Passive voice. The occurrence of an action increased by almost double, but the actors responsible are omitted from the sentence. Because the author knows they must omit that part of the equation in order to generate sympathy in the reader.
Here’s what’s really insidious, though: describing an increase in black “children” being shot without telling you who is shooting them is already manipulative as hell, but these people are seeding this claim in the middle of articles talking about white supremacy. The goal is for the reader to believe that white people are actually shooting black kids.
Passive voice. The occurrence of an action increased by almost double, but the actors responsible are omitted from the sentence. Because the author knows they must omit that part of the equation in order to generate sympathy in the reader.
Here’s what’s really insidious, though: describing an increase in black “children” being shot without telling you who is shooting them is already manipulative as hell, but these people are seeding this claim in the middle of articles talking about white supremacy. The goal is for the reader to believe that white people are actually shooting black kids.