'Naruto' And 'Bleach' Anime Studio President Rejects Idea That Anime Should Conform To Western Standards: "If You Make Animation...
The President of Naruto' and 'Bleach' production studio Pierrot Co. Ltd Michiyuki Honma believes anime needs to remain effectively Japanese.
"Western Standards" aren't even those of the damn consumers, but corpos looking to take control.
Anime based on western concepts that filtered through Japanese culture to create classics like cowboy bebop, Akira, Evangelion, etc are phenomenal. Anime based on western concepts like faggotry, not so much.
I love the America that Japan consistently depicts in their animated media. I want us to be that cool again.
Don't believe in yourself, believe in the japanese who believe in you. Become the american the japanese believe in!
Your gun is the gun that will pierce the heavens!
Open carry flintlocks.
Ghost in the Shell has the American Empire who they were only able to beat by blowing their plausible deniability.
We should aspire to be as competent as the Japanese believe we will be in the future.
Japanese makes some hot blonde characters. Hmm hmmm.
Saw Eva for the first time last year. Holds up beautifully. Need to see Rebuild movies soon.
Don't. If you enjoyed the original then you will hate it and its designed to be hated by you by the creator himself.
Also and more importantly, bankers looking to take control.
Speaking of anime and bankers, it still cracks me up that Magi had a villain named Banker, whose big scheme was manipulating a country's leaders into ruining economies with fiat currency and internal strife.
And what was its term for "magicless cattle?" Oh yeah, "Goy."
Correct answer. The corpos needs a label for everything so they can control the markets. Control the markets, control the tastes.
the Western standards they have been fed are really just Seattle standards. if they could just get localizers who don't reside in a city that's full of batshit crazy communists and progressive degenerates, they might find some Western values that are decent.
Case in point, look at Crunchyroll. Their abortions pre buyout were AWFUL from High guardian spice to just trying to adapt without using traditional studios like with Ex-Arm
While right now, more and more people are going into Anime and Manga BECAUSE it's not the grey sludge being made in the West. Look how in conventions Anime dominates the Cosplay scene from SpyXFamily to Chainsaw Man. We are getting more Korean Manwha stories get introduced as I bet it's a matter of time before Omniscient Readers Viewpoint and Mercenary enrolment get an adaptation soon but yeah if they become Western, they'll become the same sludge we were escaping from.
No shit. Diversity/global standard equals loss of diveristy and slop.
Its why DEI erases true diversity. Making sure everything is the same globo homo crap with checklists.
Hell i think DEI is the same as harvey weinstein. Companies/girls dont have to do it, but they do it for the money.
It's an attempt to standardize everything so it's easier to control with top-down power structures.
Meh, they put a bikini on the sexy jutsu. And you can't convince me hidden clouds village wasn't a weird pandering attempt with all the rap shit
In Japan it's still culturally possible to just add a village of black guys who use pro wrestling moves and electric powers because you think it's a cool idea.
Who rap. Badly. On purpose.
The character is a bit of a delinquent, like all of the other tailed beast holders, and the freestyle rapping is one way they expressed that. Similar to how Naruto used to be a vandal.
For real. Just because western producers use black people as golems for their own personal political reasons doesn't mean black people are inherently bad as characters.
Considering how popular big shounen is with blacks and mexicans, its probably closer to "giving your audience what they want" than any other media that would pander to them.
Shit the Broly movie's soundtrack was literally based on a viral video of Mexico City airing an episode of DBS on the side of a building.
Still probably wasn't their intent, but if it was it was entirely fanservice for the amount of negros already watching.
It should remain Japanese, but that doesn't mean anime can't be reformed from within in order to weed out the histrionic adolescent garbage.
It's been close to three decades of that garbage. Enough is enough.
Anime is largely for children though. Adults in Japan are expected to pursue more adult interests rather than watching cartoons all the time.
If it's largely for children then someone forgot to remove all the blood, gore, and violence. And Otaku are Otaku.