This is why you don't talk to the police. He didn't know the guy had died, but they did.
They've got good cop and bad cop to manipulate him, they got him admitting he's a trained killer in the marines, that he never saw him actually touch anybody, they almost got him to admit it was a rear naked choke hold.
And this guy did absolutely nothing wrong except for this. The only thing he did wrong was not say "lawyer" and right away.
Even as a witness, say you're in the subway car and you're afraid for your life and you tell the police you said "somebody stop him!". Did you incite murder? Who knows.
It's a shame, but there's so many things that are technically illegal it's impossible to know if you're implicating yourself even if you're just a witness and not even involved.
We really need some repercussions for these out of control prosecutions. Juries or judges or somebody should be able to reach a verdict that the prosecutor be fired because the case is total bullshit.
The power is supposed to be with a jury but it's been completely supplanted. Between striking jurors who don't fit prescribed molds (used to predict what they'll do) and juror instructions that explicitly limit what jurors are allowed to consider in evidence, the guarantee to judgement by your peers is just as eroded as all the other rights you might have.
Here we have a law professor giving a presentation to his class on why you should never speak to the police. Towards the end he gives the stage over to a police officer to add his thoughts and potentially rebut the professor's arguments. The first thing the cop says is "everything he just told you is absolutely correct".
How in the world do people not know to never talk to the police in this day and age? The only words you know when you step into that room should be "lawyer" and "fifth amendment".
Unfortunately, judges aren't the neutral arbitrators that the system paints them to be. They're employed by the government just like the cops and the prosecutor, and they're often former prosecutors themselves. The implicit bias should be obvious, but even if it wasn't, the amount of times they bend over backwards to hand a win to the government would clue anyone in.
In a fair world the judge would have said: "Hand me a list of every officer who claims that they believed he was asking for a literal dog. For the rest of their careers anytime they give testimony or have evidence they collected presented to the jury, there will be a mandatory notification that they are fucking idiots and anything they say or do should be placed in that context."
I was using hyperbole for effect, but yes. I am aware there is a specific way you must invoke your rights. Which is stupid because you don't lose your rights because you don't know the magic incantation, but government gonna government.
Actually they rejected his appeal because saying "maybe I should talk to a lawyer" isn't invoking your right to a lawyer so when he said "why don't you just give me a lawyer dog" it was the "why don't you just" that was the reason they denied his appeal and quoting "lawyer dog" was just them mocking the defendant.
But, yeah, don't try to be cute when asking for your lawyer. Ask for a lawyer and just keep asking if they don't stop.
Fuck. Dumbass thought the cops were on his side from the start.
Cops are NEVER on your side, they are there to find you guilty. They will lie to your face in order to find something to charge you with.
How is it Penny didn't know this?
It's actually even worse than just being a "violent lunatic". He was a violent lunatic who had been arrested 42 separate times, 4 of them being for assaulting random people, the most recent being an attack on a 67 year old woman:
The woman sustained a broken nose, a fractured orbital bone, and "bruising, swelling and substantial pain to the back of her head" in the Nov. 12 attack, according to a criminal complaint.
This guy was 100% a danger to everyone in that city, and Daniel Penny did absolutely nothing wrong in acting on this asshole bursting into a train, and informing the riders that he was going to "fucking kill everyone".
It's absolutely disgusting that Penny is probably at greater than 50/50 odds for going to prison for stepping up, and stopping this menace in his latest (and final. LOL) attack. When you've violently assaulted multiple random people, up to and including literally breaking the faces of nearly 70 year old women, I don't really give a fuck if you die when someone tries to stop you.
This is why you don't talk to the police. He didn't know the guy had died, but they did.
They've got good cop and bad cop to manipulate him, they got him admitting he's a trained killer in the marines, that he never saw him actually touch anybody, they almost got him to admit it was a rear naked choke hold.
And this guy did absolutely nothing wrong except for this. The only thing he did wrong was not say "lawyer" and right away.
Exactly this - they will cherry pick from anything you say to them and invent evidence for everything else they need to make their case.
Even as a witness, say you're in the subway car and you're afraid for your life and you tell the police you said "somebody stop him!". Did you incite murder? Who knows.
It's a shame, but there's so many things that are technically illegal it's impossible to know if you're implicating yourself even if you're just a witness and not even involved.
