Honestly, a lot of the big name Vtubers have fairly good relationships with their families. It is part of why I have argued they are a better representation of normal people than a lot of streamers, as ironic as that is due to their virtual nature.
Papakin is something else. I didn't realize Pippa and Kirsche did IRL stuff together too, and now I'm hearing the story about how Kirsche asked Papakin to drive her to the "dispensary."
I think they knew each other through TERA, back when Kirsche was more a game streamer and before Pippa became part of Phase Connect. I could be mistaken though.
Anyway, they had a drinking party on a midnight Kirsche stream last week (Pippa was using a Chillet avatar).
Female twitch steamers are shameless. You flip to them and there they are with their cleavage out and resting bitch face, playing a game they clearly don't want to but need to pretend to like. And if they say anything it's to validate simp#1245 for donating.
But I hate vtubers and thots. I'll take more traditional long form, documentary style content (such as Count Dancula and the history guy) over this crap.
If I watch any streamer it's chill dudes that talk about the game they are playing (thought process, tips, strategies, etc). If he frequently pauses the game just to fellate the chat I usually click away. I immediately block any female streamer because it's all about MEEEE
It’s because anime currently offers a higher quality (as an average and as a ceiling, obviously there’s still schlock and stuff too) than Western culture does for modern entertainment. Lots of people that are disgusted with woke politics in all media will naturally be attracted to anime and/or manga because it doesn’t have that issue. Also, acknowledging that there is the cultural barrier and the weird shit you can find, a lot of the most popular, broadly successful anime and manga still undeniably celebrates things like masculinity, femininity, loyalty, family, duty, and working to improve oneself and excel. Again, values largely absent from or even villainized in modern Western media, but values that naturally appeal to those who are opposed to certain current issues in Western society.
I liked anime and manga because they touch on themes that mainstream western cultures wont touch.
Things like god, fighting for man and your country, etc.
It blows my mind we almost never got xenogears because they were worried that religion is to touchy of a subject. Never got another game like it.
That being said, I have a very niche interest in it. Mostly the more mature scifi ones. Like EVA, GANTZ, Gurren Lagann, Robotech(really good one if your into the ancient aliens thing). You would be hard pressed to find a movie/show like these in america. Seems like most of the western ones are just dumbed down rip offs.
But I must say, 90% of the cheaters I come across in cs2 (and I dont mean, oh I think that guy is prolly walling, im talking about 100 leetify aim, looking through walls, rage cheating) are using anime pics of girls. Its bizarre.
Also many Anime authors are more versed in Western philosophy than the best Western authors.
It's not even their culture and they know it better. Why? Because we won the world wars so they studied us to find out why so they could copy and perfect it. That's why they all wear suits, have stock markets and adversarial justice systems, and so on.
Meanwhile our schools don't even teach U.S. Government anymore, much less Plato or the other greats.
Thanks for your angry response that doesn't answer my question very well.
When I was younger weebs were very unpopular to the point nobody would admit to liking anime unless they were the weird Naruto guys speed running around school.
You're suffering from complete cultural disconnect if anime avatars are some weird new development to you. This shit has been normal for a very long time. Again, at least a quarter century. Not sure how you missed that for so long, but here we are.
It's an artform that is also not for everyone, that is also a part of a certain culture. Are books, movies, fishing or camping trips "escapism" as well?
To a certain extent yes those are. It's more like hobby vs obsession/identity. Like adults that go to Disney every year and have Disney merchandise everywhere
Because its an entire industry that is outside the western influence and thereby caters to a lot of the tastes that the West is deliberately trying to destroy. So it provides a form of escapism well outside the stress filled minefield that is most of the rest of media that is filled with subversive politics and manipulation.
Even a Nazi sometimes wants to just laugh at cute girls being with, without having to worry she will have a black boyfriend or some shit.
Its only anime so often because that's just the only major source of it. Comic books had similar appeal and power back in the day, before they became infested and only about capeshit. Same with video games.
No, they aren't. In manga and anime, there is often a clear difference between child-age, teenage and adult characters. Yes, there are some child-like v-tubers out there called lolis but not all of them are. Also, I think most people have been brainwashed to think that it is immoral to feel sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex if the government has determined they're under a certain age, regardless of natural evidence pointing to the fact that such members are already capable of producing offspring.
Furthermore, the anime or manga subgenre known as lolicon is a niche segment that doesn't appeal to everyone, and which actually depicts character that are often adults or older than they look within the context of the story and their respective, fictitious world.
Plenty of legal scenarios treat human beings under 18 years of age as "children", which is nonsense. I'm just trying to be frank and objective here, not trying to defend real, sexual degeneracy.
Also, for Hololive (in the pic) the avatars are the same height and mostly the same proportions as their avatars, to make the rigging and choreography easier. They get some boost in terms of assets, but are otherwise a close match but anime-ified.
So they're played by grown adults, with the proportions of those same grown adults.
One disappoints their fathers (if they're even there)
The other can actually have their fathers on sometimes.
Honestly, a lot of the big name Vtubers have fairly good relationships with their families. It is part of why I have argued they are a better representation of normal people than a lot of streamers, as ironic as that is due to their virtual nature.
A return to internet anonymity is required.
Which is thankfully what most vtubers practice.
An elegant practice from a more civilized age.
I'll cop to enjoying papakin's appearances. He seems wholesome.
Papakin is something else. I didn't realize Pippa and Kirsche did IRL stuff together too, and now I'm hearing the story about how Kirsche asked Papakin to drive her to the "dispensary."
Pippa: "My dad doesn't even drink!!!"
I was surprised Pippa did anything IRL with other vtubers, since that is a privacy risk. I'm guessing they knew each other prior to becoming vtubers.
