It's so blatant and on brand that it can't be anything other than a deliberate humiliation ritual - and the deniers here and elsewhere are just active participants.
Wait, but doesn’t that mean basically any effective birth control method is also fine? Nothing reaches an ova then. This is just the “fuck dumb teenagers” bill.
If you’re going to penalize someone for an unwanted pregnancy, why not penalize the person who is also responsible for the pregnancy?
Fathers of unwanted children are being forced to work the equivalent of 5 years of their entire wages going to one child and yet to these insane liberals that's not a penalty.
That's if they're lucky and get a family court "judge" that's not a man-hater. The bad ones say you made more when you worked 80 hour weeks in the salt mines, so set the punishment based on what you could make if you went back to your shitty job you hated. Fathers are told what jobs they can and can't work.
It's like they've never even attempted to look at this from a man's point of view. Men are greatly impacted by an unwanted pregnancy, while having no say in it at all after their initial mistake of passion.
The only reason family court judges don't have men hanged after the proceedings is because the current system is so much more lucrative. If a market for organs and other body parts ever becomes feasible they'll be a gallows in front of every family courthouse.
As if that should matter. You make mistakes you pay the price.
Of course diminished capacity should matter. Sometimes we even let people go free for a brutal murder if it's in the heat of the moment - like a father killing a pedo he caught in the act.
The whole issue here is that the price is not the same - or even commensurate. Two people go to a frat party, make the exact same mistake, and the price they pay is completely different. Having already made that mistake, and not wanting to have a child, which would you rather be the man or the woman?
In a fair system of justice you shouldn't ever have a clear answer to that, but today anybody would want to be in the woman's shoes if that were possible.
If you picked having no say and giving up 1/3 of your wages for twenty years over the sole choice of being able to erase the mistake almost completely with $50 in over-the-counter-safe medication for five days, or nine months of pregnancy and no other consequences, or being paid to raise the child then you're simply incapable of putting yourself in somebody else's position because there's no contest there.
There are a number of anti-porn and banning of outlets outside of a relationship bills being presented in America. I think we are heading toward a neo-puritan age where vice is banned while sex and nudity is exclusively the preserve of the bedroom between two adults in a relationship.
I don't think such a bill will succeed as written but if it was rewritten in a way that it would only be punishable if it were to exclude women (bar prostitutes) from such an act, then it would gain consensus and succeed.
The question then becomes - what does society do with all the men who are not succeeding in the dating market, do not want to go full monk and have no options left? And that is an increasing percentage of men.
These people have done nothing but confirm to me that we need a total ban on abortion. Screw y’all, go find another source of infants for your satanic rituals and anti-aging syrums.
oh look. Another race mixing picture with a black man and a White woman with the author of the article having a jewish surname
It's so blatant and on brand that it can't be anything other than a deliberate humiliation ritual - and the deniers here and elsewhere are just active participants.
"They've Noticed again. Quick, change the picture!"
Its so easy to break this, just say its anti-lgbt and see the whole thing crumbles lmao.
"will not be punished if the act does not directly and immediately involve an ova."
So LGBT are excluded. Gay: no egg, Lezbo: no sperm, Bi: no egg/no sperm, Tran: no balls
Wait, but doesn’t that mean basically any effective birth control method is also fine? Nothing reaches an ova then. This is just the “fuck dumb teenagers” bill.
Which if you think about it now you can use the race card, just say this will affect the black communities the most.
... and it's not sex positive lol
They're targeting sex workers reeee
This is Dems mocking baby killing and the Bible.
Fathers of unwanted children are being forced to work the equivalent of 5 years of their entire wages going to one child and yet to these insane liberals that's not a penalty.
That's if they're lucky and get a family court "judge" that's not a man-hater. The bad ones say you made more when you worked 80 hour weeks in the salt mines, so set the punishment based on what you could make if you went back to your shitty job you hated. Fathers are told what jobs they can and can't work.
It's like they've never even attempted to look at this from a man's point of view. Men are greatly impacted by an unwanted pregnancy, while having no say in it at all after their initial mistake of passion.
The only reason family court judges don't have men hanged after the proceedings is because the current system is so much more lucrative. If a market for organs and other body parts ever becomes feasible they'll be a gallows in front of every family courthouse.
That they'd frame it as "penalize" in the first place means they're beyond hope.
Some Sunday morning TV preacher energy here.
"mistake of passion."
As if that should matter. You make mistakes you pay the price. Welcome to being alive. Casual sex it not something worth building policy around.
Of course diminished capacity should matter. Sometimes we even let people go free for a brutal murder if it's in the heat of the moment - like a father killing a pedo he caught in the act.
The whole issue here is that the price is not the same - or even commensurate. Two people go to a frat party, make the exact same mistake, and the price they pay is completely different. Having already made that mistake, and not wanting to have a child, which would you rather be the man or the woman?
In a fair system of justice you shouldn't ever have a clear answer to that, but today anybody would want to be in the woman's shoes if that were possible.
If you picked having no say and giving up 1/3 of your wages for twenty years over the sole choice of being able to erase the mistake almost completely with $50 in over-the-counter-safe medication for five days, or nine months of pregnancy and no other consequences, or being paid to raise the child then you're simply incapable of putting yourself in somebody else's position because there's no contest there.
Take however much you're masturbating and double it.
Fucking "diminished capacity." Nigger logic.
I like how you came back ten minutes later to add "nigger logic" that'll show him lol.
Dems want an increase in rape and will bust you for nutting in your sleep!
It is just morons considering themselves smart.
"Abortion is just like masturbation" - take that stupid redneck
Average IQ people used to gravitate towards "atheism" to appear smart now they are leftists.
There are a number of anti-porn and banning of outlets outside of a relationship bills being presented in America. I think we are heading toward a neo-puritan age where vice is banned while sex and nudity is exclusively the preserve of the bedroom between two adults in a relationship.
I don't think such a bill will succeed as written but if it was rewritten in a way that it would only be punishable if it were to exclude women (bar prostitutes) from such an act, then it would gain consensus and succeed.
The question then becomes - what does society do with all the men who are not succeeding in the dating market, do not want to go full monk and have no options left? And that is an increasing percentage of men.
I guess it's easy to waste money on stupid bills when you're not footing the cost, right?
This would be hilarious if it passed. No more gay or lesbian sex, no more sex if the clot shot made you infertile, no more tranny or porn stuff.
At least straight couples can kind of lie about it "oh we totally tried to conceive but I just couldn't hold it in". What's the gay excuse ?
Someone else who read it said it has exclusions so gays, lesbians and trannies can't be charged.
Something like "the act must include an ova and sperm".
These people have done nothing but confirm to me that we need a total ban on abortion. Screw y’all, go find another source of infants for your satanic rituals and anti-aging syrums.
This law is something you'd see as a plot point in a typical "approved leftist caricatures take down the evil not-Bush white dictator" movie.
No law enforcement agency will waste their time with this. No DA will waste the time necessary to prove "lack of intent."
It's an unenforceable law.
If this passes, I'm gonna have to pay like a million dollars in fines
This but unironically.
Yeah, because a fetus is the same as an ovary or semen.
Respond with a bill that criminalises failure to fertilise an egg. Every period is a crime.
Accidentally based? 😂
.... Based Dems actually doing something about abortion? No, that can't be right...