This is why I cannot really respect the western cuckservatives. They are just so pansy and let bygones be bygones, they are too goddamn milquetoast about everything, they will cast a voice actor that probably hates everything they stand for and give him the livelihood. If it was left-wing entertainment studio, they would go out of their way to hire the third-rate actor to replace the voice actor who uttered wrong opinion like Disney did with their Buzz Lightyear.
The right is complacent, they cannot understand the left sees themselves at war always and tries to rip apart and take control of everything. The right, for the most part, cannot grasp how much the left hates them and how little the left cares about their supposed morals and ideals.
That studio also makes a show about Jesus's life and his disciples, called The Chosen. And yet, they were caught sporting LGBTQ pride flags on the set, and the director, creator, writer, producers, and actors all defended it. It's obvious that studio is thoroughly judaized, which is coincidentally, the very first heresy that popped up in Christianity. In Galatians, Paul rebuked the new Galatian churches for judaizing, where the jews were forcing Hebraic rules onto the gentiles, and incorporating them into the church, like circumcision, rules which were meant to set the Israelites apart from their neighbors, and which were now defunct and no longer required after Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection.
Modern judeo-Christians are heretics, and don't know what's in the Bible. They think Jesus was some peace loving hippy, that you can sprinkle Jesus dust on anything they want, and Jesus will condone it. They don't want to live in accordance with God. They want God to approve of all their sins, and cherry pick scripture to do so, intentionally ignoring everything else which rebukes them.
In reality, Jesus made the moral law more strict, and God hates sodomites so much, He says that they are to be put to death, and that the sodomite's blood is on their hands, meaning anyone that kills them is guiltless. The command is so vague/wide in scope, that it would even allow mobs to lynch gays, and it would be perfectly justified. This goes beyond what the Bible typically teaches with regard to corporal/state punishment. It's often described as the left hand (government) and right hand (church) of God. The left hand is the earthly authorities that carry out God's will via government, to enforce Godly laws and dole out punishments. But, most modern Christians have been so cucked and brainwashed by propaganda they think Christians aren't allowed to have their own nations, governments, or laws.
If people actually read the Old Testament, there were only a few select nations God had the Israelites absolutely destroy from top to bottom, and usually it was one of two (or both) things: Nephilim and/or sodomites.
Those who worshiped Baal (or partook in child sacrifices) came in a close third.
I loved Superbook as a kid! Great American Family is a good faith based/traditional channel. They have a show called County Rescue about a woman who feels God is calling her to be an EMT
On top of all other criticism.... I wish this was 2D. Best animated adaption of a biblical story still seems to be Prince of Egypt which is sad because there's so many other stories that could be great animated.
Can we petition to remove Mark Hamill from this?
Yep, that killed the joy at the end.
I’m surprised he even signed up for this. He must be desperate for roles when he finished ruining everything he was in.
Mark Hamill... why oh why cast that POS in it.
This is why I cannot really respect the western cuckservatives. They are just so pansy and let bygones be bygones, they are too goddamn milquetoast about everything, they will cast a voice actor that probably hates everything they stand for and give him the livelihood. If it was left-wing entertainment studio, they would go out of their way to hire the third-rate actor to replace the voice actor who uttered wrong opinion like Disney did with their Buzz Lightyear.
The right is complacent, they cannot understand the left sees themselves at war always and tries to rip apart and take control of everything. The right, for the most part, cannot grasp how much the left hates them and how little the left cares about their supposed morals and ideals.
The rights a bunch of suckers
That studio also makes a show about Jesus's life and his disciples, called The Chosen. And yet, they were caught sporting LGBTQ pride flags on the set, and the director, creator, writer, producers, and actors all defended it. It's obvious that studio is thoroughly judaized, which is coincidentally, the very first heresy that popped up in Christianity. In Galatians, Paul rebuked the new Galatian churches for judaizing, where the jews were forcing Hebraic rules onto the gentiles, and incorporating them into the church, like circumcision, rules which were meant to set the Israelites apart from their neighbors, and which were now defunct and no longer required after Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection.
Modern judeo-Christians are heretics, and don't know what's in the Bible. They think Jesus was some peace loving hippy, that you can sprinkle Jesus dust on anything they want, and Jesus will condone it. They don't want to live in accordance with God. They want God to approve of all their sins, and cherry pick scripture to do so, intentionally ignoring everything else which rebukes them.
In reality, Jesus made the moral law more strict, and God hates sodomites so much, He says that they are to be put to death, and that the sodomite's blood is on their hands, meaning anyone that kills them is guiltless. The command is so vague/wide in scope, that it would even allow mobs to lynch gays, and it would be perfectly justified. This goes beyond what the Bible typically teaches with regard to corporal/state punishment. It's often described as the left hand (government) and right hand (church) of God. The left hand is the earthly authorities that carry out God's will via government, to enforce Godly laws and dole out punishments. But, most modern Christians have been so cucked and brainwashed by propaganda they think Christians aren't allowed to have their own nations, governments, or laws.
Absolutely spot on.
If people actually read the Old Testament, there were only a few select nations God had the Israelites absolutely destroy from top to bottom, and usually it was one of two (or both) things: Nephilim and/or sodomites.
Those who worshiped Baal (or partook in child sacrifices) came in a close third.
I'm a bit on the fence with Angel Studios, I don't trust them to not turn progressives. On top of that we already have superbook cartoons.
I loved Superbook as a kid! Great American Family is a good faith based/traditional channel. They have a show called County Rescue about a woman who feels God is calling her to be an EMT
Scepticism aside, I'm honestly shocked to see a movie that at least seems to be both pro-Christian AND pro-father. It's.... refreshing.
Any movie that treats Jesus with reverence is welcome.
On top of all other criticism.... I wish this was 2D. Best animated adaption of a biblical story still seems to be Prince of Egypt which is sad because there's so many other stories that could be great animated.
I'm still waiting on an anime based around Benaiah and the mighty men of valour, or at least an Omega Force game based on their exploits.
Eh, Auron Mcintyre had a good point on a recent podcast.
Mediocre Christian culture is better than rainbow tranny movies. I can't think of a movie that I'd want to see in cinemas since Dune and this is it.
Mormons and Mark Hamill? Pass lol.
Edit: It really bugs me how everyone thinks that just because magic underwear cult says it is Christian, that it is.
Will check it out
looks like they gave the story of Jesus the Princess Bride treatment. neat!
How will Mark Hamil be the Joker in this for 100th time?
How did they get all those Hollywood christophobes to be in this?
That's not Jesus, Jesus is a middle aged bald black lesbian now