They called it "Tanaland" from the word “Tana” which comes from “Putana” in Italian, meaning Whore.
A few interesting points
"What is Tanaland, that country forbidden to men? For the past few weeks, influencers on TikTok have been imagining a country forbidden to men, an original way of denouncing online sexism."
“What's this fictional country like? Tanaland, in its essence, is a space of absolute freedom forbidden to men. Its creators imagine it as a land where anything is possible for anyone, as long as you're a woman.”
“Some Internet users go even further, proposing Aya Nakamura as Prime Minister or influencers like Polska and Lucile; as potential female presidents.” Lol.
Here's a map of their fictional country:
We can see that a great deal of importance is attached to the airport (to be able to tour the world) finance (because you need to make, and I quote, “de la moulla (slang for money)” to shop and eat ice cream). And the funny thing is, they have a Muslimana city to pay homage to Islam, one of the world's most patriarchal religions in the world. Even i as a muslim find it extremely funny and contradictory.
I thoroughly encourage this on the stipulation that it be thoroughly documented for the amusement of future generations.
I highly encourage anyone with ideas like these to go off and create their own perfect utopias, on the condition that the resulting area is walled off and nobody is allowed to leave for five years.
The rest of us can bet on how soon the cannibalism starts.
Why time limit it?
Something like this was done on the tv show Survivor, where two groups were put on an island, one all men and the other all women. The men immediately got to work building shelters and gathering resources, while the women treated it like a vacation just lounging around and wasting all their time and energy on establishing a pecking order. Once the women ran out of their initial food rations and were in real trouble if left to fend for themselves, the producers abandoned the concept and brought some men over to take care of the women.
Edit: well, I read the rest of the comments here, and I see om like the fourth person to reference this. Lol.
The also did the same with 'The Island with Bear Grylls', and the results were arguably even worse.
The women basically squabbled amongst themselves, refused to set up any type of command structure, demonstrated a hilarious lack of direction by walking in circles(twice), put their clean water supply in danger, turned their one 'gimmie' food source(piglets) into pets they wasted resources on feeding - it got bad enough there was a serious risks of having to pull them off the island or else they would have had long term damage and/or die.
There was atleast one woman who did have survival skills that tried to get people to do what was necessary, but everyone refused, effectively calling her 'too bossy'.
There's alot of lessons to take away from it, and some of them lead to very dark places.
If it's worth saying it's worth repeating.
It’s just gonna be free land to the nearest brown-skinned country. Curious to see what the all female inhabitants have to say when it’s non-whites doing the imperialism. All they see is free land, inhabitants that won’t fight back, and free women they can do whatever they want with. Some people have enjoyed the comfort of civilization for far too long and deserve to be shoved into a volatile foreign land against their will. Maybe then they’ll understand the experience of being a man and realize how stupid they were
i don't think they think as far as considering the defense of their country
And anyone who goes is banned from going back to any other country, and their citizenship revoked.
I say go for it, provided no male is involved in building and maintaining any infrastructure upholding the basics of a thriving society. Also I look forward to how it falls apart when the question of the tranny comes up.
It would fall apart long before then because none of the infrastructure building would ever get done, let alone maintained.
Yeah we all know this would end up like camping in the backyard with an extension cord running back into the house.
The trannies would do all the work that normal men do.
wheres the video of the men vs woman island survival reality show lol
You know what. There's a show in France called the Island. They also did a Men vs. Women and the result was exactly what you'd expect. The men, of all ethnicities, got on perfectly well, and had built their own village with a water system. The women on the other hand, when they arrived on the island they started by bathing and finished all the provisions the show gave them in one day, so the show had to cheat and give them extra food. It took them 3 days to make fire and they were fighting all the time. The show then decided to group the men with the women.. As a result, the men, who had been getting along until then, started fighting. The women created a lot of drama, which pleased the show, because an survival series where everyone gets along is boring.
Literally the first thing I thought of.
I give it...2 weeks before they kill each other and at least half defect to a 'patriarchal' country to be housewives for life...
Women can't stand other women for extended periods of time for anything beyond 4-6 peoples. In a country only having men that would work as we are used to just focusing on tasks and settling disputes quickly than holding grudges.
Go ahead ladies. Here is a spoiler of what's going to happen :
Survivor Island, women edition.
"all female" anything is only allowed to exist by the good grace of men during prosperous times
The ancient Greek Lysatraea says this is a bad idea.
it was right there, op.
...they segregated the french and the muslims...the jokes write themselves...
Isnt this just a repeat of the 1970s communes?
Good luck, idiots.
oh boy, CHAZ 2: hon hon ui ui boogaloo
A society that will fall the first time a toilet gets clogged.
Please make a reality series about this. I'd throw away a bit of cash to buy them the land to "build" this as long as there's a bunch of video documenting it.
Yeah, sounds about what I expected from "women create their own country".
Nick Cage Wickerman moment.