Any proven false accusation of any crime should face the exact same punishment/sentencing should the false accusation have been taken as true. Doesn't matter the crime. Doesn't matter the scale. Until false accusers suddenly have a chance at actually facing repercussions for what they do, nothing will change.
She needs to be convicted and sentenced. And then when she gets out she can have her wages garnished to pay restitution to the guy for the rest of her pathetic life.
TBF the guy does look like a rapist. He might not have raped her, but you can bet your ass he molested a kid or two here and there. I don't feel bad for him.
You can insult me if you want, but deep inside, you know I'm right. Look at this guy's pic for two seconds (and his "earrings" lol) and tell me I'm wrong.
He most likely creeped out the girl, she got bad vibes from him, and that was her way to get him away. Not saying what she did was right - it was horribly wrong - but this guy is not innocent in all this.
Yes he is you fucking psychopath. This guy just existed around a woman and they threw the book at him for a month before her own sociopathic behavior was discovered.
There is nothing about how he looks that screams rapist other than your own hang-ups you fucking faggot.
That's what they do for EVERY person suspected of a crime.
Where have you been living those part 25 years? The booking process/jail thing is cruel and inhuame. It's the same for EVERY single person who gets arrested, innocent of guilty.
There is nothing about how he looks that screams rapist
You are so right, we should absolutely start judging people based on birth characteristics that we deem gross and offputting.
I think we should start with removing those gorilla looking niggers first though, both African and Abo, because they make me feel ill seeing them. And they give me vibes that they've committed violence, which we both know they absolutely have, so its justified there too.
We do not want to live in a society where we judge people based on their physical appearance and allow them to be jailed on the whim of someone's objection to your looks or the assumption that they're a wrong 'un based on their looks. That's known as pre-crime and it's bad enough that Starmer is hinting at that post the tragedy in Southport.
That is not how it is supposed to work.
Such is life in feminist shithole.
I wonder why rape claims aren't taken as seriously, at least when the establishment tries to paint every single White man as a potential rapist.
They downplay the more believable illegals raping native women and girls.
Congrats feminists, you played yourself
Faces 17 years, will just get a slap on the wrist probably.
Any proven false accusation of any crime should face the exact same punishment/sentencing should the false accusation have been taken as true. Doesn't matter the crime. Doesn't matter the scale. Until false accusers suddenly have a chance at actually facing repercussions for what they do, nothing will change.
I agree it should.
But it never happens, even in the unlikely case she gets punished with jail it'll be 1/10th of his sentence.
it should be more
Add the perjury and other stuff on too.
This includes having to serve the sentence in a men's prison.
It will be 17 hrs of probation.
Incels keep being proven right.
Funny how that keeps happening, isn't it?
That man is lucky he only spent a month behind bars.
Now would be the perfect time for someone to rape her.
She needs to be charged.
She has been, it's in the article.
She needs to be convicted and sentenced. And then when she gets out she can have her wages garnished to pay restitution to the guy for the rest of her pathetic life.
It’s extremely likely she won’t even get 1/17th of the time she faces.
I was gonna say this one might actually go for longer than the guy would've for rape.
TBF the guy does look like a rapist. He might not have raped her, but you can bet your ass he molested a kid or two here and there. I don't feel bad for him.
You sound like a rapist, you may not have raped anyone, but I bet you've been molesting kids your entire life.
You're probably ugly too.
You can insult me if you want, but deep inside, you know I'm right. Look at this guy's pic for two seconds (and his "earrings" lol) and tell me I'm wrong.
He most likely creeped out the girl, she got bad vibes from him, and that was her way to get him away. Not saying what she did was right - it was horribly wrong - but this guy is not innocent in all this.
Yes he is you fucking psychopath. This guy just existed around a woman and they threw the book at him for a month before her own sociopathic behavior was discovered.
There is nothing about how he looks that screams rapist other than your own hang-ups you fucking faggot.
That's what they do for EVERY person suspected of a crime.
Where have you been living those part 25 years? The booking process/jail thing is cruel and inhuame. It's the same for EVERY single person who gets arrested, innocent of guilty.
People see what they want to see
Guess you wanted to see a fellow child molesting rapist.
You're wrong.
Post your photo so we may make slanderous assumptions.
You're wrong. And yes he was innocent, literally didn't do anything.
You are so right, we should absolutely start judging people based on birth characteristics that we deem gross and offputting.
I think we should start with removing those gorilla looking niggers first though, both African and Abo, because they make me feel ill seeing them. And they give me vibes that they've committed violence, which we both know they absolutely have, so its justified there too.
We do not want to live in a society where we judge people based on their physical appearance and allow them to be jailed on the whim of someone's objection to your looks or the assumption that they're a wrong 'un based on their looks. That's known as pre-crime and it's bad enough that Starmer is hinting at that post the tragedy in Southport.
But we do. Thats how our entire sustem works
Holy shit you're a raging nigger faggot. Stupid fuckassee like you are the reason the West is dying.