she dropped out of high school and lived on the street for 4 years (imagine how many dicks she sucked)
she smuggled LSD into Canada in the 1960s, hiding it it bibles
then she later went back to HS and university, becoming a United Church minister
she's written books calling herself a "Queer Evangelist"
she got elected as an Ontario member of Parliament, retiring in 2017
she got a whole bunch of trans BS passed while a politician, including banning conversion therapy, getting it added to the Human Rights code and making the government recognize Trans Day of Rememberance
she claims to have officiated the first ever gay marriage in Canada in 2001.
I hear leftists talk about this but how factual is it? I heard the nazis went after a sex change clinic and that they pushed back against the proliferation of homosexuality? Or is that not the whole story?
Homosexuality was a criminal offense in the Weimar Republic. The Nazis just strengthened those laws, and used inhumane methods like castration as a cure - so quite ironic for an advocate of castration to denounce them.
As for troonery, Magnus Hirschfeld was running a transgender 'clinic' in Germany which the Nazis shut down. Probably one of the few good things they ever did.
For the record, Nazis first target were people with dissenting economic policies, so communists and trade unionists. Nazi members had high ranking crossdressers and did human experiments to implant uterus on males (all died after). I'd say they're degenerates too. Off topic, but ironic that the Ts are excited about uterus implants on female to female are successful nowadays not knowing it is impossible on a male.
Trans people don't exist so I'm not sure how the nazis targeted them, nor what she's alluding to today with the reference, nor what human rights she thinks people who claim to be trans don't have.
... is how some people might have responded. I say thanks for this informative topic, which I'm sure will generate a good bit of well-intended discussion. Fuck Canadian politicians.
I am actually in favor of the left talking about what exactly the Nazis were targeting, though, even if they get some of the details wrong. And, no, this isn't praise of the Nazis, just condemnation of what some of their victims were doing.
Much of the trans/gay stuff they did eventually target absolutely needed to be at the very least called out. Shit was abhorrent. Also, where most of the "book burning" photos come from. A lot of that was straight up pedophilic.
Pro-trans groups trying to link modern trans to the degeneracy of Weimar will never not amuse me.
Reading her Wikipedia bio
I hear leftists talk about this but how factual is it? I heard the nazis went after a sex change clinic and that they pushed back against the proliferation of homosexuality? Or is that not the whole story?
Homosexuality was a criminal offense in the Weimar Republic. The Nazis just strengthened those laws, and used inhumane methods like castration as a cure - so quite ironic for an advocate of castration to denounce them.
As for troonery, Magnus Hirschfeld was running a transgender 'clinic' in Germany which the Nazis shut down. Probably one of the few good things they ever did.
For the record, Nazis first target were people with dissenting economic policies, so communists and trade unionists. Nazi members had high ranking crossdressers and did human experiments to implant uterus on males (all died after). I'd say they're degenerates too. Off topic, but ironic that the Ts are excited about uterus implants on female to female are successful nowadays not knowing it is impossible on a male.
Why'd you downvote yourself? [EDIT for future posters, the replied-to post at this time is siting on +0/-1]
Thank you so much for telling me that. I thought it was a bug that all my posts were auto upvoted by myself.
No, that's just Reddit-like software being that.
Yikes. Thanks for the breakdown. Now that you mentioned it I do remember hearing about the uterus experiments
nigger faggot tranny kike
welcome to the board
I think you might need to throw a retard in there. It's not nigger-tier but people lose their shit over it these days.
nigger faggot tranny kike retard cunt
I've been working "retarded" back into my normal vocabulary and so far haven't gotten any pushback.
Trans people don't exist so I'm not sure how the nazis targeted them, nor what she's alluding to today with the reference, nor what human rights she thinks people who claim to be trans don't have.
The only valid response to this claim.
... is how some people might have responded. I say thanks for this informative topic, which I'm sure will generate a good bit of well-intended discussion. Fuck Canadian politicians.
Is there a lot of anti-handshake account sentiment here? I think I've missed a bunch of it (for which I'm thankful, frankly).
This is one we can leave the progs to devour themselves over
I am actually in favor of the left talking about what exactly the Nazis were targeting, though, even if they get some of the details wrong. And, no, this isn't praise of the Nazis, just condemnation of what some of their victims were doing.
Much of the trans/gay stuff they did eventually target absolutely needed to be at the very least called out. Shit was abhorrent. Also, where most of the "book burning" photos come from. A lot of that was straight up pedophilic.
Pro-trans groups trying to link modern trans to the degeneracy of Weimar will never not amuse me.
Remember the first group the Bolsheviks targeted were gamers. We've seen this before.
No but seriously, shut the fuck up Karen and open a history book before opening your mouth next time
Should I alert the ADL?
a politician lying? say it ain't so!
The Nazis were bad because they gassed kids, not because they didn't castrate them.
It’s almost like rampant degeneracy has been the main indicator of a dying society since humans established societies…
Trannyism: the ideology so repulsive, normies would rather be Nazis.