I wonder what kind of "antisemitism" it was. the "gas the kikes!" kinds that normies immediately think of when they hear that word? or the "maybe zionists are kind of crazy and we shouldn't be giving them weapons" kind?
I wonder what kind of "antisemitism" it was. the "gas the kikes!" kinds that normies immediately think of when they hear that word?
Heh, I asked the same thing nearly verbatim.
...or the "maybe zionists are kind of crazy and we shouldn't be giving them weapons" kind?
Probably not even that strong. Probably didn't even mention Jews or Zionists. They probably said something critical of Israel's actions, would be my first guess.
Lots of building comments about genocide and ‘there only being one right side to be on’. People with free Palestine stickers on their phones, wearing watermelon necklaces. The breaking point was at a work event which was catered by a Jewish company (I work in a very Jewish area), and people were making comments about the food. A senior member of staff then tried to block a training by a Jewish charity on domestic violence in orthodox communities, which is very relevant to my work. That was my breaking point.
So, as I completely predicted, it's people who don't like what Israel is doing, and feel bad for the Palestinians. And, yeah, wouldn't be surprised if they were retarded leftists, too.
Also, not sure about that last bit, and would need more context. I doubt management tried to block some Jewish event because it was Jewish.
It’s a frustrating time for dissident right wingers. The tribe successfully white-washed their own shitty behavior by blaming it all on actual whites, and now the anti-whiteness that was inculcated in the wider population is coming around to fuck that same tribe in the ass. It should be a moment of pure schadenfreude for the right, but instead you see most conservatives enthusiastically deepthroating our “our greatest ally”. We’re in a spot now where most of the left is attacking the correct target for the wrong reasons while most of the right is defending our greatest enemy. It’s fucking infuriating lol
We’re in a spot now where most of the left is attacking the correct target for the wrong reasons while most of the right is defending our greatest enemy. It’s fucking infuriating lol
Yup, and you have the...less dissident right, shall we say, using their tried and true "oh, you hate Israel? You know who else hates Israel? Leftists! Therefore, by the transitive property of retardation, you're clearly a leftist! Because that's totally how the transitive property works!"
It's a nice little bit of gatekeeping and Overton-shaping.
tried to block a training by a Jewish charity on domestic violence in orthodox communities
Yeah, that could be any number of things. Could be they were sick of DEI feminist preaching (because that's what I assume most "domestic violence" talks are these days), could be they didn't think the training was a good use of work time... could even be they thought it made orthodox Jews look bad and wanted to block it because of that.
could even be they thought it made orthodox Jews look bad and wanted to block it because of that.
Dude, there's no worse antisemitism than appreciating or protecting Jews! Or so I've heard. It really is wild, how some of the grievance pushers will, with no shame, actually tell you to your face that loving Jews is also proof of antisemitism.
It's the same thing you see with blacks and women—point out ways in which the system is clearly biased in their favor and you get told "actually, that's just [ism] because they're infantilizing them." Then, of course, they do nothing to actually end the preferential treatment that they say is offensive.
It's worse, because they often don't even justify or rationalize it. It's literally just "say good things about the Jews...that's quite often antisemitism." No explanation or anything.
Probably the free Palestine kind. Since the faggot reported bunch of them at the same time, it's not like they all of the sudden revealed their power level to him.
Yeah, even the biggest sperg in the world knows you don't talk like that in public. I just read on Reddit a story with a white door dasher calling a customer a nigger bitch on her door cam. It's 2024 and I'm supposed to believe dude was just so overwhelmed with bigotry he had to say nigger on tape.
Reading Kienan's summary, his friends were a bunch of commies, some of them probably brown and/or Muslim. I'm sure they froze him out of the local cafe circle afterwards. But hey, there's always reddit!
To clarify, the text was not from OP's post, but from the other similar ones I found while searching. The one in the OP, "Reported antisemitism, lost my friends," was devoid of any context at all at time of posting. It does look like the Redditor posted more, I just saw and am about to go through, and will report back if there's anything interesting.
