18 Month wait times followed by a conclusion that treating you will cost the system too much money so kill yourself.
MAIDS is the 6th leading cause of death in Ottawa IIRC. They started killing 12 year olds and people with depression.
The "Death Panels" argument during Obamacare was considered "Lie of The Year" a long time ago. However, I dare say the Left moved well the fuck past that. They don't even have panels. Doctors, nurses, therapists, and even crisis counselors will just recommended it outright.
Remember, the only reason Canadian health care isn't even worse, is because those who can afford to, go to the US so that they can get treated in a timely manner.
That's the case for almost all "socialized" medicine countries.
They get all their medical research done for them by the US, saving billions there, and then the rich just fly over to us our doctors anyway.
Like most things in the rest of the West, they can only have such "nice things" because big daddy USA is keeping them afloat in the background while they whine like the teenage girls they are about how much they hate us.
You do not need to have referral from the primary care before you contact the specialist care. However, the absence of a referral from your doctor may result in a higher cost and longer waiting time.
Shit man what I would do for something like this!!!
That is somewhat available in at least some areas of the US. My family pays a very low amount to a singular doctor's office for a "membership" that basically covers the cost of everything done in that office, and gives us priority access to visits (under 48 hours), and will then refer us to any specialist doctor for care above what they have which is then covered under our work insurances.
And we get to keep the same family doctor since we don't get passed around by "who's got the contract this year" so the guy knows us and will push through things for us.
I do think a lot of people have just accepted "its bad so it is what it is" and never truly explored the options available in a lot of America, because its often not as bad as it seems.
If Canadians didn't have the US, their health care would look like Britain.
A trip to Mars is how many minutes of NHS spending again?
I still remember Brits telling me it was a good thing their healthcare wait times were so long because it prioritized people into thinking about what they really needed. My brain broke from that.
I just read on reddit that someone was saying they couldn't cancel a dental appointment, even though they were sick, because at best they wouldn't be able to get another appointment for a year and at worst would be deregistered from their dentist and then have to spend 2 or 3 years to try find another NHS dentist.
For those who can't get a NHS dentist (and that's everyone not on the register now) the private dentistry system is based on a payment for service model. In other words, you pay upfront in full for everything with cash or debit card. No credit, no loan, no insurance. The dentist I go to will refuse any payment by credit card, they want to know you have the full cash amount upfront before they'll see you. Anyone who does have insurance has to wait until treatment has concluded before they can claim the cost back - insurers can not pay it upfront. This creates a barrier where only those who can afford treatment upfront can get it.
If universal and social healthcare systems fail, that's the system we will end up with. Leaked NHS Scotland documents and rhetoric from President Macron in France suggests that is the system they will implement if their systems fail. If you think the US healthcare system has its flaws, wait until that is implemented. In some way, if it isn't covered by the NHS, it already is in the UK.
Surely they were lying. I once saw a redditor post that they broke their leg, went to a hospital, got taken in immediately, got all fixed up, and left without paying a dime.
And because that one unverifiable post must be true, and because it only affected one person, then the entire NHS must be functioning properly and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a literal hitler who thinks health care isn't a human right.
(/sarc, but I believe there are people out there who genuinely think like this.)
Im five years waiting for someone to explain to me what is happening with my parathyroid. Everyone keeps passing the buck, fucking pathetic.
I keep hearing about this free healthcare, but I have never really received it. Even when I was poisoned with refrigerant, instead of giving me beta blockers for the cardiac sensitization, i was given more, and more blood pressure medication. And when it did nothing the doctor simply says, you need to start taking your medication. I told that faggot I was taking it every day.
Doctors in canada do, say whatever they want, they are rarely held responsible for anything they say or do. Kinda pathetic really, I dont know how anyone trusts "doctors" here.
And it was like this long before immigration, long before I got poisoned. They have been systematically destroying the private healthcare so they can implement two tiered healthcare, which it pretty much already is.
