The gaming press works for the Gamers. The Gamers pay their bills. In the past it used to be by literally buying their magazines, but now it is by providing them with a target for their advertising. It is because the gaming press has an audience that they can exist.
The gaming press used to be Gamers. They were passionate about games and got into the the job to write about something they love.
During GamerGate we, the Gamers, discovered that game writers were not gamers, they literally hated us, and they were conspiring to ruthlessly manipulate us in backroom email lists.
It isn't that games journalists were not talking about games (they had been doing crap reporting for years) or that they sold out; they had done that before, see the Dorito Pope or Advertising $ for game reviews.
No, it was that it was revealed to the audience that the gaming press hated our fucking guts. They saw controlling what we Gamers think as the way to gate-keep an entire multi-billion dollar industry and skim money off the top. They despised us for not being leftoids, and they despised us even more for being vital to their own job.
I totally agree. That’s when I stopped getting gaming magazines when I realized that the journalist seemed to despise gamers or couldn’t review Pac-Man without some lefty talking points. Last straw was the constant push for women in gaming. I’m thinking of women want to play games they know how.
But yes the hatred of gamers and the backlash we got for not wanting leftist garbage in our hobby will never be forgotten from my end
Does he still do that btw? I am not following him too closely, only ever saw the "What is a woman?" documentary and the occasional viral video. I do remember a lot of conservatives be like that though years ago.
A lot of conservatives STILL fall into this trap, spouting off out touch boomer talking points. Even over on the donald - Its why people suspect the right of being political jobbers, to borrow a wrestling parlance.
I once pointed out to my parents that most of the current problems society is experiencing stems from the hippies, and went on a short rant highlighting things like divorce, drug use, and general degeneracy. I only did it once cuz it clearly hit home super hard.
I think I remember there were some hilariously revealing articles about that: Why do Conservatives always makes us look bad by doing good things? How does the Ultra-Nazi-Far-Right always organise charity clean-ups so effectively?
Because everything you do is performative, hollow virtue signalling.
Benny boy is correct in that anyone calling this a "both-sides debate" is indeed not doing their journalistic duty. When there's a backlash on the right, it consists of real peaceful protesting and boycotts. When there's a backlash on the left, there are broken windows, missing merchandise, fires, flipped cars, street blockages, and extra bodies in the hospitals and morgues.
The only thing both sides do is say mean things online. Which is not something worth whining about, especially for a fucking corporation. However, in my experience, the left is a hell of a lot more vitriolic and threatening while at the same time fully supported by the powers that be. So even the both-sides debate argument doesn't apply.
I have to deal with coders. Indians are the worst. You have to hand hold them the entire way through. They cannot come up with original solutions to problems. Calling them coders is a real stretch
Yeah exactly. If people are actually "harassing" Target employees, then great. And I hope they harass Ben Collins as well. Inshallah groomers shall be driven out.
Gamer Gate was the canary in the coal mine for the culture war.
What’s crazy is that as evil as they make it sound it’s simply gamers wanting journalists….. to talk about the games
Lets not downplay why we are mad.
The gaming press works for the Gamers. The Gamers pay their bills. In the past it used to be by literally buying their magazines, but now it is by providing them with a target for their advertising. It is because the gaming press has an audience that they can exist.
The gaming press used to be Gamers. They were passionate about games and got into the the job to write about something they love.
During GamerGate we, the Gamers, discovered that game writers were not gamers, they literally hated us, and they were conspiring to ruthlessly manipulate us in backroom email lists.
It isn't that games journalists were not talking about games (they had been doing crap reporting for years) or that they sold out; they had done that before, see the Dorito Pope or Advertising $ for game reviews.
No, it was that it was revealed to the audience that the gaming press hated our fucking guts. They saw controlling what we Gamers think as the way to gate-keep an entire multi-billion dollar industry and skim money off the top. They despised us for not being leftoids, and they despised us even more for being vital to their own job.
I totally agree. That’s when I stopped getting gaming magazines when I realized that the journalist seemed to despise gamers or couldn’t review Pac-Man without some lefty talking points. Last straw was the constant push for women in gaming. I’m thinking of women want to play games they know how.
But yes the hatred of gamers and the backlash we got for not wanting leftist garbage in our hobby will never be forgotten from my end
Which back then wasn't a weird sounding request because movie, TV & music reviewers weren't political.
Sadly conservatives like Walsh were too busy calling vidya "satanic" or "childish" and "a waste of time" and didn't pay attention.
Does he still do that btw? I am not following him too closely, only ever saw the "What is a woman?" documentary and the occasional viral video. I do remember a lot of conservatives be like that though years ago.
Tlou2 and most lgbt/die garbage is satanic
A lot of conservatives STILL fall into this trap, spouting off out touch boomer talking points. Even over on the donald - Its why people suspect the right of being political jobbers, to borrow a wrestling parlance.
Hes right, they are childish. There a a million better things aman should be doing with his time.
-C. S. Lewis
I once pointed out to my parents that most of the current problems society is experiencing stems from the hippies, and went on a short rant highlighting things like divorce, drug use, and general degeneracy. I only did it once cuz it clearly hit home super hard.
Look out, the far rights going to deploy weaponized charity next!
omg, they're about to attack pedophiles, whatever will we do?!
quick, grab some extra hatchets and torches!!
I think I remember there were some hilariously revealing articles about that: Why do Conservatives always makes us look bad by doing good things? How does the Ultra-Nazi-Far-Right always organise charity clean-ups so effectively?
Because everything you do is performative, hollow virtue signalling.
Benny boy is correct in that anyone calling this a "both-sides debate" is indeed not doing their journalistic duty. When there's a backlash on the right, it consists of real peaceful protesting and boycotts. When there's a backlash on the left, there are broken windows, missing merchandise, fires, flipped cars, street blockages, and extra bodies in the hospitals and morgues.
The only thing both sides do is say mean things online. Which is not something worth whining about, especially for a fucking corporation. However, in my experience, the left is a hell of a lot more vitriolic and threatening while at the same time fully supported by the powers that be. So even the both-sides debate argument doesn't apply.
Coding requires intelligence. It's not like journalism where all you have to do is spew hatred at acceptable targets.
A million pajeets typing at a million keyboards beg to differ.
I have to deal with coders. Indians are the worst. You have to hand hold them the entire way through. They cannot come up with original solutions to problems. Calling them coders is a real stretch
Archive of Benny's tweet:
Yeah exactly. If people are actually "harassing" Target employees, then great. And I hope they harass Ben Collins as well. Inshallah groomers shall be driven out.
That worked so well for Budweiser.
The old "your speech is violence" argument.
Nbc is far worse than cnn. It deserves ti be banned for being dnc propaganda