Alright, nothing super interesting, but about what I figured. Also, interestingly, this first comment is shadowbanned on Reddit; it shows on Reddit-OP's profile, but not in the thread. Anyway, as I said, about what I figured:
Lots of building comments about genocide and ‘there only being one right side to be on’. People with free Palestine stickers on their phones, wearing watermelon necklaces. The breaking point was at a work event which was catered by a Jewish company (I work in a very Jewish area), and people were making comments about the food. A senior member of staff then tried to block a training by a Jewish charity on domestic violence in orthodox communities, which is very relevant to my work. That was my breaking point.
So, as I completely predicted, it's people who don't like what Israel is doing, and feel bad for the Palestinians. And, yeah, wouldn't be surprised if they were retarded leftists, too.
Also, not sure about that last bit, and would need more context. I doubt management tried to block some Jewish event because it was Jewish.
Another comment:
My senior management have taken it very seriously and have from the start (my service is quite Muslim and Jew heavy, so they addressed it at the beginning). The individuals have had formal meetings and this is why I’m now being outcast. And someone said above I didn’t lose friends, I lost the idea of friends. Which is so true. It’s just lonely.
So, yup; wrote his "friends" up for not wanting Israel to bomb the shit out of civilians, and they got pulled in by management.
Might not even have been about Israel, could have simply been about international banking cartels or traffickers of children and the jewish coworker took exception to it.
I'd be curious to hear what the "antisemitism" was. Probably not "gas the Jews," and probably more along the lines of "It's kinda messed up Israel killin' all those kids, huh?"
Also, it seems to be a trend. I searched to try to find the thread "reported antisemitism lost my friends reddit" (which I did eventually find, linked above) and got the following:
Losing friend(s) due to newly discovered antisemitism
I don't feel safe around my friends anymore
I’ve lost so many friends
Why you might have lost all your Jewish friends this week and didn’t even know it.
I’ve lost 2 Jewish friends by still associating with my Palestinian friends
Trying not to blow up a friendship over anti semitism on social media
My friends were antisemitic to me for the first time
I've lost (almost) all of my friends in America
Horrible experience last night with someone being blatantly Anti-Semitic to me plus my friends not getting it/caring
New level of anti-semitism, I'm still shocked days later and don't know what to do
That's some serious oof. Almost all from right around seven months ago.
Talk about a victim complex, too. It's like they think the default is antisemitism, and it just takes a while to manifest. They (no, Dom, #NotAllJews, these particular whiny bitches) fully expect even their closest friends hate them. They blow it up into full-on neuroticism, and probably expect even their friends would be an actual physical threat to them at some point. It's deranged. There's a bunch of "no, these hateful bigots were never your friends," but I'd say perhaps the opposite holds true; these paranoid weirdos were not your friends. They're so deep into their persecution complex they can't true anyone enough to be friends.
Also, some of the text in those posts is at least as deranged as you'd expect. Some of the funnier/sadder stuff:
One of my closest friends has not said a single word about the conflict to me since it happened. She has to know I’m struggling, I’ve posted online, yet she’s said nothing. Until this past week, when she suddenly started posting a bunch of ceasefire and pro-Palestinian stuff. That’s totally her right, but she has completely failed to mention releasing the hostages, condemning Hamas, etc.
Part of me feels like I’m overreacting, but at the same time, in the past month she’s made me feel like I’ve had to suddenly hide/avoid my Jewishness to spare her any discomfort about Israel, and my support for Israelis.
...I’m far-left political, an active member of DSA and local civil rights orgs...My whole fucking life is about social justice.
...I’ve...been labeled a white supremacist (I’m not even white!) and the very organizations and individuals that I used to march and volunteer with have been holding rallies calling for the destruction of Israel and promoting BHI-type conspiracy theories that Jews aren’t actually indigenous to the Levant.
A good friend of mine, someone I considered one of my best friends, posted a TikTok video referring to Jews as white supremacist capitalist colonizers and I can’t make sense of it.
