seen" or "validated" (to use their terminology) by those pathetic worms coming around to my side and talking about my issues in the most generic, surface level way possible. It certainly helps, but this is literally just starting the conversation and generations again from fixing the problem.
a "thank you" would be nice
A more recent archive, if you want to look through more comments.
That woman has the biggest face and small eyes smooshed together.
The fact that this screeching harpy has a job at the 'Wall Street Journal' tells you everything you need to know about the state of things. She actually got paid to write her vicious, double-faced feminist slander.
When the saxons learns to hate you'll see these 'complaints' were a fruitless attempt to address the matter before the tipping point.
Step 1: Repeal the 19th
Step 2: Deport the chosen ones