Read a tweet today about why Gen Z men are not "manning up" and cold approaching women. It's obviously the fear of getting your life ruined, not the fear of rejection.
This is established fact for virtually anyone who's ever thought about the subject (besides NPCs).
But my thought is even if you somehow took away the risk of ruining your life, there are a lot of problems with expecting men to find relationships by walking into the buzzsaw of cold approaches over and over. First of all, it kind of hurts to get turned down based on your physical appearance, and the appearance of 80% of men is inadequate on its own. You can make up for that with banter and flirting. But is it realistic to expect every man, or even most men, to develop the level of game needed to pick up girls off the street?
Second, most attractive women you see on the street already have a boyfriend. Not a meme boyfriend, an actual dude. Now it is true that if you're Timothee Chalamet you can probably turn half of those women into cheating hoes, but why would you want to given that you're going for a serious relationship? In the end it's just very awkward for both parties to go through the script again and again. "Sorry, I have a boyfriend." [forced smile] "Oh, my bad sorry"
In the past women were somewhat more likely to take cold approaches as a compliment. Disclaimer: somewhat more likely. Today the infinite choice of online dating has more than filled women's thirst to be admired, so getting approached in public mostly makes them annoyed for the same reason that most people prefer to be emailed rather than called.
There is a way for guys who aren't male models to be attractive to women: get to know them in a mutual community so their appreciation of your positive features overcomes the "ick" and "he's not a kpop boy band member" factors that they initially notice. People can also figure out who's in a relationship and who's looking without embarrassing themselves. This form of courtship, coincidentally, has been attacked by each successive sexual revolution.
I'm generalizing in several places, but I doubt that most relationships are going to happen through cold approach in a healthy society, whether that's in person or on a Jewish dating app.
One thing I've thought about a lot is that average men are much more aware of the treatment that top 10 percenters are getting from women than they were in previous generations. Men are pretty willing to jump through hoops and put up with the kind crap that average men have to in order to date if they simply see it as the price of admission. But if they see Mr. Hawt Guy walk in and have shit handed to him on a silver platter putting up with all that shit becomes a lot harder to justify. I know watching Chads get handed sex and dating just for existing killed any willingness I had to put effort into trying to date. You're just paying for sex at that point, and if you're gonna do that it's cheaper by the hour. There are obviously plenty of other reasons men are checking out and the OP describes one. But I really do think that widespread knowledge of AF/BB is playing a major role in killing men's interest in dating.
It's even worse nowadays. Women are actively rejecting the "beta bux" and going it alone, the state and alloparenting providing resources for them and their offspring via wealth distribution. Alongside affirmative action and young women now outearning their male counterparts.
The loneliness epidemic is only going to grow as more and more men get disenfranchised from dating and society.
Historically, a surplus of young ,dissatisfied, sexually frustrated men has not been a good omen for whatever society they live in.
To be fair to Mister Hawt Guy, maintaining such an aesthetic IS hard work. They may enjoy the hard work, they may only enjoy the results and not the process, but either way, it's usually strict lifestyle, diet, and exercise regiment, alongside keeping up to date on fashion etc. The gigolos put effort into their "thing".
I don't think we should malign the "alphas" for being "alpha". They're just playing the game, and winning with some well-known cheese strats that have some tricky elements to them. Quite literally, as pick up artistry directly refers to it as "the game" and even general society describes it as the "dating game" or "having game". I don't malign some korean teenager for having more APM than me at Starcraft, and I don't malign Chad for doing more pushups than me while listening to fashion tips on tape. They paid their price of admission when they stopped eating carbs entirely, except for a rare low-carb drink when picking up at the bar.
If women have issues that some men aren't engaging in these "cheese strats", and are quitting the Game altogether because the cheese strats have a massively overinflated win rate compared to skill floor, well... The women determine the win rate, that's entirely on them. They made the game, every single bit of it, the men are just players, not developers.
Everyone who wants to engage in "the game" as you describe the so called "alpha" winning is a mindless degenerate chasing pointless hedonism. We need a return to morals and social shaming for that behavior, for both sexes.
It is harder for men to succeed at that game, but it doesn't make being a manwhore an actual good trait.
I don't think anyone here hates another dude for getting lucky.
What we hate is being treated like subhuman mudworms by others for not being as lucky. We have all seen the OKCupid survey on how women rate 80% of men as below average. hoe_math has a bunch of excellent videos on that topic.