Ahahaahhahaha. I want to say this one is a troll, but we've all seen this exact thing happening over and over. It's hilarious how what should be obvious trolling is just...yeah.
Privately, my friend expressed care for Jewish people, understanding of my perspective, concern for my family in Israel, and willingness to listen. But she posted stuff that was super inflammatory and echoing anti semitic narratives. (Apartheid, Land Back, genocide, etc)
Yes, accusing anyone (except ze Nazis) of genocide is itself antisemitic. Gotta love it.
Things blew up after a post where she more or less said “the conflict isn’t nuanced and complex. If you’re not calling for a ceasefire go to hell” I got so upset and went off the rails a bit, saying ok just surrender to Hamas and let my family get killed, that’s what a ceasefire does.
Firstly, I'm noticing a big trend. Most of these conflicts are happening online. This is fragile, perpetually online weirdos who've severely lost touch with reality.
Also, no, a ceasefire doesn't let Hamas kill all the Israelis, you retard. Nor is it a surrender.
Just visited my friends and they were being very antisemitic and I’m not sure what to do.
I just love how casual and nonspecific that is. Honestly, something about the phrasing is pretty hilarious.
I walked into the apartment and i already had a bad vibe because my friend was making fun of me because I took the vaccine for corona 3 times
Now I’ve had a full day to reflect, I’ve spoken a lot with g-d during this time.
Is there something about Jews not being able to say "God?" I find it a little cringe, but I get religious people censoring the world if it's used in a bad way, like not saying "God damn," but censoring it when you're talking about you speaking to God just seems weird.
I'm a 30-something year old American born Israeli in Southern California.
Uhm...generally, that's called an American, you piece of shit.
What do you want to bet they'd whine about "dual loyalties" being an antisemitic trope, too? When they don't even seem to consider themselves American despite being (presumably legally) born here. Possibly even to one or more American citizens. Fucking wild.
I have lost 100% of my non-Jewish friends. Immediately after October 7, some wrote me to check in and ask if my family in Israel is OK. Since then, most are posting on social media "free Palestine"
without publicly showing concern for hostages, denouncing the actions of Palestinians on October 7, acknowledging any difference between Hamas and "regular" Palestinians...
Bitch, you just said Palestinians did October 7th, you disingenuous retard, then demanded people separate Hamas from Palestinians. Pick a fucking lane.
...they view Jews/Israelis as "white" and Arabs as "brown", and that is boiled down to a "whites think they are superior to browns" argument.
Is there something about Jews not being able to say "God?" I find it a little cringe, but I get religious people censoring the world if it's used in a bad way, like not saying "God damn," but censoring it when you're talking about you speaking to God just seems weird.
It's an extension of the "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" Commandment. Because Jewish culture revolves heavily around getting out of things based off of technicalities, they will say that they're not invoking the name of god if they use g_d instead. It's similar to how they string up wires around their neighborhoods to say that they're "indoors" by technically being under something because Jewish law says that they must be indoors for the Sabbath. Or how they'll lock away the food in their pantry for Passover. It's stupid and disingenuous. As if god is fooled by their technical observation of his laws when they're clearly trying to actively circumvent it.
The weird thing to me about it is that they always do it when they're... actually talking about God. It's not "oh my g-d, I can't believe that happened," it's "G-d blessed me with wealth and kids" or whatever. But shouldn't the second one be fine? They are literally referring to God.
So even as they engage in rampant and brazen tribalism that greatly benefits themselves, they are still collectively the victims of manipulative hoaxes perpetrated by… themselves?
Is there a single theoretical context in which Jews are not the real victims?
If a person acted this way in your personal life, you would do everything in your power to remove them from your life.
I think I've had or developed this same paranoia complex myself (username extremely relevant), related to having conservative beliefs among liberal/regressive friends in a clique. Adding in the vitriol in ideological talks over the past several years, the complex has amounted to a full-fledged phobia of public confrontation.
And you may be correct that my past friendships never were as close as I thought, but perhaps not completely because of paranoia.
