According to the people on the ground at the time, what happened was identity politics. Someone injected them into OWS, and it fell apart as a concequence. A well-researched phenomenon, it's known in businesses that "diversity initiatives" decrease employee effectiveness, cohesion, and cooperation (they're often introduced to unionized or might-be-unionized positions, to reduce their bargaining strength). And in OWS, without money to keep the people there, that loss of cohesion made it fall apart.
The regressive left reportedly drove out all participants who were non-extremist and thus legitimate by infiltrating participant groups on various sites, and as a result the protests subsequently devolved into regressive leftist rioting.
In 2012 with Occupy Wall Street, the plebs got dangerously close to setting aside their differences and going after the people who were actually fucking them over.
The elites' response to this was to inject lunatic fringe leftists into OWS and amplify their voices in the media to make them the defacto leaders. The Steven Colbert Show did its part, putting a fruitcake calling herself 'Ketchup' on blast as an OWS leader as a means of discrediting the movement before the masses.
From that moment, American corporate media became utterly obsessed with finding every last one one of these freakshows and giving them cultural power through the media.
Why them? When a large group of loosely aligned people are attacking you, the smart thing to do is find the weakest, dumbest ones among them and tell them that if they side with you, you'll give them a slice of your power and let them rule by your side.
We live in a world of rainbow freak worship because it distracts the population from calling for the heads of the banksters. It's that simple.
They want you to hate the rainbow. Because if you're talking about how much you hate the flaggots, you're not talking about how much you hate the banks.
Well put. Though a missing part of the equation here is the Tea Party movement. Remember they were started for the EXACT same reasons (opposing bank bailouts), and were taken over by every other fringe issue from the political right, just like OWS was from the left.
What they feared even more than OWS alone was the left and right finding a common cause.
It is interesting to look back on those few years now. One thing I’ll add that doesn’t help any emerging movement get a foothold, is our exactly-two-sides political arena in the US and how religiously tied to their side people get. I remember hearing my Democrat mom ripping on “those loony tea-baggers” basically as soon as the first news story about their early demonstrations came out and before she could have really known what their demands were, but she DID know they seemed to be on Red Side so she knew they were no good. A lot of Blue Side people dismissed the Tea Party movement out of hand, and a lot of Red Side people would soon do the same with Occupy. It doesn’t even matter if the two sides would say the same thing, once people join a Side, part of the religion of it all is that you knee-jerk dismiss even the good points the other Side makes, just because of who made the point. Those Twitter accounts that post side-by-side screen caps of political activist types contradicting themselves from one tweet to another point this out well.
I visited an Occupy camp one day just to see what it was like. There were a lot of hangers-on who didn’t seem like they were there for any reason but that it was trendy, but I also didn’t see any of the wild progressive stack shit. But within the month of my visit I started seeing that in news stories, asking why isn’t Occupy speaking to the specific needs of Ethiopian transgender lesbian dragon-people in wheelchairs, and shortly after the movement lost all steam. Then the state forces moved in to clear the camps and there was no resistance.
The same thing that happened to the gay pride movement. No one wanted to do the hardwork, to be out and get laws passed to protect gay people. Then, suddenly, when corporations started showing up for gay events, the attention seeking whores showed up in droves, pushing the OGs out and mugging for cameras.
I seem to recall the same happening at Parkland. Some dyke, a faggot, and a soyboy, none in the line of fire, all attacking the others who, you know, got shot, and screaming about identity politics instead of, you know, shouldering their part.
Leftists were always prone to fall for IdPol, because it's who they are. JP Morgan Chase subverted anti-Cartel opposition with IdPol and blew up the whole thing. Combine that with the Koch Brothers subverting the TEA Party movement, and constructing Corporatist Libertarianism, where corporations are the only real people, and you can't infringe on a corporation's rights, but the government has a mandate to infringe on all other rights and in all other jurisdictions.
Nothing really happened. The entire thing had investors, and PR teams. When it ended, people kept it going, but it went to the more desperate and willing to follow.
It's well known that the same banks introduced black/other diversity political activists among the protestors to break them up. Come to think of it, this and Obama's 2nd term usage of racial activists was probably the birth of modern progressive politics: to bust Unions.
According to the people on the ground at the time, what happened was identity politics. Someone injected them into OWS, and it fell apart as a concequence. A well-researched phenomenon, it's known in businesses that "diversity initiatives" decrease employee effectiveness, cohesion, and cooperation (they're often introduced to unionized or might-be-unionized positions, to reduce their bargaining strength). And in OWS, without money to keep the people there, that loss of cohesion made it fall apart.
The organizers were Soros financed group adbusters, and it's alleged said group refused to intervene because they support the regressive leftist bullshit.