We really need some repercussions for these out of control prosecutions. Juries or judges or somebody should be able to reach a verdict that the prosecutor be fired because the case is total bullshit.
The power is supposed to be with a jury but it's been completely supplanted. Between striking jurors who don't fit prescribed molds (used to predict what they'll do) and juror instructions that explicitly limit what jurors are allowed to consider in evidence, the guarantee to judgement by your peers is just as eroded as all the other rights you might have.
mandatory viewing: Don't Talk to Cops
This is an oldie, but goodie and worth 45 minutes of your time:
Here we have a law professor giving a presentation to his class on why you should never speak to the police. Towards the end he gives the stage over to a police officer to add his thoughts and potentially rebut the professor's arguments. The first thing the cop says is "everything he just told you is absolutely correct".
How in the world do people not know to never talk to the police in this day and age? The only words you know when you step into that room should be "lawyer" and "fifth amendment".
Clearly he trusts the police enough to live in a state where arming yourself is essentially illegal.
Dangerously wrong.
You have to explicitly say: "I want a lawyer". In those exact words.
If you say, "I want a lawyer, dawg." The police will literally claim you didn't invoke your right to counsel because Lawyer-Dogs aren't a thing, and therefore it's not possible for anyone to understand what you said.
Unfortunately, judges aren't the neutral arbitrators that the system paints them to be. They're employed by the government just like the cops and the prosecutor, and they're often former prosecutors themselves. The implicit bias should be obvious, but even if it wasn't, the amount of times they bend over backwards to hand a win to the government would clue anyone in.
In a fair world the judge would have said: "Hand me a list of every officer who claims that they believed he was asking for a literal dog. For the rest of their careers anytime they give testimony or have evidence they collected presented to the jury, there will be a mandatory notification that they are fucking idiots and anything they say or do should be placed in that context."
I was using hyperbole for effect, but yes. I am aware there is a specific way you must invoke your rights. Which is stupid because you don't lose your rights because you don't know the magic incantation, but government gonna government.
Actually they rejected his appeal because saying "maybe I should talk to a lawyer" isn't invoking your right to a lawyer so when he said "why don't you just give me a lawyer dog" it was the "why don't you just" that was the reason they denied his appeal and quoting "lawyer dog" was just them mocking the defendant.
But, yeah, don't try to be cute when asking for your lawyer. Ask for a lawyer and just keep asking if they don't stop.
I know things were off to a bad start when Penny fell for the "oh you were in the Marines? Well shucks I was in the Marines too!" stuff.
The only response that should ever get is "what unit?"
The response should be "cool. Where's my lawyer?"
He's a good dude, not a smart dude.
I fucking hate zogbots so much it’s unreal dudes.
Fuck. Dumbass thought the cops were on his side from the start.
Cops are NEVER on your side, they are there to find you guilty. They will lie to your face in order to find something to charge you with. How is it Penny didn't know this?
He probably thought he was still living in a high-trust society.
Military people now-a-days have it beaten into them to trust authority without question.
Do NOT talk to cops they are not your friend.
Daniel Penny heroically protected a bunch of strangers from a violent lunatic on drugs who was threatening everyone.
A violent lunatic who should have been in prison or in an asylum, because he was a danger to others, with a long violent criminal history.
So of course in Clown World inversed reality, Daniel Penny is a ''White-skinned monster''.
It's actually even worse than just being a "violent lunatic". He was a violent lunatic who had been arrested 42 separate times, 4 of them being for assaulting random people, the most recent being an attack on a 67 year old woman:
This guy was 100% a danger to everyone in that city, and Daniel Penny did absolutely nothing wrong in acting on this asshole bursting into a train, and informing the riders that he was going to "fucking kill everyone".
It's absolutely disgusting that Penny is probably at greater than 50/50 odds for going to prison for stepping up, and stopping this menace in his latest (and final. LOL) attack. When you've violently assaulted multiple random people, up to and including literally breaking the faces of nearly 70 year old women, I don't really give a fuck if you die when someone tries to stop you.
I'd be interested to know what they said to get him in that room beforehand in such a "friendly" manner.
Never trust the police ever. This dude is a hero, but the faggot cops trap him with retarded shit