They're so deep into their persecution complex they can't [be] true [to] anyone enough to be friends.
I don't know if honesty was my problem, but general sociability certainly was (and is). I have always been quiet, and I did (do) not feel naturally inclined to talk about myself or ask others of themselves. I am extremely passive in that regard.
''Maby stop genociding Palestinians and stealing their land. Maby Israel's neighbours would hate them less if they stop illegally occupying and colonizing part of Syria ( Golan Heights ). Mutilating the genitals of babies should be illegal, no religious exceptions allowed.''
I have zero doubt that the Muslims surrounding Israel seek nothing less than the total annihilation or subjugation of all Jews everywhere. Muslims seek the same fate for all peoples. This does not mean that Israel and Jewish diaspora are automatically allies to white western nations or peoples. And if we are ranking threats based on how much they negatively impact our day to day lives, it’s pretty fucking clear who represents the greater problem at this moment.
I have no use for "oh woe is me, look at how awful the country that I'm living in (that spent blood saving my ancestors) that is the freest place in the history of the world, particularly for minority groups" Jews.
Conservatives are twisting themselves into equally retarded knots just to “own the muzzies”. Nothing says “America First” like funding and siding with a hostile foreign elite who openly boast about controlling your elections while slaughtering children by the thousands.
This whole debacle has been a mask off moment for almost everyone. Leftists are truly incoherent and rabidly anti-white. Conservatives are drooling retards or opportunistic shapeshifters. There is virtually no representation in politics or media for heritage white America. Their demographic extinction is a formality because their political and cultural relevance has already been extinguished.
I wonder what kind of "antisemitism" it was. the "gas the kikes!" kinds that normies immediately think of when they hear that word? or the "maybe zionists are kind of crazy and we shouldn't be giving them weapons" kind?
Heh, I asked the same thing nearly verbatim.
Probably not even that strong. Probably didn't even mention Jews or Zionists. They probably said something critical of Israel's actions, would be my first guess.
As predicted.
From Reddit-OP in that thread:
So, as I completely predicted, it's people who don't like what Israel is doing, and feel bad for the Palestinians. And, yeah, wouldn't be surprised if they were retarded leftists, too.
Also, not sure about that last bit, and would need more context. I doubt management tried to block some Jewish event because it was Jewish.
It’s a frustrating time for dissident right wingers. The tribe successfully white-washed their own shitty behavior by blaming it all on actual whites, and now the anti-whiteness that was inculcated in the wider population is coming around to fuck that same tribe in the ass. It should be a moment of pure schadenfreude for the right, but instead you see most conservatives enthusiastically deepthroating our “our greatest ally”. We’re in a spot now where most of the left is attacking the correct target for the wrong reasons while most of the right is defending our greatest enemy. It’s fucking infuriating lol
Yup, and you have the...less dissident right, shall we say, using their tried and true "oh, you hate Israel? You know who else hates Israel? Leftists! Therefore, by the transitive property of retardation, you're clearly a leftist! Because that's totally how the transitive property works!"
It's a nice little bit of gatekeeping and Overton-shaping.
Yeah, that could be any number of things. Could be they were sick of DEI feminist preaching (because that's what I assume most "domestic violence" talks are these days), could be they didn't think the training was a good use of work time... could even be they thought it made orthodox Jews look bad and wanted to block it because of that.
Dude, there's no worse antisemitism than appreciating or protecting Jews! Or so I've heard. It really is wild, how some of the grievance pushers will, with no shame, actually tell you to your face that loving Jews is also proof of antisemitism.
It's the same thing you see with blacks and women—point out ways in which the system is clearly biased in their favor and you get told "actually, that's just [ism] because they're infantilizing them." Then, of course, they do nothing to actually end the preferential treatment that they say is offensive.
It's worse, because they often don't even justify or rationalize it. It's literally just "say good things about the Jews...that's quite often antisemitism." No explanation or anything.
Probably the free Palestine kind. Since the faggot reported bunch of them at the same time, it's not like they all of the sudden revealed their power level to him.