Sure you go in with a amputated body part and they will fix you up, but with things that arent so apparent, like cancers, its fucking pathetic. If your deemed "worthy" of help, youll get it, if not tough luck.
When I worked for arca as a helper on the truck removing these old fridges and freezers from peoples homes in nova scotia, i heard a few stories of peoples loved ones dying from lack of medical services in the rural areas. They were awfully bitter about it too.
I cant even IMAGINE post covid, because I basically gave up trying to get help a year ago.
They aren't openly euthanizing depressed people for being depressed. They have to have a physical health issue that will not foreseeably improve. If the issue won't improve because of depression, or poverty, or our medical system's failure, or you are refusing treatment, then the state will euthanize you.
We recently had a guy get out of the psych ward on a day pass and he went off and euthanized himself. On reddit, the crowd went wild and it was regarded by many as a triumphant exercise of self-determination. There is a death cult amongst liberals and many of them want this even for people who are currently being treated as threats to themselves and others.
I have been told that they have either conducted, or offered, euthanasia for people who have "incurable" depression. Not sure if that was misreporting, or if the government is pushing something before they say they've already been doing it.
More and worse fires due to not doing preventative controlled burns like Australia and Cali presently. Canadian environmentalism was tried in AUS and the continent was immolated because control burns release co2. Libs can't think more than 1 step ahead
Retarded fee-feels enthousiasts don't understand the political system they want to shill for.
You don't ''get'' universal healthcare by joining Canada.
If they want one, each province has to make, manage, and pay for their own public healthcare system. You will also have to deal with doctors who are not attached to Canada simply pack-up and leave because you will offer them substancially worse pay and working conditions in the public system. ( Huge problem in Québec is the student doctors that we pay for on public funds at McGill University ( so in English ) overwhelmingly leave Québec, because they have zero reason to stay since they have no attachment to French language and nation. )
In Québec that means 43% of all public funds go to the healthcare system. For the worst ER wait time of the developped world. It used to be relatively good. Things quickly went to shit when immigration increased ( no matter what mental gymnastics pro-immigration use, the fact is immigrants overall demand more services than they contribute, worsening everything, every year ).
What is stopping a US state from making a public healthcare system?
Don't take this as a support for how the USA is ''working''. The insurance / hospital system is a den of corruption. Every price is several times inflated and then negociated down for insurers.
There is no requirement whatsoever if you already have Canadian citizenship as Canadian provinces have unrestricted migration.
But foreing immigrant applicants get bonus selection if they speak French and apply in Québec.
The most relevant limits to help preserve our language : large companies have to function in French ( with a bunch of exceptions rendering the law barely applied ), and companies must offer their services in French ( and whatever language else is allowed, but French must be there. )
Public education is mandatory in French before college ( with mandatory English second language classes ), unless you have special right to public English education ( from your parent(s) ) in something called the "Clause Canada", so English speakers from Canada qualify, but not immigrant from outside Canada, even if English is their mother tongue.
Private education can use whatever medium language of instruction and there are many English schools.
The federal government also use disproportionate amounts of public funds to ensure English language services in sectors such as healthcare even in regions with less than 5% English speakers. This is rarely reciprocated for such small French minorities outside Quebec.
Public services / documents from the Québec government are fully avaliable in English ( including laws / court proceedings ).
Cities and villages usually conduct their activities in French. Some with many English speakers are de-facto, or officially bilingual and provide services in both.
Native American and Inuit towns are free to implement their own services, education and media in their native language ( and many do it, at least for elementary schools ). They even recieve large subsidies to do so.
The sheer volume of immigrants/"refugees" has overwhelmed all integration efforts, especially given the low fertility and low social prestige of the the French, and our language is quickly falling behind.
...Canada doesn't have free healthcare. Or even socialized healthcare. The individual provinces (states) and territories (protectorates) have their own spins on it. In example, In Albertan healthcare, if you have an ear infection, a pharmacy nurse can diagnose that and give you script meds, but in Ontarian healthcare, you need a doctor to sign off on it. It's all done on a state/province-level, not a federal-level.