I think they knew each other through TERA, back when Kirsche was more a game streamer and before Pippa became part of Phase Connect. I could be mistaken though.
Anyway, they had a drinking party on a midnight Kirsche stream last week (Pippa was using a Chillet avatar).
We need more Papakin, actually really funny whenever he is on.
One doesn't pretend to be real, the other does.
other than that, it's simping at the end of the day.
Vtubers, at least the successful ones, have to actually play a character instead of just being female in the vicinity of a camera.
Female twitch steamers are shameless. You flip to them and there they are with their cleavage out and resting bitch face, playing a game they clearly don't want to but need to pretend to like. And if they say anything it's to validate simp#1245 for donating.
Women that attract a primarily male audience are usually whores.
Both equally fake.
But I hate vtubers and thots. I'll take more traditional long form, documentary style content (such as Count Dancula and the history guy) over this crap.
If I watch any streamer it's chill dudes that talk about the game they are playing (thought process, tips, strategies, etc). If he frequently pauses the game just to fellate the chat I usually click away. I immediately block any female streamer because it's all about MEEEE
Both are embarrassing.
They're both bad
Real question: Why do you care so much about anime aesthetic? Idk it's a bit weird to me. Maybe I'm just old school, but anime seems a bit infantile.
I see anime profile pics even on nazi accounts . Why is this happening? Escapism?
Edit: all the weebs mad lol
It’s because anime currently offers a higher quality (as an average and as a ceiling, obviously there’s still schlock and stuff too) than Western culture does for modern entertainment. Lots of people that are disgusted with woke politics in all media will naturally be attracted to anime and/or manga because it doesn’t have that issue. Also, acknowledging that there is the cultural barrier and the weird shit you can find, a lot of the most popular, broadly successful anime and manga still undeniably celebrates things like masculinity, femininity, loyalty, family, duty, and working to improve oneself and excel. Again, values largely absent from or even villainized in modern Western media, but values that naturally appeal to those who are opposed to certain current issues in Western society.
I liked anime and manga because they touch on themes that mainstream western cultures wont touch.
Things like god, fighting for man and your country, etc.
It blows my mind we almost never got xenogears because they were worried that religion is to touchy of a subject. Never got another game like it.
That being said, I have a very niche interest in it. Mostly the more mature scifi ones. Like EVA, GANTZ, Gurren Lagann, Robotech(really good one if your into the ancient aliens thing). You would be hard pressed to find a movie/show like these in america. Seems like most of the western ones are just dumbed down rip offs.
But I must say, 90% of the cheaters I come across in cs2 (and I dont mean, oh I think that guy is prolly walling, im talking about 100 leetify aim, looking through walls, rage cheating) are using anime pics of girls. Its bizarre.
Anime pfp is perfectly fine for trolling
Also many Anime authors are more versed in Western philosophy than the best Western authors.
It's not even their culture and they know it better. Why? Because we won the world wars so they studied us to find out why so they could copy and perfect it. That's why they all wear suits, have stock markets and adversarial justice systems, and so on.
Meanwhile our schools don't even teach U.S. Government anymore, much less Plato or the other greats.
Pretty true, good response. I don't watch a ton of it but I liked a few series. I am not a fan of the overly sexual stuff, especially younger actors.
You missed about a quarter century worth of culture. Where the fuck have you been?
Thanks for your angry response that doesn't answer my question very well.
When I was younger weebs were very unpopular to the point nobody would admit to liking anime unless they were the weird Naruto guys speed running around school.
You're suffering from complete cultural disconnect if anime avatars are some weird new development to you. This shit has been normal for a very long time. Again, at least a quarter century. Not sure how you missed that for so long, but here we are.
I see it more often is my point. Before it was mostly troons but it's more mainstream now
It predates troons.
It's an artform that is also not for everyone, that is also a part of a certain culture. Are books, movies, fishing or camping trips "escapism" as well?
To a certain extent yes those are. It's more like hobby vs obsession/identity. Like adults that go to Disney every year and have Disney merchandise everywhere
Because its an entire industry that is outside the western influence and thereby caters to a lot of the tastes that the West is deliberately trying to destroy. So it provides a form of escapism well outside the stress filled minefield that is most of the rest of media that is filled with subversive politics and manipulation.
Even a Nazi sometimes wants to just laugh at cute girls being with, without having to worry she will have a black boyfriend or some shit.
Its only anime so often because that's just the only major source of it. Comic books had similar appeal and power back in the day, before they became infested and only about capeshit. Same with video games.
The anime style has always been beautiful to me, especially when it's more realistic. I think most people feel the same way.
Im not sure what children you are looking at but children generally don't look like cartoon characters
Why do people have any sexual interest in a drawn image? lol. Are these new generations that lonely?
For those who are uncultured: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5xdg2l
Also: Thank you for making me look that up. It's been too long since I watched that show. Criminally underrated, that one.
No, they aren't. In manga and anime, there is often a clear difference between child-age, teenage and adult characters. Yes, there are some child-like v-tubers out there called lolis but not all of them are. Also, I think most people have been brainwashed to think that it is immoral to feel sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex if the government has determined they're under a certain age, regardless of natural evidence pointing to the fact that such members are already capable of producing offspring.
Furthermore, the anime or manga subgenre known as lolicon is a niche segment that doesn't appeal to everyone, and which actually depicts character that are often adults or older than they look within the context of the story and their respective, fictitious world.
Plenty of legal scenarios treat human beings under 18 years of age as "children", which is nonsense. I'm just trying to be frank and objective here, not trying to defend real, sexual degeneracy.
Also, for Hololive (in the pic) the avatars are the same height and mostly the same proportions as their avatars, to make the rigging and choreography easier. They get some boost in terms of assets, but are otherwise a close match but anime-ified.
So they're played by grown adults, with the proportions of those same grown adults.