Yeah, even the biggest sperg in the world knows you don't talk like that in public. I just read on Reddit a story with a white door dasher calling a customer a nigger bitch on her door cam. It's 2024 and I'm supposed to believe dude was just so overwhelmed with bigotry he had to say nigger on tape.
Reading Kienan's summary, his friends were a bunch of commies, some of them probably brown and/or Muslim. I'm sure they froze him out of the local cafe circle afterwards. But hey, there's always reddit!
To clarify, the text was not from OP's post, but from the other similar ones I found while searching. The one in the OP, "Reported antisemitism, lost my friends," was devoid of any context at all at time of posting. It does look like the Redditor posted more, I just saw and am about to go through, and will report back if there's anything interesting.
Alright, nothing super interesting, but about what I figured. Also, interestingly, this first comment is shadowbanned on Reddit; it shows on Reddit-OP's profile, but not in the thread. Anyway, as I said, about what I figured:
So, as I completely predicted, it's people who don't like what Israel is doing, and feel bad for the Palestinians. And, yeah, wouldn't be surprised if they were retarded leftists, too.
Also, not sure about that last bit, and would need more context. I doubt management tried to block some Jewish event because it was Jewish.
Another comment:
So, yup; wrote his "friends" up for not wanting Israel to bomb the shit out of civilians, and they got pulled in by management.
What a bunch of losers.
Might not even have been about Israel, could have simply been about international banking cartels or traffickers of children and the jewish coworker took exception to it.
“My coworkers are being anti-LGBT.”
“Oh no, what did they say?”
“They said that pedophiles should be put to death.”
They're probably saying that now if they weren't before.
Perhaps they hit him with "I really don't support what israel is doing, I think it is genocide" and got reported for SUPPORTING HAMAS
Thread archive.
I'd be curious to hear what the "antisemitism" was. Probably not "gas the Jews," and probably more along the lines of "It's kinda messed up Israel killin' all those kids, huh?"
Also, it seems to be a trend. I searched to try to find the thread "reported antisemitism lost my friends reddit" (which I did eventually find, linked above) and got the following:
Losing friend(s) due to newly discovered antisemitism
I don't feel safe around my friends anymore
I’ve lost so many friends
Why you might have lost all your Jewish friends this week and didn’t even know it.
I’ve lost 2 Jewish friends by still associating with my Palestinian friends
Trying not to blow up a friendship over anti semitism on social media
My friends were antisemitic to me for the first time
I've lost (almost) all of my friends in America
Horrible experience last night with someone being blatantly Anti-Semitic to me plus my friends not getting it/caring
New level of anti-semitism, I'm still shocked days later and don't know what to do
That's some serious oof. Almost all from right around seven months ago.
Talk about a victim complex, too. It's like they think the default is antisemitism, and it just takes a while to manifest. They (no, Dom, #NotAllJews, these particular whiny bitches) fully expect even their closest friends hate them. They blow it up into full-on neuroticism, and probably expect even their friends would be an actual physical threat to them at some point. It's deranged. There's a bunch of "no, these hateful bigots were never your friends," but I'd say perhaps the opposite holds true; these paranoid weirdos were not your friends. They're so deep into their persecution complex they can't true anyone enough to be friends.
Also, some of the text in those posts is at least as deranged as you'd expect. Some of the funnier/sadder stuff:
Ahahaahhahaha. I want to say this one is a troll, but we've all seen this exact thing happening over and over. It's hilarious how what should be obvious trolling is just...yeah.
Yes, accusing anyone (except ze Nazis) of genocide is itself antisemitic. Gotta love it.
Firstly, I'm noticing a big trend. Most of these conflicts are happening online. This is fragile, perpetually online weirdos who've severely lost touch with reality.
Also, no, a ceasefire doesn't let Hamas kill all the Israelis, you retard. Nor is it a surrender.
I just love how casual and nonspecific that is. Honestly, something about the phrasing is pretty hilarious.
