The Democrat goal from the beginning was to eventually try to make "white supremacy" synonymous with "Republicans".
It's an old communist tactic. Communists have always called their enemies "fascists" even their enemies on the Left. The Democrat activist class has realized that saying fascist over & over has lost all meaning, so they want to pivot to using "white supremacist" instead.
The fact that the Republican Party is increasingly including large numbers of nonwhites, in particular Hispanics, is an obstacle to their little mindfuck word game.
And what you see in this video is how the communist scum are trying to cope.
The increase in Hispanic numbers for republicans also scares them that the illegal immigration that they have encouraged could very easily back fire and instead of turning red states near the border blue it could possibly turn blue states red. And that scares them
I wouldn't want illegals in my country even if they were an economic plus, but it's worth noting that your source is an organization that opposes illegal immigration, so not exactly objective.
And where's the free health care? Do you mean the ER? That's not exactly health care, is it?
They already use "Whiteness" to refer to the culture of the English people, which America inherited through the colonists. It's no surprise that they'll use their slurs to attack anyone who adopts that best of all Earthly cultures.
In a hand-written letter 'Mauricio Garcia' says that he doesn't like the white race.
"IF Mexico takes over the United States I really don't want to share the spoils w/ these other loser races," he continued. "I don't even want to share the spoils w/ other Latinos, like the Cubans & Puerto Ricans, Latinos stand up my ass."
"I'm a child of the corn that likes to munch on bean's & tortillas," Garcia said.
"I remember hearing some loser white hating Mexican guy telling Hispanic men to get w/ a white girl so they don't have white babies. Stupid motherfucker. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. I'm not taking one for the team & getting w/ a bitch from a race I don't like. What's going to happen when you have dozens hundreds or thousands of Nick Fuentes running around? Then what the fuck are you doing to do?"
White supremacy isn't an inherently extremist view. Sure, it absolutely can be, but it doesn't have to be. You can have pride in your own race without being a terrorist, "extremist," or anything else they want to paint people as. This is obvious attempts at thought policing. misinformation, disinformation, and, uhm, radical narratives being pushed...
Shut the fuck up, cuck.
Look at Tucker Carlson...
Like I said, shut up, cuck.
If someone is trying to manipulate you, they are going to target who you consider yourself to be, what your values are; they will try to shift those values, and then present enemies - the Other - as someone to be attacked, someone to be blamed...
Yeah. We know. We know.
Also, speaking of language, why do they keep conflating white supremacy and white nationalism? Hell, the whole segment is allegedly on nationalism, all the on-screen titles say nationalism (even though the video title says supremacy), but they barely talk about nationalism.
Do you find that there is a direct correlation between the consumption of misinformation, and white supremacy?
Yes, yes I do. Those who consume less misinformation are more likely to be white supremacists.
From what I’ve been told by leftists, this “white supremacist ideology” shall include meritocracy, work ethic, individualism, interest in one’s own family, uh… showing up on time to things…
Man, I know the media was all in a lather already on the day Ma’Khia Bryant was rightly offed by a police officer since it was literally the same day the Chauvin verdict dropped, but that lady who tried to say “teenagers get in knife fights all the time, it’s no big deal” was a new level of retardation even given the SJW context. Like, even some SJWs were like, ummm…
By 'white supremacy ideology' they of course mean the idea that stealing is a crime, prisons should exist, having a stable family life is good, and wearing a dress doesn't make you female.
I'm not surprised that this shooter visited the stormer. Those people have become a complete ideological mess. I think it's a biproduct of white identity becoming more appealing to normal people, thanks to America's decay. The anti-social freaks who glommed onto white identity in the past are transitioning to this weird incel thing with vestigial racism mixed in.
The Democrat goal from the beginning was to eventually try to make "white supremacy" synonymous with "Republicans".
It's an old communist tactic. Communists have always called their enemies "fascists" even their enemies on the Left. The Democrat activist class has realized that saying fascist over & over has lost all meaning, so they want to pivot to using "white supremacist" instead.
The fact that the Republican Party is increasingly including large numbers of nonwhites, in particular Hispanics, is an obstacle to their little mindfuck word game.
And what you see in this video is how the communist scum are trying to cope.
