Black children were 100 times more likely to be shot than white children during the first 21.5 months of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a study published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Shot by whom?
“This study shows how important it is to bring a health disparity lens to research,” said Jonathan Jay, a professor at the Boston University School of Public Health and one of the study’s authors. “It shows how structural racism, including the inequitable distribution of resources, residential racial segregation, and distribution of opportunities not only harms children of color, but privileges white children.”
It’s white peoples fault black kids are shooting each other…
Firearm homicide rates rose dramatically in the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, and research has linked the spike to poverty. Initial scholarship focused on gun violence affecting adults or the general public, but emerging work is revealing that children were particularly affected. A recent study of pandemic-era pediatric firearm assaults in St. Louis found that the monthly gun injury rate among children increased by almost 52 percent compared to the five years before the pandemic, while the death rate among children increased by 29 percent. Black boys averaging 13 years old were the most likely victims.
Funny how it’s not the “impoverished” rural people shooting each other at 13, since of course this is only a “poverty” issue and poor rural families suffer more egregious poverty than any inner city.
If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny how these idiots see rampant black on black violence and instead of addressing that their brain is programmed to simply blame the white man. Also this should’ve shown people how fraudulent blm was because if a black kid is gunned down by gang members they don’t care but if a white cop slightly offends a black suspect then it’s time to burn down cities.
I had a friend who hasn’t talked to me since the summer of love because I said he didn’t say a peep about David Dorn or that white mother who was killed for saying all lives matter because he only cared about criminals and responsible individuals bothered him
I’m sure the response would be similar to what CNN said about David Dorn. Well he wasn’t killed by peaceful protesters.
I didn’t hear about that story of course that life didn’t matter. I remember a white store owner getting charged for killing a thug rioter. Or the retired black fireman whose sports bar was destroyed. Honestly there should be a documentary at the real victims of the summer of love. Floyd’s family can pay them.
Gee, it's almost as if the "white male terrorist problem " that the lying media loves fear mongering about is trivial compared to the black on black crime that happens in the ghetto on a daily basis.
I didn't think it was declared by a serious person, but someone must've convinced them that "gun violence" is a "public health" crisis. I'm pretty sure "racism" was at least declared one in the past couple of years anyway.
Passive voice. The occurrence of an action increased by almost double, but the actors responsible are omitted from the sentence. Because the author knows they must omit that part of the equation in order to generate sympathy in the reader.
Here’s what’s really insidious, though: describing an increase in black “children” being shot without telling you who is shooting them is already manipulative as hell, but these people are seeding this claim in the middle of articles talking about white supremacy. The goal is for the reader to believe that white people are actually shooting black kids.
Let's play "Stats: How to lie through your teeth because normies are too fucking stupid to understand numbers".
Black children were 100 times more likely to be shot than white children during the first 21.5 months of the coronavirus pandemic
21.5 months seems like an oddly specific number to use here. 🤔
The study analyzed data from Philadelphia, which has the highest firearm homicide rate nationwide, and the three most populous cities in the U.S: New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago
So skewing the results before even starting by picking the superlative State for firearm homicide rates, and not bothering with any others? Did nobody see how this would affect the results? [Probably, which was the point.]
firearm assaults among people 18 and younger nearly doubled from 2015 to 2021,
Ah yes, 2015-2018, those horrible years of CoViD 2019 😷
from nearly nine children per 100,000 to nearly 17 children per 100,000.
Why is "nine" spelled out when "17" is not? This is basic consistency in report production and data publishing. "nine children per 100,000" alone is bad form, the fact there are subsequent data points also being reported in other formats just highlights the poor quality of typing and lack of editorial oversight going on.
The dataset included both fatal and nonfatal shootings for every city except Chicago (for which data on nonfatal injuries among children was not available).
So first, the data set is incomplete. Second, Chicago has a rep, possibly influencing why the data isn't included. Third, the fact it was was only 'nonfatal' injuries may also go against whatever narrative someone is hoping to push here so again that data was "lost" to then excuse it as 'not available'.
Among non-Hispanic white children,
Also known as "white children".
there was no increase in shootings.
This is where some useful idiot will come out with the galaxy brain take of "we need to lower the % of the other groups" which an even bigger useful idiot will take to mean bumping up the numbers here.
