That jordan almonds motherfucker on the left reminds me of Street Fighter on the SNES where you could palate swap the characters, and none of them looked any good.
To be fair oversized shoulder armor is integral to the appeal of Warhammer. Could you imagine Space Marines without it? Without it Warhammer wouldn't be Warhammer.
Not entirely without historical precedence, either. There were large-ish pauldrons in use in European warfare, if the knight was wielding a one hand mace/hammer and shield. The bits sticking out protected your neck because you'd present yourself to the enemy weapon arm first and the added weight was subtracted from your other shoulder.
The pauldrons look like they would really get in the way, especially for Sun WuKong who would be prioritizing speed and dexterity in his fights (being a monkey-man).
If anything, the wukong ones here are a little more realistic than what blizzard would likely do - pauldrons bigger than his torso extending way above his head.
Guy on the left looks like someone who would approach you to ask for money while you're in the drive through lane of a fast food place and can't drive away.
But the right one doesn't really look like Wukong, aside from his Monkey head. And the armor design just doesn't work for the fighting style that is typically associated with an agile and sly fighter such as Wukong.
Why not? It's not blocking any points of articulation. Are you suggesting that he's not strong enough to move with agility in armor? Hell, even for regular humans that stuff is not as impairing as media would have you believe.
Monkey style martial artists tend to use their arms more in order to perform monkey-themed acrobatics. That's what I associate with Wukong. Not this clumsy armored guy with a suit of armor that probably weighs twice his weight.
The thing on the left looks like it rapes people and starts disagreement comments with "My brother in Christ" despite being a degenerate pedophile atheist.
Hadn't even heard of it, looks fun and exactly up my alley.
Though unfortunately, those are the types of games best played with a bunch of buddies on your couch and that's hard to get these days unlike back when the Godzilla ones were coming out.
Yea playing online is not quite the same, still wonder how that culture died out so much, I know why corps killed it but not quite why people did not continue it.
Personally, me and my boys all just grew up and stopped living within a few blocks of each other. So we lack the time to just sit and do 20 rounds of something, and discord/private lobbies just don't feel the same as in person.
I imagine its like that for a lot of us who grew up doing it, and the new generation never got into it because the obscene cost (most games didn't support it, so you needed double tvs, consoles, and games to get the same experience) and relative ease of just random online lobbies.
Monkey armor looks so good
Looks end game. Probably basic. Concord is wank
That jordan almonds motherfucker on the left reminds me of Street Fighter on the SNES where you could palate swap the characters, and none of them looked any good.
Modern audience revision :
Pallet swapfagget swap.Hilarious the best character design of concord is a white guy and he has the most generic looking armor ever.
They both suck, but at least Sun Wukong gets cool armor.
Concord is an atrocity.
But I also dislike Wukong's silly shoulder armor. Blizzard style giant shoulder pads are a blight.
cough ...Warhammer... cough
To be fair oversized shoulder armor is integral to the appeal of Warhammer. Could you imagine Space Marines without it? Without it Warhammer wouldn't be Warhammer.
Not entirely without historical precedence, either. There were large-ish pauldrons in use in European warfare, if the knight was wielding a one hand mace/hammer and shield. The bits sticking out protected your neck because you'd present yourself to the enemy weapon arm first and the added weight was subtracted from your other shoulder.
That said, two were not used simultaneously.
The pauldrons look like they would really get in the way, especially for Sun WuKong who would be prioritizing speed and dexterity in his fights (being a monkey-man).
Shoulder armor isn't entirely fiction.
If anything, the wukong ones here are a little more realistic than what blizzard would likely do - pauldrons bigger than his torso extending way above his head.
Guy on the left looks like someone who would approach you to ask for money while you're in the drive through lane of a fast food place and can't drive away.
Hmm, let us see...
Classically armored monkey man or pastel corpse whose skin excretes neon colored sausages...
Troon McFag vs MurderMonkey Kang
Ill take Eve 07.
But the right one doesn't really look like Wukong, aside from his Monkey head. And the armor design just doesn't work for the fighting style that is typically associated with an agile and sly fighter such as Wukong.
Why not? It's not blocking any points of articulation. Are you suggesting that he's not strong enough to move with agility in armor? Hell, even for regular humans that stuff is not as impairing as media would have you believe.
Monkey style martial artists tend to use their arms more in order to perform monkey-themed acrobatics. That's what I associate with Wukong. Not this clumsy armored guy with a suit of armor that probably weighs twice his weight.
Do these guys have mass shifting poles, clones, and know all the magic under heaven? Did they hatch from an egg atop a mountain?
The thing on the left looks like it rapes people and starts disagreement comments with "My brother in Christ" despite being a degenerate pedophile atheist.
Faggotry aside, just look at the difference in detail.
Left boy reminds me way too much of Krystalak from the Godzilla Unleashed fighting game.
And now I'm extra mad that we both haven't gotten a Kaiju fighting game in that long and that this gay mother fucker is associating himself with it.
You do have GigaBash but is a brawler rather than a fighting game
Hadn't even heard of it, looks fun and exactly up my alley.
Though unfortunately, those are the types of games best played with a bunch of buddies on your couch and that's hard to get these days unlike back when the Godzilla ones were coming out.
Yea playing online is not quite the same, still wonder how that culture died out so much, I know why corps killed it but not quite why people did not continue it.
Personally, me and my boys all just grew up and stopped living within a few blocks of each other. So we lack the time to just sit and do 20 rounds of something, and discord/private lobbies just don't feel the same as in person.
I imagine its like that for a lot of us who grew up doing it, and the new generation never got into it because the obscene cost (most games didn't support it, so you needed double tvs, consoles, and games to get the same experience) and relative ease of just random online lobbies.
To give Concord a bit of credit, that's an ugly recolour of one of their better-looking characters. They did have 3-4 characters that looked fine.