Japan's Cultural Identity Faces Colonization: Latest Anime Industry Report Reveals Global Revenue Surpassing Domestic Sales - Te...
The 2024 Anime Industry Report, published in December by the Association of Japanese Animations (AJA), offers a critical snapshot of the industry’s evolving landscape. For only the second time ever, international revenue has exceeded domestic earnings, acc...
I hope the takeaway is just 'no need to appeal to a general audience, they are coming THEMSELVES because you provide a superior product' as that'll stop any attempts at DEI in Anime.
The inbuilt meritocracy in manga/manwha that is then made into Anime weeds them out at least in a creation level, the problem is Anime as we've seen how dubs have been terrible thanks to politicised translators. That's why AI translation has been getting a boost.
The Jewish corporations are already buying up anime and forcing dei bullshit right now.
I mean that depends as the main problem is Sony's LA headquarters and that fire is looking like it ain't stopping so far..
Anime is likely to be captured eventually, just because its a huge investment and that's easily bought out by investors.
But manga is so easy to both publish and spread these days that they couldn't hope to control it, and if they adapt it badly people will just not watch it enough to justify multiple seasons.
I'd say the second paragraph is why anime is so much harder to capture, and it's more likely AI just makes studios irrelevant.
A lot of anime relies on the input of the ORIGINAL author and there's been times they've worked with the studio to improve their work (Bleach TYBW bonus scenes) and times they've killed a series by saying how a studio rejected their input. There's too much respect for the authors of works in Asia to fuck them over like you can in the West.
Unfortunately a lot of authors get starstruck by the compliment of their work getting adapted at all and will just call garbage awesome because of how excited they genuinely are, which is understandable. So that's only happening if its overtly and directly going against the author's message/work (I've got an example scratching my head but its not coming to mind right now).
I'm reminded of the time the team behind Made in Abyss drilled the author about the details on the screws used in the backgrounds of buildings. Which is why the level of detail in that anime is absurd.
I feel like that's more common in the West. Manga writers seem extremely devoted to the craft
Eh, I've read enough manga where the author does entire extra sections literally gushing over every section of the anime production, from VAs to how nice they were, for what would be mediocre products at the end. And they'd keep hyping it even after it was received so poorly, though less directly.
Japan might be better in many ways, but they are still human all the same. And considering them immune to basic nonsense like that is how we miss the subtle attempts at colonization.
Especially as, mangaka might be devoted to their craft, but they are usually socially awkward due to devoting themselves to their craft. Which means they are easily flattered and manipulated by people wanting from them. There are dozens of semi-biographical series about creating manga about how dumb most of them consider themselves and how often they get misled.
People often forget that anime is a loss leader to get secondaries to buy the manga and/or merchandise. I don't know if anyone has ever watch anime as it originally aired on Japanese TV, but there's a scrolling list of sponsors and stakeholders involved at the beginning of each episode, and they'll cut funding if they don't see an uptick in their respective sales.
Yeah, a lot of it is. I think only the "big long runners" don't fall into that category, because things like Bleach or DBZ or One Piece managed to escape that and eclipse their own manga. But that's why a lot of series are just 1 season with little resolved of their own plot, they existed to pull in a larger audience rather than be their own thing.
That's not even anime specific, nearly all cartoons in the 80s and a bit into the 90s were just glorified toy commercials. It wasn't until Cartoon Network took off that Western animation broke out of that.
Adaptation anime can be, but isn't always. Adaptations are low hanging fruit and while the anime itself doesn't always break even they aim for merch sales and the like as well.
Anime originals are not at all expected to lose money - and this is where most of the top tier shows come from anyway. Gundam sure as hell prints money, any and all gundam manga are barely tertiary compared to the show and model kits etc.
Cowboy bebop, for a less "toy salesman" example. That wasn't made as a loss leader.
While the actual animators work themselves to the bone for less than peanuts.
More anime was made last year than in any five years of the 1990s, combined.
I can't believe I'm saying this as an anime fan of 30 years, but the anime bubble needs to burst--for its own good.
Wow OK... so it wasn't my imagination
The majority is forgettable isekai shit web novel slop that nobody cares about.
So much more produced, so few that are quality.
I wonder how many is about some guy gets transferred to another world and has access to RPG menu and is massively overpowered and never face any actual adversity, is super strong and intelligent with a harem of bitches in all sizes, all, sizes.
Okay, sure. But sometimes he's also a vending machine /s
That's the best one!
It's not, the best one is the manhwa where the world freezes and the protagonist dies and restart before the apocalypse and gets revenge on his bitch girlfriend.
Now you might be asking, okay but which one? there's tons of those. All of them, all of them are great up until the bitch girlfriend dies and it becomes some stupid zombie power creep.
This season alone has, depending on your personal tastes, somewhere between 10 and 25 shows airing that range between "decently watchable" to "extremely good".
I want a return to fansubs and series that turn off the normies. More Akikan and less Dungeon Meshi.
"Guys, we're actively exporting Japanese culture to the world at large. Our culture is so in demand, they're actively begging for it. How can we fuck this up and turn said dominance into midwit slop?"
You know, just this once, I'd wish for some Japanese wiz-kid mastermind to understand the type of power they potentially have and utilize to fuck with some people.
The moment japan does "global reach". Its all over. Nigs and fags in every anime.
We must pin our hopes on the infamous Japanese attribute to not care about anything off their island anywhere
This is ironically how woke ideology has been creeping in, though. They have long neglected to protect the integrity of their products being localized and distributed overseas, and now it is being exported back to them through their "California branches" and the entrenched industry loons who have had decades to position themselves as gatekeepers of the English-speaking audience and their wallets.
"Oh look, we've made a ton of money for putting out content that is unashamedly Japanese!"
"Neat, now let's abandon that and do something global instead!"
If I had an ulcer, it would be ulcering.
Know why i like coomer stuff? Because i get to feel again, what its like to be bullied for liking gaming and anime back then. Nowadays its cool to be a gamer and weeb, still not cool to be a coomer.
DEI seems to finally have a bit of a sour taste in investor's mouths in the West, so there is hope that the global reach will not lead to global infection.
Anime porn is still hot.
I keep getting ads about cheap houses in Japan. That is really tempting. Unfortunately, I know it's not actually aimed at me, but what my career makes it look like I am.
That is apparently a kind of scam that's been going around. Well not necessarily "scam", but with Japan's popularity among gaijin at its peak the real estate businesses have discovered they could easily rip off gullible foreigners online with rundown fixer uppers and houses where someone had died.
Yay Grudge Houses. That water spot on the ceiling will never come out.
SOX did nothing wrong.