Soy millenial faggot on why Logan's Run sucks
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He doesn't make it political, at least not what I watched of it. I watched like 80% of his video, but still, people like this just shouldn't even bother assessing movies of the past. They're so "current day" minded that it would be like me trying to review women's just don't have a good starting point/frame of reference to review something like that.
Reminds me of the seduction scene in Rocky. It's a great scene but modern day people lose their shit over it because they think it's rape.
People threw a fit over "Baby it's cold outside."
The man and the woman swap the wolf part half way through the five minute song!
Does she rape him?
Fuck that pissed me off. Virtue Signaling from start to finish.
Yeah, that's a beautiful movie. I only watched Rocky for the first time like 2 years ago.
I had a preconcieved notion about the know, typical underdog boxing movie, but it's so much more than that. The romance in that movie is the most beautiful one put to film and the movie has such a soul to it. I usually don't like romance in movies, but this one was so raw and realistic.
The fact that Adrien is not a super-model, but is rather plain and is shy and awkward, and by many accounts a loser
Rocky sees something in her that he loves about her anyways and he's flawed too, having not much intelligence and them both being flawed lonely people result in when he finally breaks her out of her shell, a love that was missing in both of their lives.
It's not like romance in most other movies. I was like "wow, Stallone has got a soul to him" since he wrote the movie.
And yeah 100% on the seduction scene.
They even reee about in Empire Strikes Back how pushy Han Solo is in that scene where they kiss and call that "rapey".
Retards don't even understand how the sexes are wired.
Meanwhile women make a book that is expressly and deliberately about women willingly enslaving themselves to a rich sociopathic rapist into the best selling book among women in history.
I wonder why human reproduction is below replacement levels?
I’m sure that’s part of it, but the fertility issue is so global and has been in a steady decline for so many decades that I doubt it can be as simple as just being relatively modern, Western issues with gender roles and the ideology around them.
After watching The Expendables, Tulsa King, and finding out that he wrote Rocky, I get the idea that Stallone is a lot smarter than most give him credit for.
You don't get to his level of wealth, with no nepotism or inheritance mind you, without some brains.
A lot of the 80s action stars are actually really, really smart guys. Stallone can write movies, and has run several businesses well. Dolph Lundgren has a M.S. in Chemical Engineering. Peter Weller has a PhD in Italian Renaissance Art History. It's the "smart" stars of today who are utter morons.
I love the story of the guys who broke in to a house in LA and were robbing it.
They found out it was Dolf Lungrin's place (photos and stuff).
They put the stuff back and wrote an apology note.
Yea, with some young people I think they shouldn’t watch or read anything made before they were born since they don’t even try to understand the time something was made
Some of his critiques weren't even from lacking knowledge of the specific context of the time, they were just from being too stuck in the context of modern trends.
Like the ankh thing, it's a uniquely modern cinema mindset to start complaining that they didn't treat the audience like a babies and explain everything with big red circles and obvious close-up shots to help you understand.
True. I need to rewatch the movie. Book is good
But trying to understand cultural shift gets in the way of passing moral judgements on people in order to reaffirm my own sense of superiority! Why should virtue signaling take a back seat to silly things like context?
Ha! True, how silly of me.
I want to see someone born after 1990 review an old Charlie Chan detective movie with Birmingham Brown in it. The reviewer would absolutely launch into the stratosphere about how racist the writers were for having a black actor play a bumbling fool. In reality, that actor Mantan Moreland was a very popular and successful comedian in his time.
So basically his entire schtick is "this is old, so it's stupid". I'm sure he'll enjoy hearing the same thing about everything from his childhood when he's in his 40s or 50s.
"Oh look, it's the guy from Austin Powers!". Imagine not knowing Michael York from all of his other work, like playing D'Artagnan in the best Three Musketeer movies ever made. Charlton Heston as Cardinal Richelieu? Fuck yeah.
I’m tell my nephew that I’m going to make sure I’m super healthy so I can live long enough to see him get old and watch the younger generation crap all over everything he likes
90s Three Musketeers with Jack Bauer and Robin will always still be my favorite.
It's funny they killed people off at 30 in the movie, since there was a popular hippie slogan around that time period, "Don't trust anyone over 30."
That was boomer retardation. If they had listened to their parents, we wouldn’t be so fucked right now.
In the book it’s 21 but I guess they felt that was too young
Haven’t seen the movie in a long time but recently read the trilogy of books. I liked the books and it is an interesting story and it gives a little back story as to why they felt the need to eliminate older people which led to them taking “sleep” at age 21
I introduced some of my zoomer friends to Zardoz, Barberella, and Death Race 2000 during movie nights. They really liked Zardoz suprisingly, thought Death Race was kind of boring, and made fun of Barberella. Logan's Run for the next one would be good.
He seems to get off on pissing people off
Tbh it deviated a fair bit from the book but it is still a great movie.
Also in the book, at the end they escape to the moon