Bill Maher is an establishment shill whose job is to be the reasonable center leftist when there's nothing on the line, and then suddenly spout far left crazy talk when something the democrats actually care about is under threat.
I guarantee that almost everything 'Bill Maher' says on his show is actually carefully picked words of a room full of writers, every single one of whom votes democrat in every single election. They are probably professional PR goons, and political strategists.
All this means is that that room full of democrats know that troonery is costing them votes with people who would otherwise vote blue every time.
Yep. He'll never support any policies or politicians who try to push back on this because "now, I agree that there are some legitimate transgenders; and we shouldn't discriminate against them". Like that one "conservative" trannie who thinks trannies should be able to play sports if they transitioned young enough.
Bill Maher is an establishment shill whose job is to be the reasonable center leftist when there's nothing on the line, and then suddenly spout far left crazy talk when something the democrats actually care about is under threat.
I guarantee that almost everything 'Bill Maher' says on his show is actually carefully picked words of a room full of writers, every single one of whom votes democrat in every single election. They are probably professional PR goons, and political strategists.
All this means is that that room full of democrats know that troonery is costing them votes with people who would otherwise vote blue every time.
Arguably he is not. All that you and his detractors will criticize is his modern criticisms, which do hem left, and its really easy to use those as verification of him being a completed shitlib. however, among the news hosts on cable television, he is the least of the shitlibs, and the only to criticize drug prohibition, mandates, and even dem candidates themselves.
On the scale of TV shitlibs, hes only 7/10. And he often will diverge with his audience, which reveals a schism against the predominant shitlib ideology, imo.
If the explosion in the number of trans kids was due to “society being more accepting” then we would see a large increase in 30 and 40 year oldpeople becoming trans.
In reality it is only young people.
This implies a large chance that they will ‘grow out of it’ and we shouldn’t be using the “dick saw” on kids
He has a pattern of being heavy partisan left for over a year, then saying something centrist, then going back to being heavy partisan left. People keep bringing up his centrist moments as if even he's finally seen the light, making him more relevant than he's due. He's a shill.
He has a pattern of being heavy partisan left for over a year, then saying something centrist, then going back to being heavy partisan left. People keep bringing up his centrist moments as if even he's finally seen the light, making him more relevant than he's due. He's a shill.
Its not a "pattern" of flip flopping. Its a traditional dem who also believes in speech and some liberty, more than what todays dem party allows for. He also supports some right wing ideas, but shills never mention that.
I disagree with him on a lot of things but for a Progressive to make a speech like that takes balls of steel, and unlike when someone of Fox news says similar things, Progressives will actually see that.
it just means even they are tired of all the pandering to the lgbt trannies right now because there are other issues to rally behind like Ukraine and the monkey pox, Bill maher doesn't say anything that will cause serious blow backs from the left. remember the last time he said something "based" and was viciously attacked by Twitter mobs, msm, and blogs? no? because nobody cared what he said and he managed to change the zero progressive minds
How much influence does he still have with young progressives? I'm worried that people just see him as an old boomer. Naturally he'd complain about today's kids and their crazy hairstyles, rock music, and 47 genders. In my day there were only 2 genders, and we liked it!
Normie lefists ignore LGBT and tranny shit. To them it's basically a non-issue, whereas chad dissident righters like us are the few to take serious issue with it.
They see it as not mattering since they know the gays and trannys are already on their side. And would rather spend more effort on enacting anti-gun laws and getting more free healthcare.
Bill Maher is an establishment shill whose job is to be the reasonable center leftist when there's nothing on the line, and then suddenly spout far left crazy talk when something the democrats actually care about is under threat.
I guarantee that almost everything 'Bill Maher' says on his show is actually carefully picked words of a room full of writers, every single one of whom votes democrat in every single election. They are probably professional PR goons, and political strategists.
All this means is that that room full of democrats know that troonery is costing them votes with people who would otherwise vote blue every time.
See also: Jon Stewart.
Yep. He'll never support any policies or politicians who try to push back on this because "now, I agree that there are some legitimate transgenders; and we shouldn't discriminate against them". Like that one "conservative" trannie who thinks trannies should be able to play sports if they transitioned young enough.
A phrase that should never have had to be typed.
Arguably he is not. All that you and his detractors will criticize is his modern criticisms, which do hem left, and its really easy to use those as verification of him being a completed shitlib. however, among the news hosts on cable television, he is the least of the shitlibs, and the only to criticize drug prohibition, mandates, and even dem candidates themselves.
On the scale of TV shitlibs, hes only 7/10. And he often will diverge with his audience, which reveals a schism against the predominant shitlib ideology, imo.
I want you to re-read our posts, mine and yours, and realize that absolutely nothing you said contradicts what I said.
If the explosion in the number of trans kids was due to “society being more accepting” then we would see a large increase in 30 and 40 year oldpeople becoming trans.
In reality it is only young people.
This implies a large chance that they will ‘grow out of it’ and we shouldn’t be using the “dick saw” on kids
The oldfags are conditioned to have internalized patriarchy. Children are the future. That's why we're coming for your kids.
He has a pattern of being heavy partisan left for over a year, then saying something centrist, then going back to being heavy partisan left. People keep bringing up his centrist moments as if even he's finally seen the light, making him more relevant than he's due. He's a shill.
Just like the Democratic Party. During election years, rein it in for votes. During off years, push the Overton window as far to the left as possible.
Yep, it's not a pendulum, it's a ratchet.
Its not a "pattern" of flip flopping. Its a traditional dem who also believes in speech and some liberty, more than what todays dem party allows for. He also supports some right wing ideas, but shills never mention that.
The laughter lets us know what is acceptable and what isn't. My favorite 4chan text on the topic.
I think the audiences are real. Just pliable. IDK about Maher specifically, but you used to be able to sit in on the Tonight Show easily.
I disagree with him on a lot of things but for a Progressive to make a speech like that takes balls of steel, and unlike when someone of Fox news says similar things, Progressives will actually see that.
it just means even they are tired of all the pandering to the lgbt trannies right now because there are other issues to rally behind like Ukraine and the monkey pox, Bill maher doesn't say anything that will cause serious blow backs from the left. remember the last time he said something "based" and was viciously attacked by Twitter mobs, msm, and blogs? no? because nobody cared what he said and he managed to change the zero progressive minds
How much influence does he still have with young progressives? I'm worried that people just see him as an old boomer. Naturally he'd complain about today's kids and their crazy hairstyles, rock music, and 47 genders. In my day there were only 2 genders, and we liked it!
Dems dont like him, because they think he's a bigot. and that he shouldnt talk to right wingers on his show, either.
Again, one of the few leftists I'll actually give the time of day to.
Nice try Bill. Where the fuck were you when Trump was the president and this stuff actually mattered? Oh.
I submit that Maher's pivot back to making 2018 talking points is either:
a) Bill trying to stay relevant,
b) Bill's handlers trying to divert attention from inflation, and the coming recession.
Fuck this smarmy piece of shit zionist
Normie lefists ignore LGBT and tranny shit. To them it's basically a non-issue, whereas chad dissident righters like us are the few to take serious issue with it.
They see it as not mattering since they know the gays and trannys are already on their side. And would rather spend more effort on enacting anti-gun laws and getting more free healthcare.