The regressive left reportedly drove out all participants who were non-extremist and thus legitimate by infiltrating participant groups on various sites, and as a result the protests subsequently devolved into regressive leftist rioting.
When movements reach a point of attention, it draws the parasites like a bug light.
Now scale that up to an entire society.
In 2012 with Occupy Wall Street, the plebs got dangerously close to setting aside their differences and going after the people who were actually fucking them over.
The elites' response to this was to inject lunatic fringe leftists into OWS and amplify their voices in the media to make them the defacto leaders. The Steven Colbert Show did its part, putting a fruitcake calling herself 'Ketchup' on blast as an OWS leader as a means of discrediting the movement before the masses.
From that moment, American corporate media became utterly obsessed with finding every last one one of these freakshows and giving them cultural power through the media.
Why them? When a large group of loosely aligned people are attacking you, the smart thing to do is find the weakest, dumbest ones among them and tell them that if they side with you, you'll give them a slice of your power and let them rule by your side.
We live in a world of rainbow freak worship because it distracts the population from calling for the heads of the banksters. It's that simple.
They want you to hate the rainbow. Because if you're talking about how much you hate the flaggots, you're not talking about how much you hate the banks.
I hate faggots and Jews.
Eh, I reserve my ire for the "I'm not white, I'm Jewish" ones. I have no truck with the rest of them.
and that is why you are a Useful Idiot
It's not hard to hate more than one kind of evil.
They aren't even different evils, lol
Well put. Though a missing part of the equation here is the Tea Party movement. Remember they were started for the EXACT same reasons (opposing bank bailouts), and were taken over by every other fringe issue from the political right, just like OWS was from the left.
What they feared even more than OWS alone was the left and right finding a common cause.
It is interesting to look back on those few years now. One thing I’ll add that doesn’t help any emerging movement get a foothold, is our exactly-two-sides political arena in the US and how religiously tied to their side people get. I remember hearing my Democrat mom ripping on “those loony tea-baggers” basically as soon as the first news story about their early demonstrations came out and before she could have really known what their demands were, but she DID know they seemed to be on Red Side so she knew they were no good. A lot of Blue Side people dismissed the Tea Party movement out of hand, and a lot of Red Side people would soon do the same with Occupy. It doesn’t even matter if the two sides would say the same thing, once people join a Side, part of the religion of it all is that you knee-jerk dismiss even the good points the other Side makes, just because of who made the point. Those Twitter accounts that post side-by-side screen caps of political activist types contradicting themselves from one tweet to another point this out well.
I visited an Occupy camp one day just to see what it was like. There were a lot of hangers-on who didn’t seem like they were there for any reason but that it was trendy, but I also didn’t see any of the wild progressive stack shit. But within the month of my visit I started seeing that in news stories, asking why isn’t Occupy speaking to the specific needs of Ethiopian transgender lesbian dragon-people in wheelchairs, and shortly after the movement lost all steam. Then the state forces moved in to clear the camps and there was no resistance.
Dumb people falling for the indoctrination of sharper and more ruthless people.
the programming worked.
The same thing that happened to the gay pride movement. No one wanted to do the hardwork, to be out and get laws passed to protect gay people. Then, suddenly, when corporations started showing up for gay events, the attention seeking whores showed up in droves, pushing the OGs out and mugging for cameras.
I seem to recall the same happening at Parkland. Some dyke, a faggot, and a soyboy, none in the line of fire, all attacking the others who, you know, got shot, and screaming about identity politics instead of, you know, shouldering their part.
Eh, my sympathy for the Parkland thing was always zero to begin with. From the get go, all the protests were aimed at gun grabbing American citizens.
The banks won.
Leftists were always prone to fall for IdPol, because it's who they are. JP Morgan Chase subverted anti-Cartel opposition with IdPol and blew up the whole thing. Combine that with the Koch Brothers subverting the TEA Party movement, and constructing Corporatist Libertarianism, where corporations are the only real people, and you can't infringe on a corporation's rights, but the government has a mandate to infringe on all other rights and in all other jurisdictions.
idpol topics seeded into the mass media
The way they put “recovery” of the economy in quotes in that one chart. Yep, that’s exactly how it felt to live through it!
Nothing really happened. The entire thing had investors, and PR teams. When it ended, people kept it going, but it went to the more desperate and willing to follow.
What happened, your balls drop off, hmm?
It's well known that the same banks introduced black/other diversity political activists among the protestors to break them up. Come to think of it, this and Obama's 2nd term usage of racial activists was probably the birth of modern progressive politics: to bust Unions.
OWS was always a thin veil for the overall communist movement.
I remember this, women derailed Occupy because they wanted it to focus more on their issues.