And they won't shut up about women and diversity. As delivered by women and 'diversity'. No science chit chat, that would be too hard.
I hate anything that makes me think 'hey maybe theimpossible1 is right'
And they won't shut up about women and diversity. As delivered by women and 'diversity'. No science chit chat, that would be too hard.
I hate anything that makes me think 'hey maybe theimpossible1 is right'
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Christianity was the bedrock moral foundation for Western civilization going back more than a thousand years, with unprecedented prosperity and advancements for humanity to show for it.
Beginning in the 1800's, a spirit of animosity against the West and against Christianity began to well up, and competing economic and moral ideologies with the explicit goal of overthrowing both the West and Christianity began to gain traction. The most "sticky" of these ideologies was a combination of Marxism and Darwinism.
Marxism challenged the morality of capitalism with an more "compassionate" economic system in communism, while Darwinism allowed people (starting with intellectuals and scientists) to abandon God and adopt a purely materialistic worldview, opening the door to a re-interpretation of morality.
What the forerunners of these ideologies envisioned was a utopian society based on science and rationality where humanity could evolve beyond the constraints of religion and superstition which they believed were holding back humanity and causing so much of the suffering in the world.
Fast forward a hundred years or so, and despite the long list of terrible failures and atrocities caused by these new ideologies, they've continued to evolve and coalesce into a new pseudo-religion/political philosophy with the specific goal of targeting and replacing Christianity and Western political philosophy with an entirely new secular, materialistic moral framework of which politics plays an integral role. In fact, in this new religion, morality itself is defined by the utility of specific actions and behavior in forwarding positive political ends, that is, forwarding it's own political influence.
Pre-Islamic Persia wasn’t atheist, they had many religions.
That aside, I never said it wasn’t possible for a nation to prosper without Christianity, but the advancement in the human condition that happened under the rise of Christianity and the formation and flourishing of Western culture over the last millennia simply isn’t comparable to anything that came before.
Our political and justice systems. The magnitude of scientific advancements. The number of people worldwide lifted out of poverty. The obscene degree of luxury people who live in Westen countries experience on a daily basis compared to prior generations. The medical advancements. The space race. Splitting the atom. The advancements in the last 200 years alone are exponentially higher than any other time in human history.
What the fuck are you talking about? Stop assigning beliefs to me. People lie about me so much I should do an Ask Me Anything on Saturday.
Not assigning beliefs, just using the incredible super power of "pattern recognition."
Stopped right there. Nasa really has gone down hill. That being said, that rocket was bright. Even at 2AM Florida time, you could see it clearly as it trailed up.
To be fair, rockets are the loudest things we've ever made.
If you were up close near that, the sound would kill you. The giant water spray is to stop sound waves bouncing back up and breaking the rocket
I like NASA flying rockets but I don't like that the entire point of the Artemis program is to put a black woman on the moon.
The whole glorified tourist half a century after the real pioneers thing has to sting a little.
If it actually leads to moon colonies like Trump and Elon wants I'll consider it a success.
Musk should see if Shatner is game for a moon landing just to piss off the bed wetters.
And make George "Oh my" Takei shit himself with rage.
Delayed again. (might still launch tonight)And yeah I'm convinced that anyone who blabs about women and diversity doesn't actually care about space science.
Edit: Here we gooo!
Space missions are a major thorn in the progressive narrative, since the reality is that Man was put on the moon by Nazis and straight white Christian good ol boys.
Fucking Hollywood. I randomly caught the opening scene of that movie on TV and it was beyond cringe. How anyone could sit through the entire thing is beyond me.
Yea I am really into space stuff and I see that all the time.
This is why I watched the NASASpaceFlight coverage instead of the official government feed. The hosts are (very likely) low T soyboys, but at least they limited their commentary to rocketry only.
After seeing what happened with Shirtgate you'd have to be crazy to actually want to work in NASA. I wouldn't be surprised if all the good talent goes to SpaceX or that other space company.
All the good talent does.
NASASpaceFlight is just the name of the channel. They just unaffiliated space fanboys.
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these:
The Imp was right again!
NASA's stream was so cringe I had to switch to some random guy streaming it from a few miles away. SpaceX isn't much better, though.
The random guy likely earns every viewer he gets via merit.
It was apparent when the announcer gleefully said "every state contributed a component to this rocket!" like that means something.
That's the Senate Launch System performing as expected.
Senate Lunch System
It means it gets buy-in as a project because it provides pork project Keynesian spending in as many places as possible, leading to more money for the people who approve these projects.
SpaceX won't be allowed to do anything that isn't routine because it would expose NASA for the waste that it is. This regime is euthanizing the Faustian Man.