Similar story happened when x% of reporters killed were mentioned to be female and how that number needed brought down, either ignorantly or maliciously, skipping over what that would mean for male reporters.
Another similar story deals with hiring quotas when the sought after numbers can't be met due to a lack of desired groups so the alternative option is to fire the others and bring down the "excess" proportions.
Black children saw the most significant increase, from 27 children per 100,000 to 34
Hold up, let's go back to that earlier claim in the article.
Black children were 100 times more likely to be shot than white children during the first 21.5 months of the coronavirus pandemic
Meaning it's already the case that this group is 3 times greater than the average rate, of "nine" [can't have that data point stand out too easily or this issue I'm raising here might be picked up by too many people]. Which will therefore drag the average rate higher than any of the other groups sit at.
So bringing up 'during the first 21.5 months of the coronavirus pandemic' is both pointless and disingenuous because the numbers were already that much higher since the data set it reported to start in 2015, 5 whole years before CoViD was a thing!
For those wondering why it's 5 years and not 4, first of all 2015-2019 is 5 years inclusive: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.
Second, CoViD might be called SARS-II-CoViD-2019 but it was only in the last few months anyone really noticed it and "the pandemic" sure as hell didn't start in that year. Lockdowns and other measures came about from March 2020 onwards.
Anyway, back to the numbers.
Black children saw the most significant increase, from 27 children per 100,000 to 34
Raw numbers alone 27 to 34 is only about a 25% increase. So the headline is a lie. Twice.
Shootings of Children Nearly Doubled
During the Pandemic
Also no.
The Black-white disparity grew from a relative risk of 25 percent to 100 percent; the Hispanic-white disparity tripled; and the disparity between Asian and white children nearly tripled.
Before dealing with the actual numbers, again this reporting addresses similar things with differing expressions. '25 percent to 100 percent' vs 'tripled'. Also note the formatting for what words are capitalised and what words are not.
Now for the actual numbers.
the Hispanic-white disparity tripled;
Hispanic numbers weren't mentioned at all in the article.
the disparity between Asian and white children nearly tripled.
Asian numbers weren't mentioned either. In fact the term "Asian" only appears twice in the entire article and this is one of the two. The other is;
“The concentration of firearm victimization among Black, Hispanic, and Asian children must be addressed at the individual, community, and societal levels,” the researchers wrote. “It is critical to focus community safety and mental health interventions in the most affected communities and to target structural racism as a fundamental driver of the U.S. firearm violence epidemic.”
So firearm issues require addressing at 'individual, community, and societal levels' but this still an 'epidemic' despite the study only looking at one State and three cities.
“These stats are astonishing, but not surprising.
This means the writers know why all of this is happening. Claiming something is 'not surprising' requires both an existing knowledge base [mostly] and the preconceived opinion/prejudge explaining that data set. Try seeing what happens if someone else says the exact same thing, either verbatim or from the other side of the coin.
The dataset included both fatal and nonfatal shootings for every city except Chicago (for which data on nonfatal injuries among children was not available).
Shot by whom?
It’s white peoples fault black kids are shooting each other…
Funny how it’s not the “impoverished” rural people shooting each other at 13, since of course this is only a “poverty” issue and poor rural families suffer more egregious poverty than any inner city.
If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny how these idiots see rampant black on black violence and instead of addressing that their brain is programmed to simply blame the white man. Also this should’ve shown people how fraudulent blm was because if a black kid is gunned down by gang members they don’t care but if a white cop slightly offends a black suspect then it’s time to burn down cities.
I had a friend who hasn’t talked to me since the summer of love because I said he didn’t say a peep about David Dorn or that white mother who was killed for saying all lives matter because he only cared about criminals and responsible individuals bothered him
burn loot murder members killed a 7 year old black girl for her parents' crime of trying to drive around their rioting.
not a single peep out of them about it.
I’m sure the response would be similar to what CNN said about David Dorn. Well he wasn’t killed by peaceful protesters.
I didn’t hear about that story of course that life didn’t matter. I remember a white store owner getting charged for killing a thug rioter. Or the retired black fireman whose sports bar was destroyed. Honestly there should be a documentary at the real victims of the summer of love. Floyd’s family can pay them.
It's the gun what did it.
Of course. The only weapon that is responsible for a crime. Lol.
Obviously Hwite Supremacists. You racist.