These various states don't seem to get that you can just HAVE socialized healthcare. Slap a state-level tax on income or good sold, and just... institute it. Well, the people in charge know, but the commoners certainly are purposefully mis-educated about the process. But instead, they get this Obama-nation called Obamacare which is just forcing people at gunpoint to purchase products from private industry.
Trade offer:
Canada receives: Pacific coast from Vancouver to Portland, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine.
U.S. receives: Alberta, Saskatchewan (based on a 2021 federal election results map I found)
Does this work?
Elizabeth May is a fringe wacko whose party in the last election got 2.33% of the popular vote, the lowest of any party. They hold 2 seats, the next highest party holds 25.
Why the fuck would california, a gdp and population as big as canadas join their country and weaken their dollar and economy.
Delusional lmao.
California is the most populous US state, with an estimated population of 38.9 million as of 2023.
Even after opening the flood gates.
Canada ranks 36th by population among countries of the world, comprising about 0.5% of the world's total, with more than 40 million Canadians as of 2024.
Let them do. Give it 2 years to fester. Then the U.S.A. invades those "3 states" and takes enough territory to connect the "lower 45" back to Alaska. The newly acquired territory is then segmented into 6 States, giving the U.S.A. 52 total States. Oregon and Washington would become 1 State, the "New Yukon" State (formerly BC) will become another, with old CA being cut up into 4 States. That would in theory give COTUS loving States an advantage in Electoral and Congress.
"Universal Healthcare"
18 Month wait times followed by a conclusion that treating you will cost the system too much money so kill yourself.
MAIDS is the 6th leading cause of death in Ottawa IIRC. They started killing 12 year olds and people with depression.
The "Death Panels" argument during Obamacare was considered "Lie of The Year" a long time ago. However, I dare say the Left moved well the fuck past that. They don't even have panels. Doctors, nurses, therapists, and even crisis counselors will just recommended it outright.
Remember, the only reason Canadian health care isn't even worse, is because those who can afford to, go to the US so that they can get treated in a timely manner.
That's the case for almost all "socialized" medicine countries.
They get all their medical research done for them by the US, saving billions there, and then the rich just fly over to us our doctors anyway.
Like most things in the rest of the West, they can only have such "nice things" because big daddy USA is keeping them afloat in the background while they whine like the teenage girls they are about how much they hate us.
Ive read some countries, like finland have a pretty efficient system of both.
Shit man what I would do for something like this!!!
That is somewhat available in at least some areas of the US. My family pays a very low amount to a singular doctor's office for a "membership" that basically covers the cost of everything done in that office, and gives us priority access to visits (under 48 hours), and will then refer us to any specialist doctor for care above what they have which is then covered under our work insurances.
And we get to keep the same family doctor since we don't get passed around by "who's got the contract this year" so the guy knows us and will push through things for us.
I do think a lot of people have just accepted "its bad so it is what it is" and never truly explored the options available in a lot of America, because its often not as bad as it seems.
If Canadians didn't have the US, their health care would look like Britain.
A trip to Mars is how many minutes of NHS spending again?
I still remember Brits telling me it was a good thing their healthcare wait times were so long because it prioritized people into thinking about what they really needed. My brain broke from that.
Or, or, we could charge a fee, based on how much of a strain the service you want puts on the system.
Fuckin' retards.
If you don't discriminate by price, you must discriminate by something else. In this case, they Left chose discrimination by time.
I just read on reddit that someone was saying they couldn't cancel a dental appointment, even though they were sick, because at best they wouldn't be able to get another appointment for a year and at worst would be deregistered from their dentist and then have to spend 2 or 3 years to try find another NHS dentist.
