Ideally this would open up some eyes that the whole trans thing is a mental issue. They love to point out rare genetic mutations but believing you are the opposite sex is a delusional mental disorder
It never will. I can't even get a straight (no pun intended) answer on why being a tranny is different than anorexia. They're exactly the same problem.
Simultaneously, with the gender dysphoria and autism crazes, anorexia nervosa and bulimia cases in the young female population have all but disappeared.
Wanted to link the wiki of body integrity dysphoria. I learned about it a few years ago and always found it a great comparison.
But since the last time I visited the page it seems like the trannies got their hand on the article. "People with this condition may refer to themselves as transabled". They also removed the links to penoctomy (under see also), which I always found funny how close both diseases are.
I remember growing up the rare occasion where I heard about gender dysphoria it was understood that these people believed they were the opposite sex but were no. I don’t remember being told that a man who thinks he is a woman is really a woman til around Obama’s second term
that's just the thing, they've successfully eliminated biological sex from their vocabulary. it doesn't exist. "there is no scientific way to distinguish a man from a woman".
to them, there's only gender. gender is a style, it is a sex position, it is a way of life. it is everything but a role in the reproductive cycle.
When they operate under these definitions, "delusion" does not fully encompass the issue. it goes beyond that: the entire world has been redefined and they live in that fake redefined world.
Kiwi Farms has it, all of it. Whatever my issues with that place, they at least continue to adhere to the mentality of ARCHIVE EVERYTHING, which is more than I can say for the people here these days.
which is more than I can say for the people here these days.
Need more browbeating and gatekeeping of people who are too stupid and lazy to archive.
I do appreciate that other people have started to take up the browbeating so I'm not alone in my efforts to raise this place's standards back to what we used to have.
okay, I'm obviously not an expert, but does it seem like the handwriting keeps changing? every time there's a correction in superscript, it seems like it's someone else writing someone altered certain parts after the fact.
Ideally this would open up some eyes that the whole trans thing is a mental issue. They love to point out rare genetic mutations but believing you are the opposite sex is a delusional mental disorder
It never will. I can't even get a straight (no pun intended) answer on why being a tranny is different than anorexia. They're exactly the same problem.
Simultaneously, with the gender dysphoria and autism crazes, anorexia nervosa and bulimia cases in the young female population have all but disappeared.
Yeah...imagine that.
They are, and they want you to play along...
I remember when I was in high school there were a number of girls with anorexia. Granted nobody was telling these girls they were actually fat
Reality was that boys that age are just as nervous and insecure about themselves, and that there was nothing wrong with the girl at all.
I vividly recall a girl who had bulimia that had stained and transparent teeth from all the vomiting, major turnoff.
social contagion theory.
or body dysmorphia
Wanted to link the wiki of body integrity dysphoria. I learned about it a few years ago and always found it a great comparison.
But since the last time I visited the page it seems like the trannies got their hand on the article. "People with this condition may refer to themselves as transabled". They also removed the links to penoctomy (under see also), which I always found funny how close both diseases are.
I remember growing up the rare occasion where I heard about gender dysphoria it was understood that these people believed they were the opposite sex but were no. I don’t remember being told that a man who thinks he is a woman is really a woman til around Obama’s second term
gender dysphoria is no longer recognized as a mental illness in official medical literature.
Bardfinn is a convicted wife & child beater, living in his parent's house.
that's just the thing, they've successfully eliminated biological sex from their vocabulary. it doesn't exist. "there is no scientific way to distinguish a man from a woman".
to them, there's only gender. gender is a style, it is a sex position, it is a way of life. it is everything but a role in the reproductive cycle.
When they operate under these definitions, "delusion" does not fully encompass the issue. it goes beyond that: the entire world has been redefined and they live in that fake redefined world.
And I’m so tired of hearing “Social Construct”
Quite presumptuous of her to think she was destined for heaven even before she murdered those people.
Weird how the left covered this up (and is still trying to).
Why would they ever do that? It's not like the shooter was a product of their malicious lies and bullshit or anything.
It's keeping it more in the news cycle than just releasing it fully, by comparison most shooter manifestos are usually forgotten by a week or two.
Dropping one of the rawest lines to describe the Left with possible, and I'm going to believe they kept it hidden just to keep this gift from us.
The only stereotypically male thing she had going for her was terrible handwriting.
Probably the mental illness that went unchecked by everyone (including when she should have been kept against her will in the psych ward).
TL;DR delusional troon shit, adolescent sex fantasies, and leftist grievance politics
Wow, it's like everyone could call it a mile away or something.
I thought “faggot” was a compliment to these freaks.
That Brown Love kind of came out of nowhere
We used to call it “rape”
Did anyone bother to archive? The post has been removed as far as I can see.
Still there for me. Just hidden on Twitter behind an NSFW tag
Do you need to be logged in?
Cause like fuck I'm going to create a Twitter account.
nitter link
Already shoah'd my dude, did you manage to archive it?
Edit: Nvm your other link works
Kiwi Farms has it, all of it. Whatever my issues with that place, they at least continue to adhere to the mentality of ARCHIVE EVERYTHING, which is more than I can say for the people here these days.
Need more browbeating and gatekeeping of people who are too stupid and lazy to archive.
I do appreciate that other people have started to take up the browbeating so I'm not alone in my efforts to raise this place's standards back to what we used to have.
Well damn. I will search out an alternative as I do not Twitter/X. Thank you though.
nitter link
okay, I'm obviously not an expert, but does it seem like the handwriting keeps changing? every time there's a correction in superscript, it seems like it's someone else writing someone altered certain parts after the fact.
Mental illness does that to people.
I'm not ruling it out, it's just something I can't put my finger one about it, though...
Also, no pun intended, but this feels like a trap somehow...
Tweet is gone.
Negative. It's still up.
Needs an email for the journal download link. Sad.