Gee, it's almost as if the "white male terrorist problem " that the lying media loves fear mongering about is trivial compared to the black on black crime that happens in the ghetto on a daily basis.
I used to try to explain this to people but it was like banging my head against the wall
Walls are racist, remember.
Children or 19-year-old "children"?
And why is the AMA even doing this sort of a "study"?
I didn't think it was declared by a serious person, but someone must've convinced them that "gun violence" is a "public health" crisis. I'm pretty sure "racism" was at least declared one in the past couple of years anyway.
Passive voice. The occurrence of an action increased by almost double, but the actors responsible are omitted from the sentence. Because the author knows they must omit that part of the equation in order to generate sympathy in the reader.
Here’s what’s really insidious, though: describing an increase in black “children” being shot without telling you who is shooting them is already manipulative as hell, but these people are seeding this claim in the middle of articles talking about white supremacy. The goal is for the reader to believe that white people are actually shooting black kids.
Black lives matter, just not those ones.
Let's play "Stats: How to lie through your teeth because normies are too fucking stupid to understand numbers".
21.5 months seems like an oddly specific number to use here. 🤔
So skewing the results before even starting by picking the superlative State for firearm homicide rates, and not bothering with any others? Did nobody see how this would affect the results? [Probably, which was the point.]
Ah yes, 2015-2018, those horrible years of CoViD 2019 😷
Why is "nine" spelled out when "17" is not? This is basic consistency in report production and data publishing. "nine children per 100,000" alone is bad form, the fact there are subsequent data points also being reported in other formats just highlights the poor quality of typing and lack of editorial oversight going on.
So first, the data set is incomplete. Second, Chicago has a rep, possibly influencing why the data isn't included. Third, the fact it was was only 'nonfatal' injuries may also go against whatever narrative someone is hoping to push here so again that data was "lost" to then excuse it as 'not available'.
Also known as "white children".
This is where some useful idiot will come out with the galaxy brain take of "we need to lower the % of the other groups" which an even bigger useful idiot will take to mean bumping up the numbers here. Similar story happened when x% of reporters killed were mentioned to be female and how that number needed brought down, either ignorantly or maliciously, skipping over what that would mean for male reporters. Another similar story deals with hiring quotas when the sought after numbers can't be met due to a lack of desired groups so the alternative option is to fire the others and bring down the "excess" proportions.
Hold up, let's go back to that earlier claim in the article.
Meaning it's already the case that this group is 3 times greater than the average rate, of "nine" [can't have that data point stand out too easily or this issue I'm raising here might be picked up by too many people]. Which will therefore drag the average rate higher than any of the other groups sit at.
So bringing up 'during the first 21.5 months of the coronavirus pandemic' is both pointless and disingenuous because the numbers were already that much higher since the data set it reported to start in 2015, 5 whole years before CoViD was a thing!
For those wondering why it's 5 years and not 4, first of all 2015-2019 is 5 years inclusive: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Second, CoViD might be called SARS-II-CoViD-2019 but it was only in the last few months anyone really noticed it and "the pandemic" sure as hell didn't start in that year. Lockdowns and other measures came about from March 2020 onwards.
Anyway, back to the numbers.
Raw numbers alone 27 to 34 is only about a 25% increase. So the headline is a lie. Twice.
Also no.
Before dealing with the actual numbers, again this reporting addresses similar things with differing expressions. '25 percent to 100 percent' vs 'tripled'. Also note the formatting for what words are capitalised and what words are not.
Now for the actual numbers.
Hispanic numbers weren't mentioned at all in the article.
Asian numbers weren't mentioned either. In fact the term "Asian" only appears twice in the entire article and this is one of the two. The other is;
So firearm issues require addressing at 'individual, community, and societal levels' but this still an 'epidemic' despite the study only looking at one State and three cities.
This means the writers know why all of this is happening. Claiming something is 'not surprising' requires both an existing knowledge base [mostly] and the preconceived opinion/prejudge explaining that data set. Try seeing what happens if someone else says the exact same thing, either verbatim or from the other side of the coin.
You very likely put far more thought and effort into this analysis than the article writer did in their own piece.
Posted from mobile, too!
I've seen style guides that say to spell out single digit numbers. It does look bad in this case and they should have made an exception.
Chicago: Double Tap.