posted ago by MK-13 ago by MK-13 +60 / -1

I've been thinking about race, politics, family and all the crap that's been going on.

And one of the things I've realized about the elites, is that they hate poor whites and middle class whites more than anyone else, and I think the reason for hating whites makes sense when you think about it.

White people everywhere, wherever they are, generally think about freedom and push for freedom everywhere. That is a problem for them. They are only going to replace and remove whites from power in their countries because they can't control them, the goal is to put trojan horses in power that are also white or look white, and only replace them completely afterwards (this is where we are right now, notice how the whites in power is always a Marxist, it is never just about their own country and people).

We are actually seeing how all these Marxist supporters of Palestine are being pushed aside by the authorities (we know the don't give a shit about "minorities" at all), they immediately lost political influence and out of nowhere the "right wing" media now has the narrative power because they decided it is necessary, but when we are no longer useful to protect them, they are going to go back to whatever they want and kick us again, all of us, right and left alike.

They used leftists all this time to destroy our countries and gradually put control laws over our lives, when people went after them in 2011 with the whole Wall Street situation, they used leftist ideology to divide us, now that they are being attacked again, they are using the right to move the rage towards Muslims. (Who deserve it no doubt, but let's talk about who is really in control here).

So all this time, we have been being used by the elites and because the internet exists, they can no longer hide (that's why they want to control all social media as they did with the mass media), I think the "change" of narrative we are seeing that benefits the "right" is nothing more than another operation to protect themselves.

And here is the craziest thing I think is happening ... we are allowed to talk about protecting white countries and white people, because they are actually thinking of using white people as their strike force if shit goes down in flames ... white supremacist armed forces funded by Marxist globalists are on the table, because if necessary, they will not only have stronger white men killed in battle, but they will also imprison the survivors who win said race war through a new type of Nuremberg trials (the strongest will be dead, and the rest will be politically assassinated).

They thought they could control the browns and blacks because they really think they are racially superior (the white elite who are under Zionist influence, and the Zionist Jews themselves), but seeing how no one is publicly defending them, they have panicked and are thinking of using whites to defend them. And furthermore, the other reason why they were bringing Africans and Asians, among other Muslims to America and the West, is because black Americans and Hispanics are coming into ideological contact with whites and they can't let that happen.

But as I said before... now that the machine is running and the bureaucracy is too big to handle it, they can't stop the whole operation (mass indoctrination has that problem, that the machine doesn't stop running even if you try to stop it, because the useful idiots will continue to operate against your orders, they now believe the lies and that's why they are Marxists), so they are planning ahead. ... and as I said, the white supremacist groups are going to be controlled by the CIA and the feds, and they are going to be used as pawns, shock troops, or exterminators if necessary.

Crazy fucking long post but, i'm i seeing too much into this whole situation?.