Remember the good looking convict from a few years ago? If that dude looked like John Lithgow he would probably still be in prison. But because he had blue eyes and a chad jawline he made hundreds of thousands of pussies wet to the point that he had a modeling gig even though he literally murdered people.
I personally know a guy from college who makes over $150k a year, and yet he hasn't had a date in years. Part of it is due to the fact that he is Indian and only wants to date other Indians, but he's also like 5'8", has a high pitched voice that cracks all the time like he's still in puberty, and isn't a bodybuilder.
With the amount this dude makes you would think that there would be at least some gold digging whores after him, but even six figures isn't enough nowadays.
Six figures turned into five figures valuewise in about 4 years.
Hedonism is hedonism no matter who does it
They don’t have to play very hard. Even the uncouthed potential Chads are one workout regimen / outfit / job opportunity away from smashing a lifetime of pussy.
And this isn’t a video game. This is real life. Game Over doesn’t just mean suicide, it could end up very violent.
I agree with you. Chad isn't really the problem here. What he's doing is working, and women need to start selecting for something other than looks and height if they want things to change. But they won't, so they'll just continue to fight over the same half dozen guys who "the bar is in Hell" for.
Don’t hate the scammer, just hate the scam.
Is it a European-American thing? The top 10% best-looking guys aren't that great. With rare exceptions, they're not getting anything handed to them.
People don't understand statistics. 10% means that on average, of 10 guys, there is one 'Hawt Guy'. Yeah, no.
Besides dozens of automatic matches on Tinder? No idea what context you're talking about
I'm saying that the top 10% isn't great-looking.
Hell, you live in a country (I assume) where 2/3 is overweight or obese. By simply not being a lardass, you land yourself into the top 1/3. Take care of yourself, and you'll probably be in the top 15%. Have some muscle mass, and that's the top 5%.
I'm being very rough, but come on. You guys cannot seriously actually believe the stuff you're saying. It's the male equivalent of "I fail in life because RACISM".
I think you're neglecting to mention the importance of height and facial structure there. I've been called a "hot guy" myself, but it's still a bit demoralizing to realize that the person I'm trying to connect with is busy talking to a dozen other guys.
There is some truth to that. I take the time to be fit, I've had women crush on me. Problem is, the climate makes everything harder *to find a real relationship, and it really shouldn't be. Hence the apocalyptic birthrate.
People don't really understand numbers very well. It's like when they complain about the "1%", like some radiologist is somehow in on a plot to destroy the world.
Chad does exist, but it's probably closer to the top 5% or 2%.
I actually think the percentage is smaller. I've seen anything from top 1-20 percent cited, so I split the difference with 10. Better Bachelor showed stats that said 5, but that was over a year ago and I'm sure it's only gotten worse. The exact number isn't really the point though. The point is that a tiny percentage of men are having a hugely disproportionate amount of success in the SMP, and a lot of the less successful men have concluded that putting in more effort than the hawt guy is a chump move.
Well, if people on the internet say it.
So that means that out of every 20 people, there is one. Still seems like a whole lot. I wouldn't say that out of 20 guys I see, one is great looking.
What a poor excuse for being lazy because there is porn out there. The 'Hawt Guy' isn't going out unshaved (unless it's intentional), with dirty hair, bad glasses and dragging along 50 kg of fat.
How do you not get this?
The exact percentage doesn’t matter. It’s about the ratio. Too many women think they deserve the very highest status men. Even if that apex male demo is only 1%, then probably 10% of women think they legitimately deserve those men. This represents the collapse of assortive mating as the dominant dating paradigm.
I’m starting to realize that you’re just fucking dumb.
You two have been going back and forward when you could both just walk outside and look at the first 100 guys you see and judge for yourself.
You're gay how would you know.
If I were homosexual, wouldn't that make me perfectly suite to judge how attractive or unattractive men are?
Why would you think the predelictions of a deviant would be comparable to a real woman?
I mean just take dykes for example. The vast majority are women who would be rejected by anyone with functioning eyes.
I was in the top 10% (older now), and while there have been ego-boosting moments there have also been many rejections. I've had more success than most men, but to imagine a world where I got even fewer spontaneous compliments, flirts, smiles, hard eye contact, opportunities etc. would honestly be soul-crushing.
Attractive men get a fraction of the attention that average women receive. Average men are essentially invisible.
Why are you so retarded?
Tony is a brown woman. Take a guess.
Can people who are retarded normally give an explanation for why they are retarded?