They famously called black republican Larry Elder a white supremacist:
The increase in Hispanic numbers for republicans also scares them that the illegal immigration that they have encouraged could very easily back fire and instead of turning red states near the border blue it could possibly turn blue states red. And that scares them
Illegals aren't voting republican. The illegals are overwhelmingly left wing because they want socialism & gibs.
No, it's the hispanics who got here honestly & worked their way up that are the ones who have had enough of the Democrats' bullshit.
While I don't support illegals, illegals have to work hard because they generally won't get any "gibs".
Common misconception. Illegals, do in fact get lots of "gibs":
free health care
free education for their children
free welfare programs which don't have mechanisms to bar illegals (true for many, in particular on the state level in Democrat states)
did a post here with a source linked that illegals cost the US taxpayer $150.7+ billion net loss:
also includes the high crime burden they bring with them.
I honestly don’t get why so many Europeans think they know how things like this in the US works.
I wouldn't want illegals in my country even if they were an economic plus, but it's worth noting that your source is an organization that opposes illegal immigration, so not exactly objective.
And where's the free health care? Do you mean the ER? That's not exactly health care, is it?
so anyone with a brain?
It 100% is. ERs in high illegal areas are used for routine medical care. Very long wait times but the care is still given.
Many blue states also try their best to make it easy for illegals to get signed up for official welfare programs.
fascism is already leftist.
They already use "Whiteness" to refer to the culture of the English people, which America inherited through the colonists. It's no surprise that they'll use their slurs to attack anyone who adopts that best of all Earthly cultures.
Funny how they love international billionaire Jews who support the Democrats, and hate them when they support the GOP.
TIL black republicans don't get demonized.
You think Larry Elder & Clarence Thomas want to kill whitey?
Neither of those people praise immigration. You sound retarded
It's real shame, too. More white supremacy would be very helpful.
The White Race is objectively superior: confirmed.
That was settled 1000 years ago.
In a hand-written letter 'Mauricio Garcia' says that he doesn't like the white race.
Imma save that quote for later.
One of the most common white supremacist talking points, obviously.
FTFY, señor
I hate what they do with language.
White supremacy isn't an inherently extremist view. Sure, it absolutely can be, but it doesn't have to be. You can have pride in your own race without being a terrorist, "extremist," or anything else they want to paint people as. This is obvious attempts at thought policing.
Shut the fuck up, cuck.
Like I said, shut up, cuck.
Yeah. We know. We know.
Also, speaking of language, why do they keep conflating white supremacy and white nationalism? Hell, the whole segment is allegedly on nationalism, all the on-screen titles say nationalism (even though the video title says supremacy), but they barely talk about nationalism.
Yes, yes I do. Those who consume less misinformation are more likely to be white supremacists.
What I was about to say. They need so badly to push the white supremacy is everywhere that they just expand it to anyone
From what I’ve been told by leftists, this “white supremacist ideology” shall include meritocracy, work ethic, individualism, interest in one’s own family, uh… showing up on time to things…
Meanwhile "normal" black kids "play" by chasing each other with knives according to some msm outlets.
Man, I know the media was all in a lather already on the day Ma’Khia Bryant was rightly offed by a police officer since it was literally the same day the Chauvin verdict dropped, but that lady who tried to say “teenagers get in knife fights all the time, it’s no big deal” was a new level of retardation even given the SJW context. Like, even some SJWs were like, ummm…
Her name is Bree Newsome Here's the dumbTwit
By 'white supremacy ideology' they of course mean the idea that stealing is a crime, prisons should exist, having a stable family life is good, and wearing a dress doesn't make you female.
“Even other races are realizing that ‘White is Right.’”
Let White Osama tell you all about how blacks are the real faces of white supremacy.
Neo-Nazi website, TheDailyStormer presents "Harvey Weinststein Saves the White Race" now available en Espanol.
I'm not surprised that this shooter visited the stormer. Those people have become a complete ideological mess. I think it's a biproduct of white identity becoming more appealing to normal people, thanks to America's decay. The anti-social freaks who glommed onto white identity in the past are transitioning to this weird incel thing with vestigial racism mixed in.
put on your clown makeup