The world is overpopulated - with stupid people.
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Rofl. It would have been so easy to do what he wanted to do but he totally squanders the element of surprise with hesitation, and then tries it anyway, against a cop who is already moving his hand onto his gun after seeing him close the door.
Kinda think this had to be intentional suicide. He was driving a car, he could have just run over the cop. Instead he does this.
I think so too. But, if it wasn't, I'm glad he picked someone who was armed, and made it obvious. If he'd just attacked some random pedestrian, he could have done some serious damage.
It worked out okay in that video game he played
And yet, the Twitter sidebar (at least for me) includes some garbage about Juneteenth and about how black kids are still traumatized by the grocery store shooting in Buffalo.
Where is the conversation about what drove this nutjob to stop his car, grab a hatchet (I'm sorry, Assault Axe) and charge a cop on the side of the road?
Shame on you for knowing what the twitter sidebar lists.
Taking bets- will 80% or more of police forces in the country make the choice that ends up with EVERYONE hating and/or hunting them?
if you are going to try that why not just hit him with the car?
Maybe he just had it detailed.
As others have said, suicide by cop. That's my best guess too. Seems too half-assed for someone actually trying to cause harm, even if they're psychotic.
I can't tell for sure, is that a white guy or a future saint that charged him with a hammer? I guess we will be able to tell when/if the reporting starts coming out on it.
The fact that this happened several days ago and nobody is burning anything down over it tells me dude is definitely white.
Potentially neither. Off white? It was a hatchet, and the hatchet man's name is Edward Samaan.
Not that it matters, as I think this was mental illness/suicide primarily. It wasn't necessarily or even probably motivated by anti-police attitudes. I think the dude just wanted to die. But that's just guesswork.
If the approximately 15 police shootings per year of unarmed black persons causes people to attack traffic cops with a hatchet, then I guess the appropriate reaction to the approximately 10,000 black persons murdered by other black persons each year is what, wave after wave of screaming beheaded exploding kamikazes flooding into urban black neighborhoods?
And it's actually significantly less than that; Tucker Carlson actually did an excellent breakdown of a year's worth of shootings a while back. I think it was around 70%-80% of the "unarmed" attackers were not what I would consider unarmed.
We're talking struggling to grab a cop's weapon. We're talking trying to run cops over with a car. Most of the unarmed people were directly threatening deadly harm with a weapon.
And I'm not even a fan of cops, I'm just less of a fan of propagandistic bullshit, so I'll certainly defend them on this. Do cops make mistakes? Are there actually bad shoots? Of course. But when even the "unarmed" deaths aren't, something isn't right with the surprise.
Yep. I looked into this when the Floyd riots kicked off. I already knew BLM was full of shit, but the WaPo police shooting database came back with (IIRC) 14 shootings of unarmed black persons in 2019, and in the linked articles, at least half were ruled as justified due to witness testimony and/or cameras.
Then I looked up black on black murders. Hoo boy.
Even if those fourteen police shootings were flat-out executions of choir boys, that's not a drop in the bucket compared to what black criminals do to each other and innocent black people.
Yet I remember footage of one BLM march where they were chanting "Who do we protect? BLACK CRIMINALS!"
It was never about black lives. Like with all commies, the issue is never the issue, the issue is always the Revolution. Except in the case of the BLM organization, where the issue ended up being the grift.
I'd argue that the 'leaders' of all of these movements are in it for the grift.
There's probably some truth to that.
Well, yeah.
Suicide by cop
It doesn't help when you have cops acting like pussies or rhoidraging bullies.
So, what exactly was buddy's plan?
3.5bn of them.
You need a software update, there's almost 8 billion people, not 7. World is estimated to be under 45 mil from 8bn at this point.