posted ago by Smith1980 ago by Smith1980 +29 / -0

The other day I was watching Bowelstrek going over a shill media article attacking fans who didn't like the Dr. Who episode. The thing that really annoyed me was that the writer of the article actually said it was important for the show to represent trans/non-binary people because they never get to "see themselves" represented. Is this person insane? I thought the constant LGB pushing the last two decades was getting annoying but now we have to celebrate delusional people and the over-representation is beyond off the charts. I guess the writer of the article must live in a very left wing bubble.

I will never understand how if I were to tell someone that I'm a time traveler from 1000 years in the future I'll be sent to a mental hospital but seeing a penis between my legs and insisting I am a woman is something that will get me fawning adulation.