Democrat staffer who enjoys making anal sex porn videos in the public senate hearing room is NOW A VICTIM.
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“I have been attacked for who I love”.
What are the chances it was a man he met 20 seconds prior after a successful grindr match?
“I would never disrespect my workplace” by spraying fecal matter all over the public property again.
Do... do I even need to explain?
This type of guy helped persecute Jan 6th protesters for disrespecting the capitol.
Maybe they don't do any actual work there
it's a government office so of course they don't
I'm just afraid of what he considers "disrespect."
no shitlib can EVER talk about the capitol being "sacred" ever again.
I don't think it has ever been sacred in my lifetime...but at least I was born early enough to be able to freely walk on PUBLIC property (as in, belonging to the American taxpayer) without getting thrown into a gulag.
a lot of them called it sacred after muh january 6. "temple of democracy" was another.
At least his 'hobby' represents what he wants to do to his country...
Can we replace most if not all the government workers with dogs? I feel like they'd be less degenerate and get more work done than the current lot.
I for one wholeheartedly support the More Kibble initiative.
I mean it's pure logic, dogs hate the degenerates, it's why even Biden's dog kept biting all the staffers!
"I love my job and would never disrespect my workplace."
This is literally what you did and why people are angry at you, you retard. Why not also throw "I'd never fuck a same-sex coworker in the ass in the capital building" into your useless statement?
As a Democrat, He is more likely to get fired for being unmasked.
rofl, yeah, it's the 'free expression of love' and it doesn't at all look like he was hired for purposes other than being a legislative aide.
Typical jew.
His former employer, (((Ben Cardin))) certainly has an early life.... With as much in-group selection as jews do, I'd lay out even money that this faggot pervert does too.
This is what happens when generations of Americans don't call out evil when they see it and fight back.
If this happened in revolutionary times, at a bare minimum their homes would have been burned and they'd be fleeing for their lives. A good warning for anyone else who would have dared try something like that.
No .. they wouldn't have been fleeing ... they'd be assuming wind-chime status.
Anyone else would be facing charges, but it's okay when they do it.
You guys enjoying all this decency that's returned?!
Fire them all.
Preferably out of a cannon.
Legislative AIDS
Faggots are wearing out their welcome.
You mean like a plea bargain?
Yeah well we see what his "confronting" looks like.
He's really taking it in the shorts now