It honestly couldn't have happened had Trump won 2020. It would've been another milquetoast, lame-duck administration crippled by his continuing naivete.
Instead, they stole it from him, rubbed it in his face, and forced him to spend four years dealing with lawfare, FBI raids, and other bullshit. Revenge is one hell of a motivator.
Its a really hard pill to swallow, that we had to suffer that much humiliation and damage for things to actually turn around like they seem to be heading now, and that we had to just let that injustice happen.
2020 would have been just more kowtowing and standard fare swamping.
Stealing the election from Trump and smearing him while purposely ruining peoples lives using kakistocratic methods is what seems to have spurred him on to be quick and aggressive with enacting change this time around.
You guys are getting ahead of yourselves. This is in reference to federal administrative law judges or ALJs, not the federal trial judges. ALJs preside over hearings, like social security disability hearings, Patent appeals, or immigration hearings. What this is probably about is Trump’s desire to get rid of Biden’s immigration judges.
Hawaii Supreme Court: “The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities.”
I never looked into it before but it turns out the lower courts are not actually a part of the Constitution. They're just there to make it feasible for the Supreme Court to filter out the really, really important cases. We don't actually have to live with these people lording over us.
Yep. Also important to note: SC Justices are only there to serve for a term of "good behavior."
What good behavior is, is fully left to interpretation. Personally, I find it to be bad behavior when these assholes in robes overstep their boundaries in obvious ways (e.g. Roe v. Wade).
Very good news. Activist federal judges were the strongest arrow in the Dem quiver to this point.
You bit the hand too much and NOW they blew the dust of the rule books because you pissed them off too much.
God this second term should just be called the FAFO term.
It honestly couldn't have happened had Trump won 2020. It would've been another milquetoast, lame-duck administration crippled by his continuing naivete.
Instead, they stole it from him, rubbed it in his face, and forced him to spend four years dealing with lawfare, FBI raids, and other bullshit. Revenge is one hell of a motivator.
Plus tried to have him assassinated. Twice.
Its a really hard pill to swallow, that we had to suffer that much humiliation and damage for things to actually turn around like they seem to be heading now, and that we had to just let that injustice happen.
But logically it seems to be the case.
Deus Vult
"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."
I was thinking the exact same thing...
2020 would have been just more kowtowing and standard fare swamping.
Stealing the election from Trump and smearing him while purposely ruining peoples lives using kakistocratic methods is what seems to have spurred him on to be quick and aggressive with enacting change this time around.
Barron Trump for King.
You guys are getting ahead of yourselves. This is in reference to federal administrative law judges or ALJs, not the federal trial judges. ALJs preside over hearings, like social security disability hearings, Patent appeals, or immigration hearings. What this is probably about is Trump’s desire to get rid of Biden’s immigration judges.
Which is beneficial. It should also get the administrative judges working for 3 letter regulators.
Nice! Now look into the family courts.
Oh yeah? Hawaiian judge just ruled doj decision unconstitutional. Check mate atheists.
Makes sense, since HI also ruled that the "spirit of aloha" nullified the Second Amendment.
Let's see them enforce this.
Hawaii Supreme Court: “The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities.”
I like when they lay it out oppositional like that.
The contrast of using weasel words and fighting words together. Cause you're to bitch to call it "the enemy" so you say "problematic"
It kills what little pity I have left. Yeah my spirit of fuck you clashes with your spirit of wanting to live. Oopsie doopsie.
Its like watching yugioh
He should have recused himself.
He's not allowed to rule on matters that impact his finances directly.
It should have been removed to the Supreme Court.
Great news. Next I want to see the left implode when SCOTUS rules that the President can perform the duties of the President.
The wins just dont stop.
Seriously? Activist judges is one of our ugliest and biggest pain in the asses we have. This would be amazing.
I never looked into it before but it turns out the lower courts are not actually a part of the Constitution. They're just there to make it feasible for the Supreme Court to filter out the really, really important cases. We don't actually have to live with these people lording over us.
The Constitution says we need a Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and everything else is just an addon.
Yep. Also important to note: SC Justices are only there to serve for a term of "good behavior."
What good behavior is, is fully left to interpretation. Personally, I find it to be bad behavior when these assholes in robes overstep their boundaries in obvious ways (e.g. Roe v. Wade).
You have to change the law, though.