This is why you don't talk to the police. He didn't know the guy had died, but they did.
They've got good cop and bad cop to manipulate him, they got him admitting he's a trained killer in the marines, that he never saw him actually touch anybody, they almost got him to admit it was a rear naked choke hold.
And this guy did absolutely nothing wrong except for this. The only thing he did wrong was not say "lawyer" and right away.
Even as a witness, say you're in the subway car and you're afraid for your life and you tell the police you said "somebody stop him!". Did you incite murder? Who knows.
It's a shame, but there's so many things that are technically illegal it's impossible to know if you're implicating yourself even if you're just a witness and not even involved.
We really need some repercussions for these out of control prosecutions. Juries or judges or somebody should be able to reach a verdict that the prosecutor be fired because the case is total bullshit.
The power is supposed to be with a jury but it's been completely supplanted. Between striking jurors who don't fit prescribed molds (used to predict what they'll do) and juror instructions that explicitly limit what jurors are allowed to consider in evidence, the guarantee to judgement by your peers is just as eroded as all the other rights you might have.
This is why you don't talk to the police. He didn't know the guy had died, but they did.
They've got good cop and bad cop to manipulate him, they got him admitting he's a trained killer in the marines, that he never saw him actually touch anybody, they almost got him to admit it was a rear naked choke hold.
And this guy did absolutely nothing wrong except for this. The only thing he did wrong was not say "lawyer" and right away.
Exactly this - they will cherry pick from anything you say to them and invent evidence for everything else they need to make their case.
Even as a witness, say you're in the subway car and you're afraid for your life and you tell the police you said "somebody stop him!". Did you incite murder? Who knows.
It's a shame, but there's so many things that are technically illegal it's impossible to know if you're implicating yourself even if you're just a witness and not even involved.
We really need some repercussions for these out of control prosecutions. Juries or judges or somebody should be able to reach a verdict that the prosecutor be fired because the case is total bullshit.
The power is supposed to be with a jury but it's been completely supplanted. Between striking jurors who don't fit prescribed molds (used to predict what they'll do) and juror instructions that explicitly limit what jurors are allowed to consider in evidence, the guarantee to judgement by your peers is just as eroded as all the other rights you might have.