For those who can't get a NHS dentist (and that's everyone not on the register now) the private dentistry system is based on a payment for service model. In other words, you pay upfront in full for everything with cash or debit card. No credit, no loan, no insurance. The dentist I go to will refuse any payment by credit card, they want to know you have the full cash amount upfront before they'll see you. Anyone who does have insurance has to wait until treatment has concluded before they can claim the cost back - insurers can not pay it upfront. This creates a barrier where only those who can afford treatment upfront can get it.
If universal and social healthcare systems fail, that's the system we will end up with. Leaked NHS Scotland documents and rhetoric from President Macron in France suggests that is the system they will implement if their systems fail. If you think the US healthcare system has its flaws, wait until that is implemented. In some way, if it isn't covered by the NHS, it already is in the UK.
Surely they were lying. I once saw a redditor post that they broke their leg, went to a hospital, got taken in immediately, got all fixed up, and left without paying a dime.
And because that one unverifiable post must be true, and because it only affected one person, then the entire NHS must be functioning properly and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a literal hitler who thinks health care isn't a human right.
(/sarc, but I believe there are people out there who genuinely think like this.)
Im five years waiting for someone to explain to me what is happening with my parathyroid. Everyone keeps passing the buck, fucking pathetic.
I keep hearing about this free healthcare, but I have never really received it. Even when I was poisoned with refrigerant, instead of giving me beta blockers for the cardiac sensitization, i was given more, and more blood pressure medication. And when it did nothing the doctor simply says, you need to start taking your medication. I told that faggot I was taking it every day.
Doctors in canada do, say whatever they want, they are rarely held responsible for anything they say or do. Kinda pathetic really, I dont know how anyone trusts "doctors" here.
And it was like this long before immigration, long before I got poisoned. They have been systematically destroying the private healthcare so they can implement two tiered healthcare, which it pretty much already is.
Sure you go in with a amputated body part and they will fix you up, but with things that arent so apparent, like cancers, its fucking pathetic. If your deemed "worthy" of help, youll get it, if not tough luck.
When I worked for arca as a helper on the truck removing these old fridges and freezers from peoples homes in nova scotia, i heard a few stories of peoples loved ones dying from lack of medical services in the rural areas. They were awfully bitter about it too.
I cant even IMAGINE post covid, because I basically gave up trying to get help a year ago.
The leafmongers crow about their vaunted free healthcare, but "KILL YOURSELF NOW!" is a summary of their healthcare services.
They aren't openly euthanizing depressed people for being depressed. They have to have a physical health issue that will not foreseeably improve. If the issue won't improve because of depression, or poverty, or our medical system's failure, or you are refusing treatment, then the state will euthanize you.
We recently had a guy get out of the psych ward on a day pass and he went off and euthanized himself. On reddit, the crowd went wild and it was regarded by many as a triumphant exercise of self-determination. There is a death cult amongst liberals and many of them want this even for people who are currently being treated as threats to themselves and others.
I have been told that they have either conducted, or offered, euthanasia for people who have "incurable" depression. Not sure if that was misreporting, or if the government is pushing something before they say they've already been doing it.
Do it
More and worse fires due to not doing preventative controlled burns like Australia and Cali presently. Canadian environmentalism was tried in AUS and the continent was immolated because control burns release co2. Libs can't think more than 1 step ahead
It's amazing they haven't had a repeat of the Great Leap Forward to this point.
Remember CHAZ?
Retarded fee-feels enthousiasts don't understand the political system they want to shill for.
You don't ''get'' universal healthcare by joining Canada.
If they want one, each province has to make, manage, and pay for their own public healthcare system. You will also have to deal with doctors who are not attached to Canada simply pack-up and leave because you will offer them substancially worse pay and working conditions in the public system. ( Huge problem in Québec is the student doctors that we pay for on public funds at McGill University ( so in English ) overwhelmingly leave Québec, because they have zero reason to stay since they have no attachment to French language and nation. )
In Québec that means 43% of all public funds go to the healthcare system. For the worst ER wait time of the developped world. It used to be relatively good. Things quickly went to shit when immigration increased ( no matter what mental gymnastics pro-immigration use, the fact is immigrants overall demand more services than they contribute, worsening everything, every year ).