Is there something about Jews not being able to say "God?" I find it a little cringe, but I get religious people censoring the world if it's used in a bad way, like not saying "God damn," but censoring it when you're talking about you speaking to God just seems weird.
Uhm...generally, that's called an American, you piece of shit.
What do you want to bet they'd whine about "dual loyalties" being an antisemitic trope, too? When they don't even seem to consider themselves American despite being (presumably legally) born here. Possibly even to one or more American citizens. Fucking wild.
Bitch, you just said Palestinians did October 7th, you disingenuous retard, then demanded people separate Hamas from Palestinians. Pick a fucking lane.
Ahhhhh, Reddit. You're so silly.
It's an extension of the "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" Commandment. Because Jewish culture revolves heavily around getting out of things based off of technicalities, they will say that they're not invoking the name of god if they use g_d instead. It's similar to how they string up wires around their neighborhoods to say that they're "indoors" by technically being under something because Jewish law says that they must be indoors for the Sabbath. Or how they'll lock away the food in their pantry for Passover. It's stupid and disingenuous. As if god is fooled by their technical observation of his laws when they're clearly trying to actively circumvent it.
The weird thing to me about it is that they always do it when they're... actually talking about God. It's not "oh my g-d, I can't believe that happened," it's "G-d blessed me with wealth and kids" or whatever. But shouldn't the second one be fine? They are literally referring to God.
Yeah, you would think. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
So even as they engage in rampant and brazen tribalism that greatly benefits themselves, they are still collectively the victims of manipulative hoaxes perpetrated by… themselves?
Is there a single theoretical context in which Jews are not the real victims?
If a person acted this way in your personal life, you would do everything in your power to remove them from your life.
Thanks. These screenshots leave out so much information. Plus I like to laugh at retarded Predditors.
Projection, because they know they'd turn their 'friends' in without a second thought.
I think I've had or developed this same paranoia complex myself (username extremely relevant), related to having conservative beliefs among liberal/regressive friends in a clique. Adding in the vitriol in ideological talks over the past several years, the complex has amounted to a full-fledged phobia of public confrontation.
And you may be correct that my past friendships never were as close as I thought, but perhaps not completely because of paranoia.
I don't know if honesty was my problem, but general sociability certainly was (and is). I have always been quiet, and I did (do) not feel naturally inclined to talk about myself or ask others of themselves. I am extremely passive in that regard.
Even though this poster is British, I still read this post in a stereotypical, nasally, Jew York accent.
Any "friendship" they had was fake as fuck considering how eager he was to throw them under the bus.
Fuck around, find out.
More like crying out in pain as he strikes you
Don't make friends with Jews either.
that's what i meant
Don't worry, even when you're making friends with them, they're not making friends with you.
Why are Jews such faggots
It cries as it strikes you..
The ''problematic antisemitism''?
I have zero doubt that the Muslims surrounding Israel seek nothing less than the total annihilation or subjugation of all Jews everywhere. Muslims seek the same fate for all peoples. This does not mean that Israel and Jewish diaspora are automatically allies to white western nations or peoples. And if we are ranking threats based on how much they negatively impact our day to day lives, it’s pretty fucking clear who represents the greater problem at this moment.
I have no use for "oh woe is me, look at how awful the country that I'm living in (that spent blood saving my ancestors) that is the freest place in the history of the world, particularly for minority groups" Jews.
No use for any flavor of Muslim.
I'm with you, navy boy. I also enjoy that leftists have to contradict themselves in this nonsense when they inevitably pick a side to soapbox about.
Conservatives are twisting themselves into equally retarded knots just to “own the muzzies”. Nothing says “America First” like funding and siding with a hostile foreign elite who openly boast about controlling your elections while slaughtering children by the thousands.
This whole debacle has been a mask off moment for almost everyone. Leftists are truly incoherent and rabidly anti-white. Conservatives are drooling retards or opportunistic shapeshifters. There is virtually no representation in politics or media for heritage white America. Their demographic extinction is a formality because their political and cultural relevance has already been extinguished.