What is stopping a US state from making a public healthcare system?
Don't take this as a support for how the USA is ''working''. The insurance / hospital system is a den of corruption. Every price is several times inflated and then negociated down for insurers.
Doesn't Quebec also have language requirements if you want to live in Quebec?
There is no requirement whatsoever if you already have Canadian citizenship as Canadian provinces have unrestricted migration.
But foreing immigrant applicants get bonus selection if they speak French and apply in Québec.
The most relevant limits to help preserve our language : large companies have to function in French ( with a bunch of exceptions rendering the law barely applied ), and companies must offer their services in French ( and whatever language else is allowed, but French must be there. )
Public education is mandatory in French before college ( with mandatory English second language classes ), unless you have special right to public English education ( from your parent(s) ) in something called the "Clause Canada", so English speakers from Canada qualify, but not immigrant from outside Canada, even if English is their mother tongue.
Private education can use whatever medium language of instruction and there are many English schools.
The federal government also use disproportionate amounts of public funds to ensure English language services in sectors such as healthcare even in regions with less than 5% English speakers. This is rarely reciprocated for such small French minorities outside Quebec.
Public services / documents from the Québec government are fully avaliable in English ( including laws / court proceedings ).
Cities and villages usually conduct their activities in French. Some with many English speakers are de-facto, or officially bilingual and provide services in both.
Native American and Inuit towns are free to implement their own services, education and media in their native language ( and many do it, at least for elementary schools ). They even recieve large subsidies to do so.
The sheer volume of immigrants/"refugees" has overwhelmed all integration efforts, especially given the low fertility and low social prestige of the the French, and our language is quickly falling behind.
...Canada doesn't have free healthcare. Or even socialized healthcare. The individual provinces (states) and territories (protectorates) have their own spins on it. In example, In Albertan healthcare, if you have an ear infection, a pharmacy nurse can diagnose that and give you script meds, but in Ontarian healthcare, you need a doctor to sign off on it. It's all done on a state/province-level, not a federal-level.
These various states don't seem to get that you can just HAVE socialized healthcare. Slap a state-level tax on income or good sold, and just... institute it. Well, the people in charge know, but the commoners certainly are purposefully mis-educated about the process. But instead, they get this Obama-nation called Obamacare which is just forcing people at gunpoint to purchase products from private industry.
Trade offer:
Canada receives: Pacific coast from Vancouver to Portland, Minnesota, Vermont, Maine.
U.S. receives: Alberta, Saskatchewan (based on a 2021 federal election results map I found)
Does this work?
This would economically cripple Canada, btw.
Take them.
We don't want them.
They can have California, Idaho can have WA and OR.
The cascadian strip of Puget Sound and Portland is practically Canada anyway.
What will they do with Yakima?
Elizabeth May is a fringe wacko whose party in the last election got 2.33% of the popular vote, the lowest of any party. They hold 2 seats, the next highest party holds 25.
Oh its "cheeky" when they suggest it is it.
Why the fuck would california, a gdp and population as big as canadas join their country and weaken their dollar and economy.
Delusional lmao.
Even after opening the flood gates.
And the Republicans win America FOREVER plus border becomes even more secure while Canada now gets flooded by South Americans. So really..
Please join Canada. We need more successful provinces to tax to death. But dead weight provinces are okay too I guess.
Let them do. Give it 2 years to fester. Then the U.S.A. invades those "3 states" and takes enough territory to connect the "lower 45" back to Alaska. The newly acquired territory is then segmented into 6 States, giving the U.S.A. 52 total States. Oregon and Washington would become 1 State, the "New Yukon" State (formerly BC) will become another, with old CA being cut up into 4 States. That would in theory give COTUS loving States an advantage in Electoral and Congress.